The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter - Ch. 28

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Gameruru I seem to remember something similar. Was it about the Salvatores being too powerful? They basically built the whole monster family infamy so that the royals wouldn't need to worry too much about them since monsters wouldn't get allies so easily. So, while the queen might actually want to get rid of the Salvatores, she wouldn't do it for the sake of one pesky marquess from a declining family, unless she's an idiot. After all, there's a high risk and thus she would need the perfect opportunity. Furthermore, the kingdom is actually relying on the Salvatore strength as well, so the queen would need to have a contingency plan for how to replace the missing strength if the Salvatore clan disappeared. Even a hundred Sperado marquesses wouldn't replace a single monster duchess.
Aug 15, 2019
The duchess looked kinda cute looking up and saying, "thank you, sweetie". I was NOT expecting that.

I wonder who her letter is for? Maybe the queen or that prince fiance.
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
Hopefully the trial doesn't end with just a "we allow the adoption", but rather also has "execute that disgusting excuse of a 'noble family' " part in it. With a public execution by burning alive, if possible.
Double-page supporter
Jan 1, 2019
If the appearance of that chain isn't the most convenient plot tool since a literal deus ex machina, I don't know what is.
Group Leader
Oct 16, 2018
@GerryCerryBery it was hinted at a few chapters back so I think it's been a part of the plot for some time now (actually it definitely has cause the novel has ended and it's just the manhwa now)
Active member
Dec 18, 2018
Honestly, for those of you wishing punishment upon the Speardo daddy, it's coming. Beware the spoilers! But according to the latest raws. . . .

I used google translate for this so these might not be entirely accurate. ^_^;

First: The Queen plans to use Speardo to gain Leslie. She honestly doesn't really care about him and plans to dump him once he is useless to her, but as long as he gets Leslie back she can convince him to hand Leslie over to her so she can directly take control of her. From what little I could tell it seems like she has a need of Leslie's darkness magic for her own schemes, possibly revenge, but I'm not 10% sure on that one.

Second: The rest of Speardo family is literally falling apart at the seams. That idiot father hasn't really noticed or seem to care (since he's so focused on his own goals), but his wife is insanely close to a nervous breakdown. She DOES NOT Leslie to come home because she's absolutely scared of her and yet her husband is doing everything he can to bring her back. Also, the sister Eli is apparently having a rough time herself since she's being mocked by the other noble ladies her age because of what happened with the Duchess and her father. Additionally, her prince fiancé is literally not paying any attention to her. So in her mind, she sees Leslie's coming home as her downfall from grace as the favorite daughter so she REALLY DOES NOT want Leslie to come back either. You can also kind of see it in their faces when the family is heading to the trials. The dad looks lost in his "supposed" coming victory while the mother and daughter are absolutely terrified and furious to be going at all.

Third: The Duchess has been busy and actually found out a really juicy piece of info. Apparently, that idiot Speardo dad didn't officially baptize Leslie so religiously speaking she doesn't exist or is a bastard because her birth was never officially acknowledged by the church. So the Speardo daddy honestly doesn't have any real legal claim to Leslie. I'm also not really sure on this last bit, but I think the Duchess found someone who knew about the fire house and sacrificed children. The poor guy seems horrified when he learns the real truth from the Duchess and promises to do whatever he can to help her case in adopting Leslie.

Anyways, I hope this helps you guys in the meantime. The raws I've found only go up to the point where everyone, including Leslie, are all heading towards where the "noble trial" is being held. So that's all I've got for right now. Also, please remember that I used google translate on this so I'm sorry if any of this doesn't match up to what the scans group translates. XD
Oct 19, 2019
Dude, you want Leslie to obey your every word yet you treat her like crap. No wonder she hates you. And now we finally learn his real first name: Travis! Can someone please hit him with his cane? Because this guy really deserves a reality check.
Jul 31, 2019
Oh, in addition to @BlueCatMage,

The duchess is talking to the king (or emperor...? meh, whatever). The king doesn't understand why is she adopting Leslie so he called her to talk about it. The king seems to be in the duchess side, and he doesn't want to open the trial because he doesn't want Salvatore's reputation to be bad. But then the duchess tells him about how the entire Sperado was abusing Leslie both mentally and physically, and the king finally agrees to open the trial. ( ´ ▽ ` )
Oct 21, 2019
Now he wants to use glowing creepy CHAINS on our sweet Leslie??? Dude. Just die already. In a fire. 🙄
The prince looks like he literally doesnt give a fuck about his fiance 😂

I just remembered, all of Eli's 'wits' & 'intelligence' are all from Leslie right? Since Leslie is the one who reads and studies hard because she has to coach her sister on what to say(I think thats how it went?) How's Eli's life going so far I wonder... I mean she should have understood by now that her party princess lifestyle heavily relies on Leslie....???
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!
Just what sort of plan is Sperado talking about on page 16? I thought the plan was either to sacrifice Leslie to empower Eli on the night conditions are optimal again (anyone know if that's days, weeks or months? Author rarely tells how much time has passed between scenes.) That, or send her to the frontline to earn honor for the family in battle after battle using her power until she dies. So when did the idea of marrying her to a poor mercenary so she's constantly starving come up? Seems odd to go through so much trouble to get her back just to make her miserable. Glad to see the Duchess and family truly care about her and getting her to open her heart to them. The queen dowager is going to be a problem just with her influence, but hopefully she'll find Sperado too troublesome to bother getting too involved. Hopefully the Duchess or someone is able to rush to the rescue when Sperado gets those chains on Leslie. Although would be a hoot to see his face and attempts to explain if Leslie manages to run back into the courtroom with the chains while Sperado is chasing and cursing her until he's seized by the guards. Personally, I don't think the spirits want revenge so much as for Leslie to live a long, happy life that they've wished for but was stolen from them by their selfish, greedy family along with their power and lives. Like when Kiba met the spirits of the other Holy Sword experiment members who were murdered in Highschool DxD.
Active member
Dec 18, 2018
@nisapiko - Thanks for that! Google translate didn't want to properly translate who that man was that the duchess was talking too. XD
Mar 10, 2018
Can´t Leslie be recognized as a sucessor and then kill her entire family? she could become the family head this way...

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