The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

Aug 15, 2020
@sherlock0790 Agreed, she saw that Pryde had a very dark future, but didn't question "why?" Oh maybe because her "mother" isn't really her mother and favors a secret little sister; her father died; and the prime minister spreads rumors to further damage her reputation.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
She is right that she is a horrible, failure of a mother.

Instead of trying to help Pryde she pushed her aside and pinned her hopes on Tiara.

I am so peeved.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
Seeing this comments section makes me believe that there's still a hope in humanity. Now, where's the next chapter.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 14, 2019
I've only read the LN up until this point, but I can already tell its going to end up like a majority of all the other typical villainess isekai stories; with a dense MC constantly expecting her downfall and failing to realize everyone loves her. I really hope I'm wrong as I've been enjoying this one so far, but it would be so much more interesting to take this setting and twisting it by making the villainess ' expectations of her downfall actually happen. It would be really interesting to read about how despite her kindness and wisdom, she is still framed as a villain and cast out by those greedier than her.
Apr 13, 2019
@Ruritto @MeiraEve

No, Gilbert is not the queen’s brother. The queen’s brother is Vesto who is shown/mentioned in Chapter 3.

Why Gilbert is the prime minister and not Vesto idk
Mar 13, 2019
Yeah no thanks Queen, your child only became like that because you gave her a neglectful upbringing and then later the only person that was raising her, her father died. Even now you say it is "too embarrassing" to change. You don't deserve the kid, her Father will continue to take care of her, you can just move along, she doesn't need you.
May 9, 2019
I sure hope that Pryde, for awhile, will react the way Claudia does to her mother later in the story (manga not there yet) in “I Am Not A Villainess”. Basically

“I cannot forgive you for how you treated me, but we can try talking now and then and see where it goes” though Claudia suffered longer tbh
Oct 26, 2019
I'm sorry, but refusing to meet with your child/give them love IS wrong. I don't care what kind of excuses are made.

All a child knows is their parent doesn't love them & probably hates them. It's a great way to raise a bitter, resentful human.

The mom saw what little she could & decided to make her child think she's unloved. "But the form of that child's future has ALWAYS been something horrid." Okay, so your way of not raising your child is obviously not changing anything. How about trying something different?? If the little you can see still doesn't change, then try something different again...and again.

I guess the author just wanted to give us a reason for Pryde becoming a villainess. No wonder she'd end up like that with such an awesome method of childrearing.
Apr 3, 2020
o man i feel so bad for og pryde 🥺 honestly, a bad mom is a bad mom. showing favour towards one child and shunning the other is just downright heartless 😣 just because u see a particular future doesnt mean it would come to fruition... if the queen gave any ounce of love to pryde before her husband died (in the original story) i don’t think she would have turned out as og pryde 😗 thanks for the update!!
Dec 6, 2018
@epidernise THANKYOU!! all these people who feel. Ad for the queen poss me off sooooooo much. She literally uses her powers to change the future except when it comes to her child. When it’s her kid she she goes whelp it’s helpless. Fuck that cunt and anyone who feels bad for her.
Active member
Apr 22, 2020
... wtf queen. You thought that if you don't give love to your own daughter, she will not expect to become the next queen? Even though that would obviously make it even more likely for her to become just as bad as her premonition foresaw?? Geezus, at least try to be more realistic. At least if she had attempted to try and lead her in the right path, then it would have made more sense why she gave up.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
I just can't trust that Queen.
The way she behaves just trigger all alarms, she being royalty doesn't help that feeling either.
Active member
Nov 21, 2018
Ah yess, my current bratty daughter is going to be a tyrant ruler according to the future I see... I guess I'll just keep ignoring her and see if that changes anything.....

surprised pikachu face
Jan 30, 2018


i had so much expectation that the mom is terrible and the sis too, but it seems like most are wholesome
Mar 6, 2020
@Falgabird though i do agree that we don’t know exactly what she saw, she was still a terrible mother–albeit one with good intentions. that said, good intentions are just about all she has going for her. even under the assumption that giving pryde any love would have caused her to become arrogant and tyrannous, she could have kept her distance while still providing guidance for pryde and at the very least meeting up with her. just because she shouldn’t spoil pryde rotten doesn’t mean she shouldn’t make any contact at all. she might have thought giving pryde any sort of love was bad, but she could still have at least been there, even without affection. if she thought she couldn’t control her affectionate nature around pryde, it still doesn’t justify her actions; i’ll get into this more later.

additionally, you said pryde’s change made her question her own precognition which will affect her behavior going forward, but the fact of the matter is that she had so little faith in her child that it didn’t make her question her views towards pryde until she was forced to meet with her for official business. the queen mentioned that the prince consort had repeatedly told her that pryde had changed and was no longer the spoiled brat the queen had seen in her prophecy, yet the queen refused to listen. instead, she remained caught up in her prejudices against pryde until she was OBLIGATED to meet with her. that means she believed in her own child so little compared to her own precognition that even with her husband testifying that her child had changed for the better, she didn’t believe it and still refused to meet with pryde until the ball. even after the queen finally accepted that pryde had changed, she was still hesitant to meet pryde because meeting her after neglecting her for her entire life would be “embarrassing.” instead of stopping to consider how pryde must have felt after being abandoned by her own mother her entire life only to meet her younger sister, whom her mother had showered with love and affection, the queen decided to put her own uncomfy feelies before her child’s mental and emotional well being. it was played off as a joke, but it puts the queen’s blatant lack of empathy for what pryde’s been going through on full display.

going back to what i was saying about the queen’s affectionate nature, i’m seeing a lot about how she tends to go overboard with her love and thought neglecting pryde in favor of tiara would be the only solution, but her lack of self control is a problem she as pryde’s mother should deal with. pryde shouldn’t have to be abandoned and neglected by her mother all because the queen, the adult in the situation, can’t control her own behavior. her inability to keep her affection in check is something she as a mother should work to change about herself instead of deciding, “oopsies, it’s too hard to stop spoiling pryde in favor of actually providing guidance, so ig i’ll just neglect her kyah 🤪🤪.” just because it’s hard for her not to spoil pryde when she’s in pryde’s presence doesn’t mean it’s okay to neglect her instead of working to better herself.

at the end of the day, she’s the one who decided to have a child. that makes pryde, as well as all of her actions, her responsibility. she can’t just decide to neglect and abandon her child when the going gets tough. she can’t just decide to pour everything into her second daughter because the future of her first one is looking bleak. she can’t just decide that her daughter’s fate will never change. she can’t just decide that since it’s hard for her not to spoil her daughter, she won’t make any contact at all. pryde is her daughter, so she is obligated to at least try to turn her towards a better path and provide guidance instead of just giving up and abandoning her. the fact that her only attempt at “trying” was parental neglect is what makes her a terrible, terrible mother.
Active member
Jun 20, 2018
@shishtarshcared You should go read the novel. It's all explained there. If you did and still have this stance, well, you can disregard anything else I say and just agree to disagree with me on our feelings about the queen.

Honestly, you really should not judge a person without knowing the full context. Your comment will not age well when everything has been laid down.

To be fair, I was under the same impression as you before I tried giving the novel a read. I'm glad I hadn't dropped a comment before that.

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