Can't tell if your being serious or not, your political posts make it clear that your pretty heavily biased into a viewpoint that is far left of center, so MSM is fine for you (they literally tell you what you want to hear), if however your being serious, you have to search around when it comes to news aggragators, for example jumping from cnn to fox news for the same story is needed to get a clearer picture, both are biased but in the long run, unbiased news is hard to find, if your talking things like video news segments, a good one is tim pool on youtube, until a few months ago he would have voted democrat but that was before they lost all semblance of sanity, either way he doesn't cherry pick info, though he does push into politics a bit more than others, more importantly he's willing to have antifa and the like for a discussion on his livestream channel (he had a antifa member by the name of vaush on a couple of nights ago), , now to be clear, he's definitely more on the republican's side now, however this is more or less the riots fault as he's not in support of them, otherwise he's probably the most miquetoast fencesitting guy in alt media, which is why he's so popular, the fact that he even took a stance shows how insane the progressives have gotten lately as he's pretty left of center economically.
Now i tell it like i see it and i fully expect you to call him a person on the right etc(your disdain for the right seems to border on fanatical to the point you even hate centrists), but you asked for one who will actually tell you the truth.
Personally i'm not a big fan of tim pool myself, but he's as close to a centrist as you can get in these insane times of 2020, hence why i watch him still, i don't want to be biased on either side of the isle when it comes to news.
There are others i watch that are a bit right of center but i have no intention of telling anyone on the left about them, since they've been flagged before just because they don't go along with the narrative and i'm gonna be honest, i don't trust you with how your political stance is to not dox them, nothing personal about the things i've said about you, but i know how the communist left of 2020 operates, seen it happen way too many times.
Oh and i won't reply to you again, not really my intention to talk politics on here in general, but i had to put my 2 cents in about yahoo especially.