@kohelemon Damn, that sucks. It was incredibly hard to get into for me as well but it's so rewarding after you get used to it (took me around 70 chapters) The author assumes you have atleast decent info about the three kingdoms period
I tried, to me though, and it may be a bad thing but when reading I expect some instant gratification (Something really gripping more so). There were some good facets in this series, but the ones I like were buried under mounds of others I cared little for. And while I am lightly fascinated in the period, the period itself wasn't the problem.
The true shame for me is, is that the art is really beautiful. Art is 1/3rd of what sells me on a manga. Believe it or not, I've dipped out on mangas and avoided others because their artstyle was not to my taste. this series was right up my alley in art, kinda interesting. But, for as interesting as it was... I guess it's just too darn large, and while that can be a good thing, it's size in majority is thanks to facets I find absolutely uninteresting.
IDK, though, give me like 3 years and in a bored stupor I'll zoom through it and call it a masterpiece; there's a reason why I put this in the dropped section of my library: So i can find it again when I'm ready.