The Politics Megathread

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Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019

I hate having to seriously consider the inevitable fall of Babylon, will occur in my lifetime. But that is just how things will end according to the book of Revelation. Politics suck! BOOOO!!!!!! 😱

Fed-Kun's army
Mar 12, 2018
Except the only thing Mango cared about was the stock market, (not getting into the economy as a whole, which was still riding the momentum from Obamas record recovery after the junk securities/bad mortgages/loans/bank crisis that he inherited from Bush), and actual economists dont give a shit about the NASDAQ/Dow Jones.... know why? Because those two indexes are designed to go up no matter what. They take 30 companies. out of more then 3000 listed stocks. Stock isnt performing well enough? It gets removed from the index and replaced with something else.
the "RECORD UNEMPLOYMENT RATE!!!" claims? Yeah. Heres a quiz for you. Out of the following 3 examples, who counts as Unemployed by the gov standards

Guy A lost job as... lets say Guy who cuts the meat off Kebabs for schwarma 6 months ago. He moved back in with his parents and had been looking for another job over the entire time. He watched his neighbors kid for a night for 20 dollars (his unemployment benifits expired after 3 months.)

Woman B. Former interior designer. Decided to focus on getting fluid in mandarin. not actively looked for a job for 6 months.

22y/o just graduated. in an semi-unpaid internship for Company X. (Company provides a dorm.)

The answer is none of them do. Person A, since he earned more then 10 dollars in the last week, he counts as employed. Person B, since shes not been activly looking for work in the last two weeks, she doesnt count towards the unemployment numbers. And Person C, sinces hes getting a benifit in exchange for something, he counts as employed
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019

We're in agreement on the stockmarket, it's just a playground for investors, and bankers that was propped up artificially toward the end of Obama's reign by the Fed buying stock with printed devalued money and quantitative easing. The difference for the Trump economy is the fact there are real verifiable increases in nationwide GDP in spite of the COVID-19 induced slump. The biggest reason for the high unemployment is the fact businesses shut down (voluntarily or involuntarily) to flatten the curve, workers were laid off and encouraged to apply for temporary emergency benefits, but Skelosi's original stimulus bill resulted in massive, unsustainable payouts all in the name of killing any incentive for individuals to return to work when businesses reopened. While businesses that couldn't reopen or adapt died out.
Personally I believe the socialists wanted to use the crisis to convince the citizens that the government has a magic cash tree to sustain everybody so there's no need to have a job at all. (Thanks Suckerberg) And it was easy to figure out how the environuts were spinning the fact that everything was so much cleaner and more wonderful with out humans going about their lives outside their isolation chambers! (All I can say is if they want to volunteer to get sealed into Matrix style stasis pods so the essential members of the human species can harvest their energy and unneeded body parts to prop up the green new deal utopia, they can do so!)

As for your quiz question:
Guy A, Would be counted as unemployed until his benefits ran out then he's no longer counted.
Woman A, Would not be counted as unemployed because she didn't apply for or didn't earn enough to qualify for benefits.
The 22 year old barely has a job from the start, so the system wouldn't count it either.

That's another one of the issues with the O's economy. All the people dropping off the lists, or giving up on even hunting for a job, but the unemployment numbers counted them as no longer unemployed!


Fed-Kun's army
Mar 12, 2018
You missed the point of the quiz. the gov counts you as EMPLOYED, if you earned more then 10 dollars in the last week. Even if it was the only money you earned in more then 3 months. People that stop actively looking for work are also removed from the unemployment numbers (which causes them to go down)

And GDP goes up whenever money is spent. period.
Hurricane and fire devastates an area, that regions GDP goes up because money gets spent to rebuild.

And his "IM GOING TO BRING BACK ALL THESE FACTORY JOBS FROM CHINA!!!" Yeah not happening. Those jobs are gone. Automation replaced the ones that were still here, and why would a company have to pay 10x more to import things. And since the republicans keep cutting funding for education and training, why would a company struggle to find skilled workers for a US factory when China has a 1:500 ratio for skilled workers then us. (Might be saying that wrong. But theyve got 500 for every one of our qualified people) Who also have been trained to accept a fraction of the wages an american would demand.

Talk of returning to "THE GOLDEN AGE OF MANUFACTURING!!!" (aka the 50s-70s) are also impossible. Because the only reason we dominated manufacturing and made almost everything? Because the first things that get destroyed in wars is an enemies manufacturing capability. Once nations cleared out the rubble and rebuilt their factories, they didnt need the US to build their things anymore.
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
republicans keep cutting funding for education and training

The problems not funding for education. It's what the broken public school system prioritizes over actually teaching the kids in their charge. Just how much money it take to teach elementary school kids how to put condoms on cucumbers, cryptoscientific sexualbiology, to study social justice theory, and revisionist history, while completely ignoring the fundamentals!

That's why parents should have a choice of where a portion of their school funding tax dollars go with a voucher system to use to put their children in the same schools the elite send their own kids.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 12, 2018
@comeonnow0 Yeah that level of idiocy was the last thing I could take before having to block him for being such a crazy person.... he should prob go back to reading QAnon and breitbart
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
That's because I pulled the term out of my own posterior, but I think the title fits.😅
Feb 22, 2020
Everyone in Japan is conservative, Shinzo Abe literally denies well documented war crimes
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