The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

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Oct 27, 2019
Started reading this manga without much expectations, ended up going through a rollercoaster of emotions hahahah! Some parts were so touching I teared up a bit. This was an unexpected treasure. I highly recommend!!! Thanks for translating and sharing!
Jun 4, 2020
I don't know why this is rated so high, it is just some self insert Mary Sue with the main lead who just decided to devote her life to some country she is not even originated from and cry for something that didn't even fucking happen. Really? Is it really that touching that the original villainess do something bad toward the capture targets? Especially that ungrateful prick who was selected to be future queen consort and first prince of the fucking country and still acting like the royalty owe him something, he even said some bullshit about other kids when clearly he have tried to escape before.
Jan 8, 2019
>Mary sue that just devote her life to some country they dont know of
Thats basically every Isekai. and her character is supposed to be the Last Boss, so its not far fetched for her to be strong.
>Crying for something that didnt happen
But she does have emotional attachment to the characters, she is obsessed with the Kimihika series, not just the game even. seeing them in real life, and imagining them dying, does affect people. maybe you are not, but some people does cry when watching drama, so its not unrealistic.
>Acting like the royalty owe him
The father is just a consort and is in love with the queen. theres nothing much to into it. the first prince, which I assume is Stayle just doesnt like the prime minister bad mouthing the MC. the MC is considered to be the queen anyway since the father didnt die, and MC didnt turned evil, so it is natural to get some respect from the subordinates.
>Bullshit about other kids
I dont even know which part is this.

The great thing about this manga is its simple, it doesnt get over-complicated, MC and the supporting characters are all likable. and the art is really really good, even better than Bakarina.
Jun 4, 2020
My problem is that the main lead feel bad for Stayle because of handcuff which was the result of him escaping but when she gave him the key, he tried to be nice and did not escape saying it was to prevent other children from taking his place. Where was this mindset when he tried to escape in the first place. He became prince of a country and moved from poverty to royalty while also give his mother a lot of money, i'm sure there would be others who would want this position, it is not like he is the only kid that age to have special power.
Another problem with the mainlead is that she is the last boss who have knowledge of the game and modern technology as well as cheat ability and resources but keep saying that other will definitely surpass herself without even trying to improve her combat ability further.
At least bakarina try to improve herself in case everything turn bad and she got exiled.
Jan 8, 2019
>Where was this mindset when he tried to escape in the first place
Getting sold to a royal family, especially to a daughter who is rumored to have a bratty personality, and strict father, is not desirable at all. of course he tried to escape, but after actually meeting the father and the daughter, and finding out they are different from the rumour, of course he started feeling conflicted. and start warming up to them. in the original story, this is where the MC betrays him and make him sign an enslavement contract.
Also the other children is a "friend" which I assume will appear later down the story. Considering he is a friend, of course Stayle doesnt want to let him to get sold if the rumours are true.

>i'm sure there would be others who would want this position
But all he want really is just his family, especially his mother. He is seven year old. the reason he doesnt want to escape is his family, and a friend. not everything is about money and power, he is all about that loyalty, which is why he is likable.

>without even trying to improve her combat ability further
She does though. in chapter 6. like Bakarina, she believes her death is inevitable. even then she doesnt believe it 100 percent. thats why she only said it as IF I turned bad please kill me
she does improve herself, but not in a comedic way like Bakarina. she is a different character anyway, looking at the prologue, she is less positive. this is also not a shounen isekai. where the first few chapters are magically finding new skills. as it focuses more on the romance and relationship side.
Feb 9, 2019
She's too emotional. She lacks dignity, I'd be embarrassed if she were a queen of my country.

What kind of weak queen would cry on the shoulder of a knight. Appalling!
Such a humiliating display from someone whom composure should be absolute.

Having the queen risk her life to rescue the life of a knight, is undoubtedly a fate much worse than death.
The whole point of a knight is to sacrifice themselves so the royalty doesn't come to any danger...

This is a country she's supposed to be guiding, not some circus show.
What would the citizens think if they knew how eager she was to put herself and the entire livelihood of the nation in danger so readily.
How would the public react if they found out her composure is so easily shaken.
They'd think her a fool! They'd lose faith in the crown! A rebellion! A mass migration! Crime! Corruption! The kingdom would fall into ruin!

This irresponsible twerps actions bring shame to their house and to their country, even to their gods.
I hope she get's punished for this unsightly behavior.

If she is to be associated with the ruling class, she must learn to carry some dignity.
May 17, 2020
regardless of the criticism,
i absolutely adored it(readit till 3am),
if you search in comments for REVIEWS,
please give it a try and form your own opinion <3
Apr 25, 2020
First of all, wtf is going on with all the walls of text below me
Second, these isekai titles lmao
Oct 3, 2020
People are edgy. She is recognized as a special person, this is a world that is fundamentally different from anything we can relate to in the present or the past. She is supposed to be a embodiment of kindness/selflessness and the complete opposite of what she was before she received her old memories. I don't understand really why people criticize the purpose of the manga and not what it does wrong.

Also LMAO at this title
Dec 14, 2018
Unexpectedly pretty good. The plot isn't anything new but the occasional dark moments are fun.
Oct 30, 2020
the title caught me off guard omg
the main character is a bit too emotional. like i get she frets about the possibility of her becoming a rotten queen, but saying that she'll save anyone in danger... isn't that a bit too much? she's a future queen so a lot of people's lives are in her hand, but she can't prevent everyone from dying. idk, that outlook is just somewhat naive.
overall, i like the story though. it's like bakarina but less fluffy (which is fine).
Feb 25, 2020
Pryde is built extremely ideal and it still bugs me how OP she is, yes she is the supposed last boss and yes she basically knows all the plot but I am still slightly, ughhh idk how to put it but ughhhhhh, character-writing wise it can hinder her further development. Tbh the most sensible obstacle for her growth would be burn-out and over-devotion and over-sacrifice because angst is always *chef kiss*
Still enjoyable nevertheless, I will stick around for more
Mar 7, 2020
I don't think MC is being overly emotional like some of the comments below - she's only 11 and defo has a lot to learn. I think her courage (which comes with reckless behaviour) is pretty justified, and hopefully we'll see her learning how to rely on others instead of carrying the burden by herself.

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