The Perks of Working in the Black Magic Industry - Vol. 3 Ch. 17 - Rivals and Networking

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Jan 24, 2018
@JackSen Faithfulness should be the norm, the standard, for translations, not replacing magic words the author created with memes about dicks becoming noodles. The political 'planet of cops' bullshit from last chapter's credit page and tasteless MLK justification in this chapter is just icing on the joke translation cake.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 25, 2019
Ironically, while I partially agree with the message in credit page, I think this way of communication is very bad for the discussion, let aside the question that is here a proper place for the discussion for now.

This way for take that is just 'appeal to authority' fallacy without adding supporting any argument to the discussion. All it did is put more force behind the 'us or them' wedge. Last chapter's page is more properly counter argument for accused 'appeal to popularity/tradition'.

And for all commentators here, please keep in mind that bad/joke/meme translations are different arguments from the political view of TLers. Do comments, but don't mix them into discredits.
Dex-chan lover
May 15, 2019
Well, anyone seeing this comment, for next chapter, just ignore the last message (if there is one) and enjoy the free translation. Again, I'm a fairly aggressive national populist, with views that some modern progressive types would deem "abhorrent," but I try to keep that out of the manga comments.

Let's keep it to Easter Eggs, TL and comic quality and commentary, references, and commentary on corporate culture and Japanese social politics. And the sex. I don't know why I mentioned that last.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2018
@fullerhorn it's impressive you somehow manage to think it's about the people bitching about the translation quality and not the people who got salty about being called out for racism or the ever-present "don't bring politics into my titty manga" crowd.

Moreover, you can't claim the people who don't want politics in their titty manga are talking about the MLK quote because they were bitching in the previous chapter as well.
They're just salty that somebody shoved in their faces the very politics this manga itself brings up but that'd been conveniently ignoring because tits. Like, this manga is one of the most political mangas on dex right now and it's been so from the chapter 1. The true power fantasy of this manga is and has always been the MC getting to break and/or escape disfunctional socioeconomic systems.

Like, it's quite literally the same thing as what the MLK quote talks about. "Do your stuff, but not where it bothers me". The privilege of white people to dictate when and where should the conversation happen, so it can happen at their covenience.

If that bothers somebody so much, then that person might as well nut up and provide their own translation work.

E: personally I'd like the memes to be more clearly delineated from the text (it's not like meaning is lost, given the original stuff is just nonsense) for better readability. But that's absolutely orthogononal to any political statements from the TL. To mix the two is disingenuous.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 23, 2018
the funniest part about the MLK quotes credits page is that it doesn't apply at all to modern times. after all the cultural 'racism' as of these days are completely different from the systemic skin color racism of MLK's time. so aside from digging up some old quotes of a pretty swell dude, the credits pages has zero relevance to all of the political/social issues of today. people who are racist against another person's skin color these days are in the minority... well unless we count white on white hate. 😆

the rest of the chapter was fine for once, so good on foolio for that part.

also personally I'm fine with a political credits page, just accept when they have a view differing from myself or others expect some retorts. free speech = discourse, and continued discourse = eventual alignment or otherwise neutral ground found. i don't even believe that hate speech is a thing, simply because them talking and not enacting radical actions means they want some form of discourse.

btw @koolio
Jan 24, 2018
Kyte They are linked inasmuch as the way Koolio announces the group's intentions of proselytizing woke liberalism while acting like it's actual leftism, while doing nothing but inserting memes into it haphazardly, which dilute any message in the original work, and politics from the group only emerge in the chapters themselves after an argument on discord, leading to a public attempt at shaming instead of actual, meaningful discourse.
The self-appointed Twitter police — they’re in every subculture of that forum — who constantly start shit, DMing people to berate them for who they follow or whose work they boost, the ones who keep an oppo file on everybody, who try and regulate other people’s friendships. The ones who keep a big file folder of screen grabs, just waiting to play judge and jury. They’re cops.
The politics of the manga aren't actually leftist, with it saying that land-ownership and capitalism itself being good if only someone sufficiently woke and good were in charge, as opposed to the actual problem being capitalism itself which allows for the various incidents in the story, and yet changing text to read "swiggity swoogity I'm coming for that booty" is more important than pointing that out. No, instead of actually talking about the politics in the manga, there's smug posturing posted as part of a credits page instead of having it in the discord chat that the screengrabs are from. In fact, previous chapters don't even get a credits page, meaning Koolio n' Pals went out of their way to add one in order to shame people, showing where priorities are placed now.
As Marx has taught us, many of the most notorious and destructive problems we experience under capitalism - the consolidation of power into fewer and fewer hands, the exploitation and immiseration of workers, the alienation of people from each other and from their labor, the commoditization of things we think should not be commoditized, the lies and distortions of bourgeois ideology, the proliferation of corruption and conflicts of interest, etcetera etcetera etcetera - these are all intrinsic to capitalism itself.

They should not, that is to say, be understood as mere incidental problems introduced into the system by individual actors, problems that we could eliminate or moderate if people would just behave themselves. Corruption in the financial sector, for example, is not something that simply comes from a few bad apples who haven't been arrested or educated out of their bad behavior; it some from things like the profit motive and our basically unlimited ability to create sinister financial instruments that work around any extant regulation. Homophobia at Chic-fil-A doesn't come from the personal failure of conscientious liberals to boycott the company out of existence; it comes (in part) from an economic system that foments bigotry as a way of dividing the working class.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 10, 2018
I don't think an MLK quote counts as a credits page, it's just an unrelated image and should be removed. The scanlation team didn't even put their name on it, which is all you really need for something to count as a credits page.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Yeah i get it, we are all wasting our time reading lewd manga while the world out there has more important shit going on.

But it is called a diversion for a reason!
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