We're in agreement on the stockmarket, it's just a playground for investors, and bankers that was propped up artificially toward the end of Obama's reign by the Fed buying stock with printed devalued money and quantitative easing. The difference for the Trump economy is the fact there are real verifiable increases in nationwide GDP in spite of the COVID-19 induced slump. The biggest reason for the high unemployment is the fact businesses shut down (voluntarily or involuntarily) to flatten the curve, workers were laid off and encouraged to apply for temporary emergency benefits, but Skelosi's original stimulus bill resulted in massive, unsustainable payouts all in the name of killing any incentive for individuals to return to work when businesses reopened. While businesses that couldn't reopen or adapt died out.
Personally I believe the socialists wanted to use the crisis to convince the citizens that the government has a magic cash tree to sustain everybody so there's no need to have a job at all. (Thanks Suckerberg) And it was easy to figure out how the environuts were spinning the fact that everything was so much cleaner and more wonderful with out humans going about their lives outside their isolation chambers! (All I can say is if they want to volunteer to get sealed into Matrix style stasis pods so the essential members of the human species can harvest their energy and unneeded body parts to prop up the green new deal utopia, they can do so!)
As for your quiz question:
Guy A, Would be counted as unemployed until his benefits ran out then he's no longer counted.
Woman A, Would not be counted as unemployed because she didn't apply for or didn't earn enough to qualify for benefits.
The 22 year old barely has a job from the start, so the system wouldn't count it either.
That's another one of the issues with the O's economy. All the people dropping off the lists, or giving up on even hunting for a job, but the unemployment numbers counted them as no longer unemployed!