The Politics Megathread

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Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
(God damn last minute edits making the whole chain weird....)
How about something not debunked....

It's not a matter of "overwhelming evidence" or not, there's a fine line between something fishy and utter horse shit.
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
BLM riots: ravaged poor inner city areas via arson, destroyed national, albeit minor, landmarks indiscriminately so long as they looked "racist," looting which caused jobs to flee the areas hit hardest thus limiting employment opportunities for the poor, and a constitutional violation (succession, Seattle/Washington should be sued for not shutting it down) which turned into the Communism speedrun world record.

MAGA protests: woman was killed by cops but got no sympathy because she had the wrong ideology and skin color, managed to storm the Capital and cause the DC police to panic, destroyed property of politicians and made off with what will most likely be classified information. Oh and making the federal government restrict freedom of assembly in the nation's capital, something I would kill to see end up in court.

I look forward to the expansion of the PATRIOT Act and other nonsense on Biden's 1st day! /s

The fact that the anti-cop crowd isn't throwing a fit over that woman's death is not surprising. Rights for me, but not for thee!
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
Landmarks glorifying confederates, that oh just so happens to concentrate heavily in the south. And also fuck Columbus too I guess. The looting occurred in my state at the very least were not connected in any way to the BLM movement.

And maybe, just maybe, BLM didn't storm a very bloody important government building full of political leaders and armed guards in costumes with confederate flags which is why they didnt get the same flak?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Remember that US of A citizens are mostly indoctrinated to participate in their own "us vs. them" bias.
Ideally, the major opposing sides would be 'anti-corruption vs. corruption', 'for the people vs. for the people in power', 'anti-establishment vs. establishment' (and not anti-establishment simply for the sake of tearing shit down), but instead, the information fed to the general public is permeated with politically charged assessments and distractions from the underlying power-grabbing and indulgent causes that those with unrivaled influence stop at nothing to further, all while they sit back and laugh at we beneath them, only enhancing their overwhelming sense of superiority and entitlement. It's not bababoey in the least.
Double-page supporter
Jun 3, 2020
Hey is it just me or am I expecting someone to try and bring in a new type of government to America in the fallout of violence over politics and degrading living conditions due to people in power (looking at corporations). Starting look a lot like ww2 Russia. Although maybe American “republic” has a couple more decades until we get a new world war to put some real pressure on America.
Group Leader
Apr 9, 2018
lmao this shit is tame as fuck. They have to make it way more violent than BLM riots to get a response and make a change. But I doubt Trumper cowards will do anything even after all this.
All talk, no action.
All cope, no hope.
Aug 18, 2020
I really hope nobody here is glorifying these people.
@EOTFOFYL I do. Hats off to them for giving even a little bit of butthurt to certain people. I hope the show continue.

@Kanami-chan maybe it's not over yet? The american nigger-show lasted a few months. It's in american style to make a big long-lasting parties. Maybe Trump-cucks would be able to pull out something similar. Who knows. If they don't then they are less americans than niggers who rampaged on the streets on summer.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
coincidentally , i made this video about trump a year ago, lol :

now i wonder where is the brat r@peman ? this event will be good materials for him . is he still making stupid memes about the many politics in many countries in north america , latin america , south america , europe , asia , australia , arctic , antarctic , ....
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
the U.S. Congress confirmed President-elect Joe Biden’s win — the last procedural step before his inauguration Jan. 20.

Some Republican lawmakers tried to block certification of Biden’s victory in states such as Arizona and Pennsylvania, but the Senate and House swept those objections aside.

President Trump said early Thursday that there “will be an orderly transition on January 20th” after Congress finished certifying President-elect Joe Biden’s victory... The pledge, in a statement tweeted by Trump’s social media director, came alongside a continued spurious claim by Trump that he was the real winner of the election.

I was expecting this to take at least a couple of days. My thanks to the protestors for speeding up the process, I guess? 🙂
Jan 19, 2018
It's kind of funny to see "abolish the police" crowd celebrate the police shooting an unarmed female protestor.
Jan 18, 2018
Regardless of the mess, stuff like this really proves @wowfucktron last point. If you feel the police uses excessive force, you can't help but look like a joke when you celebrate said police killing a woman.
"B-but she was unarmed" "B-but she had the right ot protest"
"B-but she supported Trump" "B-but she was being a criminal"
EDIT: "B-but wowfucktron other points go against my political views"
Regardless of whatever other opinion you have, if your position is "Abolish the police", then follow through, don't just go jumping rails when it's convenient.
Aggregator gang
May 30, 2018
That's something I think everyone should be able to agree with, whatever opinion you have if you go against your political position just to dunk on the people who oppose you, YOU are a fool and are just as deserving of mockery and scorn of the most radical and braindead of any extremist group and the limpdick politicians that do nothing but fan the flames and screech once they get burned.

Honestly I believe that no matter who is put in charge of anything so long as we Americans keep up the us vs them mentality and stop holding politicians to strict guidelines and policies that aren't allowed to weasel their way out of nothing will ever get better Democrats will blame Republicans, Republicans will blame Democrats , both sides will demonize the other and encourage violence but will only push back when the violence reaches them, because it was fine when normal people had to die for their political beliefs but not them.

Expect things to get worse from here especially if anyone's response to this boils down to "SEE THEIR JUST AS BAD" because everyone talks big game about being better than their opponents but I haven't seen it at all. This isn't even a both sides bad it's politicians KNOW all of their supporters are easily manipulated idiots and they keep pushing them to demonize and dehumanize their enemies so that they can be in charge it's insane how anyone can feel sorry for these politicians, if they want power they have to defend it.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 28, 2018
Say what you want about banana republics, but at least we know how to make a coup, lmao that was embarrassing. Well, it wasn't their fault, Trump literally sent them home after calling them himself. What did he expect to happen? "You have to go home pleaaase, you're going to make our masters awngwyy. I'm literally shaking rn. Pwease go home. LAW & OWDEW uwu."
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Everyone is too focused on tribal politics and their own agendas to look at the bigger picture.

Half the population of the US believes that the results of the election are dubious at best. Most courts only threw out their cases because of procedural issues and not due to the merits of the case or because of bias on the part of the judges. Without that air of an impartial system that would be at least willing to hear the other side, those voices will feel disenfranchised. Without the senate who is meant to represent the people, those voices will be disenfranchised. Without some peaceful means of redress, those voices will feel disenfranchised. And this will only compound over time, as the longer people go unaddressed, the less likely they are to comply with the government, who is meant to be beholden to the people.

Trump, regardless of what you think of the man, was a pressure valve. He made sure to placate the needs of the people and relieve the working class's grievances with society, such as the globalization of labor, exporting of jobs, the corruption within our political system, the fracturing of society along ideological lines, censorship and growing power of big tech, etc. and, whether or not you believe these gestures were ultimately empty or if you disagree with them, ultimately pleased his base and made it grow. Now that he is gone, that pressure valve is gone, and things are only going to escalate.

Trump's base isn't going anywhere. Just because he's out of office doesn't mean that his ideas won't continue to live on, especially as he has exposed the media for the charlatans they are. It's likely that what he has done will continue to resonate with people as the establishment continues to fail to concern itself with what the people want, as they remain out of touch with the working class. The old Bush-Era Neoconservative ideology is dying, nearly universally hated by all, especially by Gen Z. Biden and his associates are undoubtedly corrupt, and don't care about the concerns of the average American apart from empty platitudes, which will only further facilitate polarization. Now that any mediating force is gone, big tech as license to run rampant due to no one keeping it in check, and the economy has begun to collapse, we will see more and more people fed-up the system, seeing it as broken, corrupt, and unaccountable.

What's going to happen in these next few years will likely make the US seem like the Weimar Republic, or Caesar's Rome. I pray I am wrong, but what ended the Roman Republic was the plebeians being disenfranchised as they were forced to sell their land to rich patricians. If Trump is like the brother Gracchi trying to redistribute power to the people, then what will inevitably come is a series of events by which we will descend into chaos, before a new person can fill the power vacuum, who will undoubtedly be less noble than our founding fathers before us.

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