The Politics Megathread

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Double-page supporter
Mar 14, 2019

like there's a reason you aren't saying your opinions on a more known platform.

Perhaps, because more mainstream platforms will often kick you out for espousing the "wrong" ideas?

Or that it's a small group of people thus it's easier to keep up with who's arguing with who rather than a one-sided shouting match like in most other platforms.

Or maybe because it's fun?

Hot take but "sIlEnt mAjOriTy" is one of the biggest political copes ever.

Eh, there's worse political copes.

Pretending the last election was hacked by Russians, failing to find any evidence for 4 years, then pretending the following election to be the fairest election in history despite plenty of irregularities while gaslighting everyone that there is no evidence of "widespread" voter fraud despite no investigations were made
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 13, 2021
like there's a reason you aren't saying your opinions on a more known platform.

Funfact: those mainstream social media platforms are heavily policed by the staff, which all have to follow the rules and opinions of its creator - so if you're not speaking for their side, you get silenced.
Said social media platforms also suck many asses, in my honest personal opinion - they're all about sucking each other off in circlejerks or attacking someone else wholesale for disagreeing with their collective conveyed opinions; I slap out at both sides so I wouldn't be very welcome on *any* government-trawling platform since I have no side - both can be hypocritical morons and sweep so much dark stuff under the rug as the other side, long as it means they're the ones who won; after all...
History is written by the victors.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 13, 2021
Btw, thanks @nutman451 ; so satire is basically making fun of something controversial that happened or is going on, from what I read.
Does that mean anything involving Trump and/or Biden can be satirical? 🤔
Double-page supporter
Mar 14, 2019
You're welcome :D

Does that mean anything involving Trump and/or Biden can be satirical?

As long as it's making a political or moral statement and is intended to be humorous (though the last part is subjective and may not be necessary)

If it's just a picture of Trump dancing or Biden eating ice-cream then it's just a meme or a joke.

If it's the infamous Jojo approaching Dio meme but edited to look like Trump and Biden, then it's a parody (since there's no political statement or argument)

If it's a picture of Biden looking like a puppet being played by a eldritch amalgamation representing the democratic party, then it may be considered satire Though because it's not a subversion of established work, it doesn't fit the definition of parody and thus cannot be satire (by my own definition), but I think you can get the idea.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Suess[sic] isn't Homer. Children's books change. No kid is reading pulp novels from the 30's anymore.

I don't see what your point is here. The best interpretation is that Seuss lacks the literary merit of comparative worth that Homer has, (which is a position you contradict yourself on later by saying art is subjective, so you can't have this position in order to be consistent.) because a literal interpretation would just mean Seuss isn't the same kind of writer as Homer was, which is true, but doesn't counter anything I've said. Though part of the reason we're not reading pulp novels from the 30's is because they're not as timeless or iconic as Seuss is, which implies Seuss has more literary merit through sheer endurance.

Also, just because children's books change does not justify removing old books, or in any way mean that the newer work is more worthy or better. The books still exist, and you can still show future generations them. This isn't rocket science.
What a leap saying I have to discredit the Odyssey of all things?

The parallel is that Seuss wrote more or less in poetry for his books, just as Homer did for the Odyssey. I was trying to make you apply a consistent standard to your apparent views, because the Illaid and the Odyssey both were a part of a student's education in Ancient times and were core during their formative years.

It's interesting when you cling to that part when I also brought up Lewis Carrol with books like "Alice in Wonderland," which stylistically are pretty close to Dr Seuss's work in terms of surrealism and the exploration of complex ideas mixed with satire intended for children.

When did I suggest Suess[sic] was "mandatory"?

I said that the Odysseys and the Iliad were mandatory parts of (Ancient) Greek education, meaning that every pedagogical institution or mentorship would have students read them. Nowhere in that statement did I imply that you thought Dr Seuss was mandatory. I think you've confused your syntax to try and put words in my mouth here.

The books in question aren't even popular works in comparison.
Irrelevant, as we're talking about the issue of censorship and removing books because they are offensive to modern tastes rather than representative of what they were during their time. Popularity is not a factor in that equation

Besides, being the first to do it doesn't mean Suess[sic] made the "best" allegories or the most effective teaching structure.
I never claimed Seuss was the first to do anything, or that he was the best in doing it, but I was arguing that because of incorporation of these complex ideas and themes implemented without clear-cut answers in an ambiguous way would mean that Seuss's work contains some literary merit due to its components, such as seeing if works contain certain elements which is common in works accepted to have literary merit.

Historical value is seprate[sic] from educational value and relevancy.
Whether or not Seuss is relevant or has educational value (which both are true given the ever-present dangers of climate change, bigotry, and mutually assured destruction, and his works tend to be effective in teaching children morals that stick) is not a refutation of my point in regards to censorship of material because of its depictions of things which were not controversial in their times is inherently wrong.

Consumer views change. Certainly there is a lot of emotional attachment to the books from those who grew up with them though.
Yes, and there's clearly a demand for these books given their amazon and ebay listings, when they were still up, went to hundreds of dollars. No consumers were complaining about the depictions in the books, the publishing company just did it on an arbitrary whim rather than out of a large outcry. It's the definition of astroturfing.

Then don't. The value of art is subjective.
The discussion of the value of art and censorship is separate, though I don't completely agree that the value of art is strictly subjective when you can apply certain principles like consistency, integration of themes to the story in a logical way, the seven principles of art, etc.

Even then, this discussion is at most tertiary to my point about censorship, which is the crux of my argument.

Again, I don't "have to" discredit these other famous children's authors your brought up simply to strenghen[sic] your argument and broaden the scope of the discussion into historical value.

If Seuss lacks merit because of the reasons YOU have cited, then by your own argument, you must also discredit Lewis Carrol and Homer. For instance, you were making a false comparison between Mozart (A composer who was EXTREMELY offensive. He literally wrote a song called "Leck mich im Arsch," for reference, yet we don't censor him) and Da Vinci (A polymath from the Renaissance known for his engineering and mathematical formulations along with pioneering artistic understandings of human anatomy and mathematical proportions) and Seuss, whose greatest crime was using the term "Eskimo" and drawing stereotypical depictions of other cultures in some books.

By your own logic, the Odyssey and Alice in Wonderland are both antiquated children's books who both can be discarded just as flippantly with no consideration for artistic value because "consumer's views change."

You also misunderstood my argument. I'm not disparaging childrens'[sic] literature as a whole because they're for children, I'm simply pointing out that it doesn't NEED to be Suess.[sic] He is not the end-all master of teaching colors and rhymes.

The fault of your argument is that there doesn't NEED to by ANY art, and that logical can be used to censor literally anything for any reason. Why does it NEED to be that Alice in Wonderland or Through the Looking Glass are still published? Why does it NEED to be that we still read about some bronze-age stories about Troy? Why do we NEED to know our own history?

Necessity is not a factor in terms of literary education or literary merit, because most novels are not meant to be imperative like that. It's a malformed notion because only few things are necessities in life, and art is not one of them, but society without art would not only be miserable, but lack introspection and the ability to hold truth to power or authority.

He is not the end-all master of teaching colors and rhymes.

I would say that is very reductionist considering that Seuss had interesting moral lessons and explained a lot of complex socio-political ideas in a way that young kids could understand, which is fairly pivotal, as well as your traditional teaching of rhyme schemes, vocabulary, and diction.

Also, this is not an argument that counters my point about WHY ARE YOU CENSORING HIM in the first place.

So who cares if some of his works fall out if[sic] relevancy and popularity over time? We don't need to defend it as some sacred text.
"Who cares if we commit an iconoclasm to destroy all the heretical shrines to the old gods of Greece and Rome? Who cares if some of their works fall out of relevancy and popularity over time? We don't need to defend it as some sacred text."

Might as well burn the library of Alexandria while you're at it. It's full of antiquated ideas that will regress society back to paganism

It's the same thing that happens when adults complain about children's TV shows being diffrent[sic] from when they were young in reboots.
Usually the argument is not that the TV shows are different, but that their quality is definitively worse or does not capture the spirit of what made the original better, or is explicitly designed to push an agenda or make money before telling an interesting or compelling story.

See: The Powerpuff Girls reboot, Teen Titans GO!, Thundercats ROAR, The She-Ra reboot, Ghostbusters (2016), most live action adaptations, The Sequel Trilogy, Charlie’s Angels, or one of the million other cash-grabs Hollywood and the entertainment industry has come up with today.

You really need to work on your apologetics, man. This line of arguments is legitimately one of the worst defenses we've had in this entire thread

Fair enough, I guess I'm too used to 2spirit's argument that "fire stations are socialism"
Double-page supporter
Mar 14, 2019
You really need to work on your apologetics, man. This line of arguments is legitimately one of the worst defenses we've had in this entire thread

Jesus, that's brutal.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
Legit appalling how googling "cultural marxism" or other terms used by the anti-woke crowds brings up article after article (and even Wikipedia at this point) that near-unanimously denounce and slander the people who speak out against what's currently deemed 'correct'.

go on to wikipedias page on 'cultural conservatism' not a peep on how its a conspiracy anywhere. double standerd is clear as day

This is why we need to teach children to spend more time watching GLORIOUS NIPPONESE ANIME instead of getting involved in politics. Better for mental health.

my love of anime/manga is as strong as it is today purely because politics has failed spectacularly in its attempt to invade such a space. sorry sjw twits goblin slayer and Uzaki-chan dont give a shit what you think

Don't forget the "That anyone can edit" part.

nope, political pages or pages deemed political are locked so only those approved by wikipedia I.E. 'preferred editors' can adjust it

Can someone explain to me this whole dr Seuss company deciding to stop printing some books and republicans throwing a shit fest?

in order to look better to the woke crowd the place that publishes dr seuss decided to have a book burning and cancel themselves to virtue signal bringing an end to the publication of 6 books. then amazon and ebay got in on the action so attempting to sell the books is practically illegal online

They go out of print all the time. What is Suess some kind of pinnacle of children's literature so advanced it MUST be preserved?

because if leftist have shown everyone anything once you give them an inch they'll take a mile. hucklebarry fin is banned from schools already and now maybe they will pressure the publication into stopping the sale of the book. amazon has held some digital book burnigs recently such as "when harry became sally" which from what i heard if you bought the digital book they they even removed that from your phone/computer/tablet to make sure its not read anymore. its only going to get worse until you can only read leftist approved literature

I can’t imagine the kind of people who are that desperate to be triggered they go to FUCKING CHILDREN'S BOOKS

i dont care if its a picture book I DONT LIKE BOOK BURNING. no matter how roundabout the method is

Suess-sensei really doesn't bring out the true eroticism of the Cat in the Hat

well leftist have indicated that "the Cat in the Hat" is next on the chopping block so you probably wont have to wait long

I thought private corporations could do what ever they want was a major part of anti big government republicans?

the purpose of a copyright is to encourage its spread. if you arent going to spread it i think its a good argument that it should be made public domain

And why we can’t have socialism things like public education, free healthcare, or welfare programs

i understand this is a joke but i do what to point out that
public education and welfare programs- we already have it and its shit
free healthcare- inflation due to trillions in spending isnt enough we need hyperinflation in a week. also veterans already have it and its shit

the Suess books could easily be replaced.

book. burning. is. bad. i dont care how little import you find it

Are the states a Republic? Or the "United States"?

both? heck its in the pledge "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands"

and those ancient Greek thinkers were definitely sexist

believe it or not i actually had a philosophy teacher tell me to ignore greek thinkers because they are sexist. no joke. i dropped that class

in the same way that nobody wants to deny you your right to read The Communist Manifesto, Mein Kampf, Lolita, or whatever other controversial literature you prefer

for now. as we continue to ignore the predecessor that was banned they will come for those eventually

like there's a reason you aren't saying your opinions on a more known platform

a terrible argument. the contention of a "silent majority" is that there is a vocal minority that has control. a 'more known platform' would be under that minorities control. and its not like there isnt any studies backing up the contention

But I can't help but find the reasoning for these books to be pulled out to be wrong

i disagree, i think a company should be allowed to stop publication for any reason. but when they do so it should have a time frame of 1-2 years to sell it the publication rights at most before it becomes public domain. we dont want people trying to bring an end to a book because their butt-hurt about an image somwhere in it

To be fair, the whole “russian hacking” thing isn’t a cope, its pure delusion.

Sep 24, 2020
Ah yes and Seuss is a uniquely talented and absolutely necesary for children's literature?
note that you'vre chosen to make your argument easier for yourself by conflating mine with an attack on ALL children's literature, including classics, so you can make my argument seem more unreasonable. That's just classic hyperbole and it's not the slam dunk you think it is.

"Oh hehe you must hate [famous book] too you phillistine!"

Why am I censoring him? I'm not. I'm saying it makes no significant diffrence to children whether they read Seuss or not. You can enjoy his books as an adult, and collect them, just like with old pulp novels.

Also, when is the last time the Odyssey has been used as a children's book? You're talking about for study by middle schoolers or high schoolers correct? There are hundreds of classics than could be chosen to be included in a curriculum. Are you going to be upset if they discard "Alice in Wonderland" for "The Crying of Lot 49?"

I think we disagree fundementally on definitions of censorship as well. As the book itself still exists and is in circulation, and there is no enforcement for a literal "ban" as there are for other pieces of literature.

"Who cares if we commit an iconoclasm to destroy all the heretical shrines to the old gods of Greece and Rome? Who cares if some of their works fall out of relevancy and popularity over time? We don't need to defend it as some sacred text."

TIL Seuss is actual sacred text. Someone please protect "Go Dog Go"

Your entire argument is based on a fallacious "slippery slope" assumption. "WHEN DOES THE CENSORSHIP END??? THE HUMANITY!!!"

As if any variation in children's books is unnacceptable. Pray tell, what changes WOULD be acceptable for you? From what immortal standards are you holding these books too? I'm very interested in hearing if this extends to higher level curriculum as well. Should we have the children read "Naked Lunch" because of its significance? Come on. You have emotional attachment to Seuss, especially as an American. At some level you understand the lessons themselves trancend the vessels (books) they are carried in.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
Ah yes and Seuss is a uniquely talented and absolutely necesary for children's literature?

your missing the point. if Seuss books can be cancelled because
"its not necessary for children's literature" -an opinion
then i can simply do this
"all of children's literature is not necessary" -also an opinion

and now all of children literature is verboten. because my opinion is equal to yours even if you dislike it. the only way you can argue that ending Seuss's publication is via

"they are a private publisher and can do what they want with their publication"

and i agree! however other people should also be allowed to do what they want and publish it themselves if the owner of the publication wont.

there is no enforcement for a literal "ban"

yet, the biggest concern about these events is that the left has made clear they have no qualms with canceling a book for nonsense reasons. this is just a flex of their muscle that warns of the coming usage.

Your entire argument is based on a fallacious "slippery slope" assumption

ahh i remember all the slippery slope arguments that were being made 20 years ago. sure is awkward they were right and all the things they warned of coming became a thing. even the more ridiculous arguments like 'men in womens bathrooms' one. yikes

As if any variation in children's books is unnacceptable

while i agree that whitewashing books is bad. in this case we're talking about not allowing a book to be printed at all
Sep 24, 2020
So the alternative to the "opinion" on Seuss that he isn't necesary is the "fact" that he IS neccesary? Again, by what standard? Publication can end for a variety of reasons. Many times even ones you'd consider stupid, but they aren't usually given coverage because they aren't click-bait worthy.

You guys a freaking out about ANY changes and falling in to the whole media outrage spiral. Get worked up over some books and believe it's an attack on society itself.

"ahh i remember all the slippery slope arguments that were being made 20 years ago. sure is awkward they were right and all the things they warned of coming became a thing"

I'm sure you have other opinions on big scaaary changes in society. Like Calliou ending. Or uh... general social change.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 13, 2021
I wanna take all of this seriously but goddamn the lack of grammar, punctuation and proper use of words... 💀

Why tf is it so hard to use your/you're or its/it's or their/there/they're correctly? 😭
Double-page supporter
Mar 14, 2019

Knowing how high education in the western world have been infiltrated by regressive leftists, I don't find it surprising at all. (in fact it reinforces what I said). And good on ya for dropping that class.

i disagree, i think a company should be allowed to stop publication for any reason. but when they do so it should have a time frame of 1-2 years to sell it the publication rights at most before it becomes public domain. we dont want people trying to bring an end to a book because their butt-hurt about an image somwhere in i

I still think there is a moral obligation for printing companies to print a book they've acquired the license (since they have forced the author to give the exclusive right to print those books (for monetary compensation) through the legal system) as long as they have the means and financial security to do so. But the solution you proposed would be an acceptable compromise, since in the end the book will be in circulation eventually. (add a clause if they don't print X amount of books in Y years, book automatically goes public domain).

I think we disagree fundementally on definitions of censorship as well. As the book itself still exists and is in circulation, and there is no enforcement for a literal "ban" as there are for other pieces of literature.

The reason the books are still in circulation is because people who think Dr. Seuss books (like all books) have inherent value that deserves to be read by people of all ages.

The newest form of censorship isn't done by tyranical governments and totalitarian regimes (though they do still exist). It's done by "anti-racist" advocacy groups and companies, by creating false or misleading moral insertions in order to disuade the wider public from engaging in those ideas, effectively reaching the same results of censorship.

TIL Seuss is actual sacred text. Someone please protect "Go Dog Go"

You're missing the point, the "who cares" argument will only lead to the destruction of ideas because it doesn't recognize the inherent value of books. If we allow any books to be destroyed because of the perceived ideas found in the book (regardless if it's true or false) then we are setting precedent for the destruction of any and every ideas through moral justification.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
So the alternative to the "opinion" on Seuss that he isn't necesary is the "fact" that he IS neccesary?

??? no the point of our arguments is how necessary he is doesnt matter. because how necessary he is is purely opinion. there is no 'fact' that he is or isnt necessary.

Publication can end for a variety of reasons.

when a publication is ended that means the company sees no money can be made by continuing publication so have stopped and are open to buyers. the publisher for seuss has no intention of selling their publication they want to sit on it while refusing to publish it. this is why a law that indicates a 1-2 year grace period for selling a publication should be implemented and if the publisher still just sits on the book it should become public domain so that anyone who sees profit in it can sell it.

I'm sure you have other opinions on big scaaary changes in society. Like Calliou ending

i love strawmen as much as the next guy but please focus on the debate at hand

Why tf is it so hard to use your/you're or its/it's or their/there/they're correctly?

bah! if a sentence is too hard to read just let me know and ill adjust it. regardless of which 'the/ire', 'it/s', or 'your/e' i write you know what i mean. the only time it becomes a problem is were and we're so i make sure that i have ' in there properly(or at least i try)
Sep 24, 2020
"You're missing the point, the "who cares" argument will only lead to the destruction of ideas because it doesn't recognize the inherent value of books. If we allow any books to be destroyed because of the perceived ideas found in the book (regardless if it's true or false) then we are setting precedent for the destruction of any and every ideas through moral justification."

And I'm saying that books already go out of print all the time in the industry for a variety of reasons and they aren't the center of media outrage. I also don't think Seuss's work is uniquely special and necesary, especially looking towards their intended audience of children. Hence my reference to books as vessels for ideas, as they can certainly be taught in different ways, books being a more passive representation.

The books themselves don't upset me personally, and I don't have any attachment to the, but I can understand why people have strong reactions to the book on both sides. If popular pressue ensures the book is brought back into print, then I also have no qualms against it. Let the market work. (and yes, advicacy groups are also part of the market, consumer organization is the manifestation of demand)
Sep 24, 2020
I can certainly agree with you argument about public domain. The current system is ridiculous. Of course we're all here on this site so I think that's pretty much a given.
Sep 24, 2020
"TIL Seuss is actual sacred text. Someone please protect "Go Dog Go

You're missing the point, the "who cares" argument will only lead to the destruction of ideas because it doesn't recognize the inherent value of books. If we allow any books to be destroyed because of the perceived ideas found in the book (regardless if it's true or false) then we are setting precedent for the destruction of any and every ideas through moral justification."

I know the sacred text thing was a bit hyperbole but I couldn't resist continuing it after the other guy stepped right into it to continue the ancient history theme he started with by mentioning the Odyssey. He even compared it to the burning of Alexandria. I couldn't have crafted a more comedically consistent reply myself.
Double-page supporter
Mar 14, 2019

You guys a freaking out about ANY changes and falling in to the whole media outrage spiral.

Problem is, "we" aren't the only ones. There have been at least one Dr Seuss book burning event. If the inherent values within these books are not protected, what's stopping them from finding all Dr. Seuss books and throwing them in to the pyre.

Of course it's more likely that people will simply get bored and jump on the next outrage wagon, but then that only means this cycle will continue, and with every book they successfully discredit, it will continuously add to their credibility. Soon they will be the moral authority on which ideas are allowed and which are verboten.

Soon every idea that these groups dislike will be gone, and the ones that remain aren't always good for you. What moral standing do you have for rejecting their ideas when it doesn't benefit you? After all, you allowed them to be the arbiters of morality. You let them choose which books has correct ideas and which books have false ideas.

It may sound ridiculous to you now, but if no one resists, it'll be a reality in a few decades or so.

Get worked up over some books and believe it's an attack on society itself.

But it is. Remember that Dr Seuss books are written specifically for children, to help them grow up in to decent human beings. If that's being attacked, then that means the values found inside these books are actually bad, which means that the adults who believed in these values were being misled. Should we not re-examine if these claims are true? should we not appeal to the positive values that may be found in these books? Should we believe any negative claims towards a book and simply remove it rather than teach our children which values is right and wrong?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
1: please use the quote button(is looks like " in the buttons above your reply as you type it)
2: please dont make additional posts replying to somone above you in the thread just edit the comment you already made and add to it

now back to the debate
I can certainly agree with you argument about public domain. The current system is ridiculous. Of course we're all here on this site so I think that's pretty much a given.

if you agree with the legislation suggested in response to this event then what are you arguing against?
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