If you read the novel the Queen did try. After Pryde was born the queen thought she was adorable and doted on her and spoiled her rotten because Queen Rosa remembered how cold her own parents were to her. This continued until the Queen had her first vision of OG

ryde's future. This vision was so traumatic for the Queen she had what sounds like a nervous breakdown, and couldn't stop crying for three days. After that she found that no matter what she did, OG

ryde's horrible future didn't change. That's when she stopped interacting with Pryde except in an official manner.
Again, if OG

ryde was a psychopath, which it seems she was in the worst way - complete with the high intelligence, manipulative personality, sense of superiority and complete lack of empathy - nothing the Queen could have done would have changed her, and what's worse, the Queen would have had the continual reinforcement of her precognitive visions to confirm how hopeless it was. The queen also knew full well that Pryde was deceiving her in all their interactions, putting on a polite facade while continuing to do terrible things behind her back. Generally how people deal with interacting with psychopaths is to let themselves be fooled into believing they're not that bad and that they can change, but the Queen couldn't even use that pleasant lie. Expecting the Queen to keep trying despite that is a bit much.
Honestly, Pryde's lucky that the queen still loved her as much as she did, because a lot of other monarchs would have had Pryde killed the moment they decided she wasn't going to inherit. A disinherited heir with genius level intelligence and extremely powerful supernatural abilities (she's the last boss, remember) and no conscience to constrain them would be a lethal threat to the rest of her family.