The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2020
yeah no sympathy for the mother,
did she never heared about self fullfilling prophecys ? she sees her daughter is behaving bad, so she avoids her and the daughter contues to behave like that
May 3, 2020
What a horrible mother.
If you knew that she will turn as an evil queen then change her! Make her feel loved! Give her advice about her what it means to become a queen!
Surely my Asian mother is better than her😪
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 25, 2019
she didn't even TRY??? to change her??? she really is a shitty mother!!! that was a self fulfilling prophecy!!!! it was because of pryde's actions that your husband is even still alive, you know????? also how do they let the prime minister just act like that, HE'S A SNAKE??? JUST OUT IN THE OPEN??? WTF???

thank you for the update!! i want to fight everyone lmao
Mar 10, 2020
If you read the novel the Queen did try. After Pryde was born the queen thought she was adorable and doted on her and spoiled her rotten because Queen Rosa remembered how cold her own parents were to her. This continued until the Queen had her first vision of OG:pryde's future. This vision was so traumatic for the Queen she had what sounds like a nervous breakdown, and couldn't stop crying for three days. After that she found that no matter what she did, OG:pryde's horrible future didn't change. That's when she stopped interacting with Pryde except in an official manner.

Again, if OG:pryde was a psychopath, which it seems she was in the worst way - complete with the high intelligence, manipulative personality, sense of superiority and complete lack of empathy - nothing the Queen could have done would have changed her, and what's worse, the Queen would have had the continual reinforcement of her precognitive visions to confirm how hopeless it was. The queen also knew full well that Pryde was deceiving her in all their interactions, putting on a polite facade while continuing to do terrible things behind her back. Generally how people deal with interacting with psychopaths is to let themselves be fooled into believing they're not that bad and that they can change, but the Queen couldn't even use that pleasant lie. Expecting the Queen to keep trying despite that is a bit much.

Honestly, Pryde's lucky that the queen still loved her as much as she did, because a lot of other monarchs would have had Pryde killed the moment they decided she wasn't going to inherit. A disinherited heir with genius level intelligence and extremely powerful supernatural abilities (she's the last boss, remember) and no conscience to constrain them would be a lethal threat to the rest of her family.
Aggregator gang
Nov 7, 2019

Betcha despite this evidence people are still gonna villify the mother because they don't like being proven wrong. Honestly the people that were foaming at the mouth about the mother concerns me because they never tried to understand her circumstances and just jump straight to their own twisted conclusions. Like hell, some considered her apparently worst than OG Pryde despite the evidence shown in FMC's flashback of the OG timeline.


Honestly it is tragic that the mother did try but in the OG timeline died knowing her OG daughter was a shit. Hell, the father died too.

So glad our FMC reincarnated before that nonsense went down and now I hope we get fluffy moments with mother.
Aug 22, 2019
i was gonna come in here and shit on the queen a bunch but i guess not. so in the novel it seems that the queen is a bit more justified in her attitude towards pryde. but the manga literally just made it seem like the queen saw prydes future and said psych. people who are only reading the manga are justifiably angry and disgusted by what seems to be favoritism towards tiara.

i think that even if we apply “fantasy high society” logic towards the story, its still wrong for the queen not to still love pryde. it shouldnt be that pryde is lucky that the queen still loves her. the queen should love her because she is her daughter. and i only say this because im casting aside OG pryde. OG pryde no longer exists for now so its only right that new pryde receives the love that she deserves.
Double-page supporter
Jan 3, 2019
@EffigyX thanks for sharing, i was a bit annoyed at the queen but after reading your comment i changed my mind.

Thanks for the translation!!
Apr 1, 2020
I think the queen did so wrong , when she saw that ,her acting that way was what made pryde the way she was to my opinion ,like let's be honest if she was there scolding her telling her what was right or wrong while being as she was with tiara wouldn't there've been at least a tiny bit of chance of her not turning that way ? Like, c'mon deliberatly avoinding her is literally "neglecting"
Dex-chan lover
Oct 1, 2019
@effigyx so pride is like the daughter from The Bad Seed then in that she is an inherent evil instead of an evil that is fostered by her environment? I wish the manga had shown that before I got so heated and wrote those comments but i’ll give the manga the benefit of the doubt that the artist just intends to rearrange the sequence of events. :p
Jun 8, 2020
@EffigyX Still is don't give her the excuse to neglected her and abandoned Pride.
There was and another way, she just only needs to stop spoiled her and given the right education.
And raise equally with Tiara beside that was a vision can be prevented and change her behavior that is.

Not used the shitty method only avoids her and has favoritism with the other child.
Active member
Sep 5, 2019
Imma admit Pryde was a psycho, but the queen added more fuel to the fire after treating her like dirt. Honestly? She failed as a mom for how she treated Pryde, and failed as a queen....if she really believed Pryde was psycho, be prompt in your decisive action yo. 🙃 If you gonna kill her, kill her. This chapter made my blood boil. 😒
Jun 20, 2020
The queen is kind of an awful mother...
Her: I don’t want her to become prideful, hateful and overconfident so I’ll ignore/alienate her and show disproportionate favouritism towards my other child. The logic tho...
Even if you’re certain that one day the elder daughter would be unseated from the throne there’s no reason to ignore / act like you hate her while doting on your other daughter who is already loved by everyone.
In the novel she apparently DID try and be affectionate/loving but became disturbed when her approach wasn't working. Since it didn’t work she just changed to ignoring her without thinking that another approach may be better. Approaching and changing psychopaths doesn’t work the same way as changing behaviour of a normal person. Their minds don’t work the same way and the mindless doting empath approach isn’t going to change their behaviour. There can be highly functional/successful people actively contributing to others who rate relatively highly on psychopathy spectrums.

As for the father he supports this emotional abuse so that’s kind of upsetting. At least he shows Pryde some degree of affection to make up for it.
Mar 20, 2020
Why doesn't the queen realize the reason why pryde was horrible as a queen in her precognition is exactly because she's abandoning her. If she actually became a mother for once and discipline and shape her like a mother should, it wouldn't turn out that way. It seems like she fails to realize that smh but oh well now we know she actually loves pryde so much. It doesn't forgive what she did but at least she has the chance to make things right as a mother
Dex-chan lover
Apr 8, 2019

Have you ever hears of a self fulfilling prophecy?
Basically its the idea that a prophecy happens because people know about it and try to avoid it, but the actions that they take are exactly what leads to it.

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