The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

Active member
Aug 12, 2018
I still think her mother is trash. She basically almost produced the future she dreaded by ignoring her and favoring the sister. She shouldn't be forgiven so easily for abandoning her. On top of that, she resteicted Pryde feom even forming a bond with her sister until now. The only good parent is the dad.
May 30, 2019
❤️❤️❤️ thank you so much for the update! This is a "fun to read" kind of manga .
commander's son is another capture target for sure.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 6, 2019
Gosh, the way this mangaka draws males. Beautiful. Especially Pryde's father, Albert and knight commander Rodrick are looking so damn fine.

It seems like Pryde's father is the one who's genuinely happy Pryde manifested her precognition power or how he trusts her despite what prophecy said.

Many comments here are saying the Queen is a terrible mother and queen, and I agree with those opinion. Even the reincarnated Pryde felt a little bit envious hearing praises about Tiara when they saw her for the first time, and how would the og Pryde feel?

The Queen was so afraid that if she spoiled Pryde, the girl would become too conceited. She could've just explained to Pryde how she chose a successor, and whether Pryde could be the one to inherit the throne or not. She should have shown love to Pryde moderately, not straight up neglected her, separated their living place, and apparently not meeting her for almost many years since Tiara was born.

I read a spoiler that the Queen is actually an overly affectionate person, and she herself notices this. But instead of reflecting, restraining, and fixing herself (because the Queen is an adult, a mother, and she fully knows that the way she treating her daughter are linked to their country's future fate) she suddenly drained all of her affection which she showered Pryde before, leaving the child feeling mistreated and abandoned.

I just want the author to recognize the Queen is such a bad mother to Pryde, that's all.
Mar 23, 2020
To everyone complaining about the mother... I don't think she got the same precog that the red head has. I think she only sees the end result or a partial thing.

so I'm guessing the chain of events is like this:

Original story:
Queen is pregnant with red head and gets a precog event that shows her 1st daughter ruling as an evil tyrant.
Decides to lock her 1st daughter away assuming she is evil from birth.

Red head is born and is raised apart from queen, in a separate estate and only sees one loving parent very rarely.
Red head gets precog and informs dad but doesn't tell him about the carriage and he dies because of it.
Red head becomes queen because dad is able to tell current queen that her first daughter has precog.
Horrible events occur because her mother fulfilled the prophecy without realizing it.

But if her mother had precog like the red head? That's not even precognition. That's a freaking walk-through with illustrations and spec sheets!
Her mother would have probably raised her daughter the right way if she had that. And probably beat the crap out of the Prime Minister too.

But I also don't understand why the mother didn't do the same thing to her 2nd daughter. If I had a precog event like she did, I would assume I'm a horrible parent that shouldn't raise any children.
Group Leader
Mar 5, 2019
Poor child
In the original she wasn't loved by her mother from the start
Aggregator gang
Nov 16, 2018
The queen, she is such a failure as a mother:
1 - She spoiled her daughter(s) rotten.
Even if you think your children are the loveliest beings in the world, spoiling them too much is a big nope.
2 - After seeing the "future", she decided to avoid Pryde, thinking she will become a horrible monarch.
Seriously, instead of taking actions and trying to change the future, or just to mold her daughter into a proper human being, she gave up on the 1st child and thought of choosing the 2nd.
3 - She knew her daughter will be a huge bietch, yet she just simply ignore her, let her do whatever she please.
At least she should have someone keeping an eye on the future human disaster and report the actions regularly.
Apr 24, 2020
Dang, that really isn't right. To not treat her as her daughter just because of something that hasn't happened yet or might not even happen at all. And for her to only be a mother to the other girl . Didn't she think that that sort of treatment would be the reason she turned out so horrible in the first place? Honestly she really has failed as a mother. You are supposed to love your child unconditionally from day 1. smh😕
Dex-chan lover
May 12, 2019
Gosh, the way this mangaka draws males. Beautiful. Especially Pryde's father, Albert and knight commander Rodrick are looking so damn fine.
We are truly blessed

I suddenly feel sad when rereading from the first chapter, it seems like Pryde's father is the one who's genuinely happy Pryde manifested her precognition power or how he trusts her despite what prophecy said.
Yeah, and I definitely feel glad that her dad survived in this reality, he seems kinda like the warm father figure keeping the whole family connected well.

Many comments here are saying the Queen is a terrible mother and queen, and I agree with those opinion. Even the reincarnated Pryde felt a little bit envious hearing praises about Tiara when they saw her for the first time, and how would the og Pryde feel?
I feel the same, especially regarding how she handled Pryde.
To be fair though, (I haven't read the WN) it didn't seem to clarify how the Queen felt towards Pryde and her future that much, like maybe it was a really overwhelming sense of dread so she couldn't deal with it but instead had to separate from her since it was just too scary to comprehend what a monster Pryde was (I'm just writing excuses to make the story work here, dunno if I really believe my own suggestion here).

Especially as how if the father died and the stepbrother did get adopted, even at such a young age Pryde ordered her stepbrother to kill his mother. That's insanely cruel for a little kid, imagine what a monster they might grow up to be (of course, the counterargument that with proper love, nurturing, and guidance from the Queen maybe she wouldn't become a monster... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 20, 2019
I also read the novel and some spoilers, and i have to say.. the novel made the queen somehow even more hateful... Maybe because this scene is longer in full text. XD
And yes. I don't like the Queen. She was supposed to be pictured as a smart Queen, but this action says otherwise. If her precognition is really that detailed, she supposed to at least grasp that maybe.. just MAYBE it was exactly that choice of hers that made Pride even more twisted. Especially since we know, that prime minister might be at play at it to make it worse.. 😩
Feb 28, 2020
@Lilabun totally agree, honestly it would be close to unforgivable if it was done by my mother towards me, I remember being younger and my sole nightmare was literally being hated and abandoned by my family, a dream would make me so scared and sad so I'm imagining if something like that actually happened irl, my trust in them would go down to 0

Also I wouldn't really blame the past pryde for being so "evil", the poor girl probably just wanted her mother's love hence the sole reason for her to have turned out the way she did was probably because of her mother, no love=no respect=hatred towards the one who had both love and respect ie her sister

Such a bad way of parenting smh
Jun 20, 2020
Wow just wow. That Queen just gave me the same energy of the parents of Mc in "I'm not a Villainess! Just because i can control Darkness Doesn't mean I'm a bad person" If fvcking saw the future then give that child lots of love and care and by love and care I'm not talking about spoiling her, I'm talking about how her well-being and mental health is cuz if that child doesn't know love then she will just be merciless to all of you

I also Forgot, Fvck that Prime Minister if you know what i mean...
Aggregator gang
Dec 20, 2018
100% agree. She trusts so much on her precognition that she can't see the future is a result of today's actions, not the opposite.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
Wow maybe instead of ignoring your daughter going down the wrong path you guide her like a mother / queen would, not give up on her and dote on your second child. She's a terrible parent I wonder if she even realizes the choice she made to abandon her daughter could be what possibly made her evil
All these dads are hot, I wouldnt mind the commander being a capture target in my otome game
Nov 4, 2019
the queen made me so angry this chapter. especially when she said that she was “embarrassed” to suddenly treat Pryde with love like how she’s loved Tiara her WHOLE life. I know it’s supposed to be a cute moment but i just find it sickening.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019
......i somehow feel happy with negative responses the queen get in this comment section... i read the webnovel before and i utterly hate her for ostracizing her own daughter
Double-page supporter
Apr 11, 2020
Honestly, if she saw the future why didn't she try to change it, instead of waiting to let it happen? I can't wrap my head around the queen's reasoning.
@Akatora I half agree I don't blame Pryde for turning out that way, but she was old enough to know what she was doing.
May 19, 2018
@Lazytyke thank you for the info, it surely gives much more insight and a slightly different point of view. the queen is still dumb af tho, could've just given a nanny to pryde too if that was the problem lol. an what does overly affectionate even mean lol, that makes her so bidimensional. i have big doubts about her being mature enough, outside work at least.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 27, 2018
With all the future she had seen and managed to avoid disasters, and guided the country by DOING SOMETHING and when she saw Pryde's future, she'll just ignore the child?

Where's your wisdom bitch.

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