The Newly-wed Life of a Witch and a Dragon - Ch. 20

Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2019
Not cool Aiden, not cool :mad:
Poor Wendy, things are progressing way too quick for her.
Dec 19, 2020
While I do think what Aiden did was unacceptable, I feel that’s not what she is really upset about. She is more so upset that now she realizes how strong his feelings are for her, but now he knows she doesn’t really love him and that she still thinks about the prince. She seemed to scared to open up to him or anyone, and Aiden knew this.
Active member
Feb 1, 2020
I don’t think I can ever forgive Aiden. He made a choice without her consent. To put it very, very, VERY negatively and extremely, she is now a slave. To what you ask? To time. To the contract. To him. She will now live for centuries. She had resolved herself to loving him for the rest of her life, over a hundred years left in her life span, but he wanted more. He was greedy. He didn’t think about the- actually no... no... I can’t say that. He thought about it so much that he decided to go through with it all. It’s actually sickening to me. I genuinely hate Aiden. You can say he’s a huma- dragon in love, but that doesn’t give him the right to literally not just change Wendy’s life, but warp it into a nightmare. I still have hopes that maybe he’ll amend it by taking back his half heart in Wendy, AND that Wendy doesn’t give in to some sweet talk from friends. If Aiden doesn’t change something about himself or the contract contents, NOTHING should change Wendy’s rage towards him. If she does just suddenly turn around and forgive him again, I call convenient Stockholm Syndrome bullshit.
May 17, 2019
what a horrible person. i honestly wish there was some way for this story to go where wendy would dump aiden's ass and end up with someone better. aiden is a textbook abuser and i'm shocked that this story is likely going to condone that by making them end up together.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 30, 2019
I mean, we don't actually know what the affect of him giving her his heart, will do to either of them... They covered it a little bit, but it seems sort of different in a sense of a gift/oath. I'm definitely not saying he's in the right, but at the same time. Dudes. A. Fucking. Dragon. So, standards? What standards? Dragons are known to be greedy, obsessive, and violent. She took a dragon oath without really thinking about what could happen and not catching that Dragon Lord when Aiden interrupted him on something important right before the oath, sort of a bad call. That's like a guy trying to marry a sexy ass vampire or succubus and accepting them at literal face value.
Oct 12, 2020

I think she does realise they're amazing, I mean her department is supposed to be the hardest and most complicated, that's why it's unpopular, plus her personality is not particularly welcoming.
I think she just never realised how much people cared about her, because she was too hung up on her "prince" to notice that there's many more people who actually cared.

Aiden was...such a disappointment. After getting built up as so ideal, it's that much more disappointing.
I hate him, but gotta commend the writing. The "relationship" was based on a set of lies, Wendy's lies of "keeping her promise" his lies about his identity and intentions. It had to be obliterated in the most final way.
The redemption better be good though, it better be really good 😒
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2020
If i remember correctly, the dragon's heart, and yes these are spoilers
makes her and aiden's lifespan tied together, essentially she'll live as long as aiden lives and if she dies, he dies, it also increases her magical power exponentionally, thus aiden more or less extended her life by at least a thousand years but more importantly, also made her his weak point, what angers her most about it though is he did it without even consulting her, she eventually get's over it but it takes a while, oh and for what it's worth, dragons mate for life, thus if she died in like 50 years, he'd be alone for 1000+ years.
Nov 5, 2020
Wow what a lying jerk no matter what the reason and the feelings going forward Aiden is manipulative wew. This webcomic may not be for me
Active member
Jun 14, 2018
@altodoks Well, Wendy is also a lying jerk so birds of a feather flocks together. A liar + a liar. What a match!
Apr 30, 2019
He says he loves her but didn’t want to listen to her opinion over his. Everything has been his selfish plan to make her his without her informed consent.
Sep 13, 2020
they are both liars but I feel like what Aideen did was worse??? Because it's irreversible.
Mar 10, 2020
Why did you do that Aiden 😭 ngl I cried to that scene in Gold Dragon lair kdlsdjskjd he is THAT in love with her but damn dude you're sick
Dec 9, 2018
Dragons are always described as selfish and would go to any lengths to get or to keep what they desire including self mutilation or dieing. To Aiden 100 years is a fraction of his life span and he already took a nap for 20 years. I don't understand why people are surprised. To Aiden her hatred of him is small price to pay to have her alive for next 1000+ years. I am more surprised how naive she was to think that Aiden wouldn't do anything about her lifespan and she even told him to be more fierce. And she didn't even tried to get to know him more deeply other then what human self is. Like she didn't ask to see his dragon form. She wanted her IDEAL husband without reading fine print.

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