Very cute chapter, poor Kanon seeing Saki surrounded by people and realizing no one seems to have taken pictures. Kanon's view of Saki's presence in her life, even if she hasn't taken that final step of realization, is very touching to see, if embarrassing to both of them. It was also nice to find out the circumstances that led to their first meeting since we learned about her fear of walking alone at night.
As for Saki's return message, like she said there, she had a hard time sending even that. You have to remember there is absolutely no way she is going to be the one to initiate a relationship beyond what they have right now. Part of the problem is probably that she knows if she got started on a full response, she wouldn't be able to stop herself from saying everything.
Thank you once again for the good and incredibly quick translation, seriously the raw only dropped into the free period yesterday.