The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Fav page lol
Can you imagine how the queen does anything for other future that she saw when she done nothing to change Pryde's future.
Jul 16, 2019
As much as I absolutely hate the Queen (lol i saw shit going down badly with my firstborn so i guess I'll just i dunno, neglect her even more) the Prince Consort is just the absolute best. Pryde can let her mom fly into the damn sun, her dad is more than enough.
Active member
May 7, 2020
"oh no the premonition said my first daughter gonna be shit queen"

"Lets not try to fix it and just focus on my other daughter, 100 point me!"

Im sure every children who experience neglect here want to slap you once my queen
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
To everyone complaining about the Queen, you have to remember the prophecies aren't set in stone, but they ARE what will happen if no intervention is taken.

The father dies in a carriage accident? Only if the prophecy isn't known and not heeded. Weather kills people? Can be stopped if action is taken to avoid it.

The Queen had a prophecy showing if she did what she was planning on doing -being a loving mother - her daughter would turn into an unbearable tyrant. So she took action to try and prevent that. Especially since it lead to her daughter getting bad ended anyway.

It so happened that her choice lead to the same fate anyway, or possibly a worse one. Except for the fact Pryde is now a reincarnator.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 4, 2019
Ah, I think this is the case of self-fulfilling prophecy, isn’t it? The queen foresaw that Pryde would be a terrible queen, so she didn’t show her any love, which in fact drove Pryde into becoming the terrible person the queen had feared she would become. So the queen can, at least partially, be blamed for Pryde turning out the way she was before this new Pryde.

In short,
Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2020
Oh my god, I just realized the reason why she was so twisted WAS because she lost her father! She needed an outlet, and the boy who was enslaved to her was perfect. She wanted him to have no parent either. Not that it makes it excusable, but it makes it understandable.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
ah yes so you only see her value now that she's exceeded your expectations after completely neglecting her for her entire life. In other words now that she seems effing useful. Don't you see that's messed up to value someone only when they show a talent instead of raising them properly with love and discipline? And blatantly admitting you have zero attachment to her as a mother, as well as splitting her fathers time between two households.

Yes you are a failure of a mother and of a queen. Its a self fulfilling prophecy to see a terrible future and in turn neglect a child bc of that future. And it's... Embarrassing to try to treat your child like your child? Fuck off. I hope she never trusts you. You don't deserve it.

Go yeet yourself into a goddamn volcano. I'm so mad. The way the dad doesnt even chastise her for her obvious parental neglect is also messed up. If this were real life, as soon as the kid is grown up she'd most likely never trust her parents again and possibly cut contact.

I mean this is also a "good" version of the golden child vs scapegoat dynamic we see in real life. Pryde wasn't a scapegoat but she was predicted to be a terrible child from birth and then abandoned. Apparently dear Queenie and her husband don't realise the effect that would have in how a kid grows up. Gosh. Aaaaa.

I reeeeeally hate her mother.

Like... Goddamn. I normally get really angry over bad parents but the sheer level of stupidity from a supposedly good person is just mind blowing. And I know I'm being harsh and I dont care.
Active member
Mar 10, 2019
so by having isekai otome protagonist power, the mother decided to stand idly and not use it to better the future?

well what a waste
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2019
I hope mama is called out on her shit.

Dooming your daughter to her fate solely because you see the future and abandoning her early on regardless of her feelings is outright parental neglect and abuse. She better not get forgiven early for it.

I don't have a problem for her being forgiven overall, because Pryde has always wanted her mother's love and would no doubt need it and the support. I just don't want it to be quick and painless and forgotten as if nothing happened.
Aggregator gang
Jun 23, 2019
It's gonna take more than that to redeem this queen. Even when she's apparently proven wrong in her precognition, all she thinks about is how SHE feels about being a good mother after years of neglect instead of how PRYDE feels.
At least he father has his shit together, even stopping the prime minister from being petty with a child.

Thanks for the translations as always.
Active member
Apr 19, 2018
To all the people harping on the queen, you're not entirely wrong but there is a bit more to it than shown in this chapter.
IIRC from the webnovel:
The queen is an overly affectionate person to the point she has trouble controlling herself (outside of her work/queen mode). She was actually spoiling Pryde rotten up until the point she got the vision which made her decide to stop interacting with Pryde so her overly doting oyabaka personality doesn't ruin Pryde's personality. Well, that backfired splendidly but that's always the risk with a double edged sword like future sight.
Additionally, the queen even had Tiara raised by her nanny instead of doing it herself for the same reason, that is to avoid her spoiling Tiara too much.
At the end of the webnovel chapter she even said (in addition to what she said about suddenly acting like Pryde's mother in this chapter) that she is scared to meet with Pryde because she's afraid of not being able to hold back on spoiling her and ruining all the positive personality changes Pryde has shown.
Nov 30, 2019
I’m sorry if the bitch gets away with abandoning her kid I’ll probably drop this. Even the girl who reincarnated into prydes body was sad upon seeing her sister and couldn’t totally hold back the feeling of not belonging. How do you think the real pryde would of felt?

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