The Reincarnated "Sword Saint" Wants to Take It Easy - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - In Order To Get Stronger

Oct 6, 2018
okey, the girl is stupid, i think she is the only reason i dont like this manga
Feb 16, 2019
I'm a bit pissed when characters like her saying "I don't need a bodyguard". It is just his job, why are you even saying it to him. Also it is not like she even has a choice in this situation.
Active member
Feb 1, 2020
There’s a lot to dissect from her, mostly that she’s thirsting for revenge without a solid goal for what comes afterwards, AND that she’s still way to naive to be even talking about revenge if she is spouting nonsense like “I don’t need a bodyguard.”
Dex-chan lover
Aug 12, 2018
Yeh, it sounds more like a bunch of street hoodlumds, who use makeshift swords than some legendary hitman organisation.
Wonder what the original japanese name is, tho?
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2020
let's hope he doesn't say "but...." and spouts some idealistic bullshit in the next chapter. The only "but..." I can accept is "but you need to get stronger" and non of that "but revenge shouldn't be your goal" or "revenge isn't the solution" blabla
Apr 25, 2020
welp, she is stupid..
" i dont need a bodyguard", why, are you stronger than your father,
can you beat the assassin?
Group Leader
Aug 15, 2020
Well that’s a freaked up backstory

Literally bathed in her fathers blood as he tried to protect her.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
I mean, I’m just speaking for myself here, but personally I never saw the point of revenge. Its not like getting revenge will actually change anything (bring whomever back to life or change whatever event). The idea is essentially just trying to make someone else’s life worse to make yourself feel better. An argument could be made that the person you’re getting revenge on is harming other people like that are you (which is very situational), but that’s about it. Plus in stories like this the end goal is death of whatever you want revenge on, which by definition death isn’t much of a punishment (unless there’s an afterlife which you know for sure exists (in the setting)) considering all pain and consciousness ends (as opposed to imprisonment or torture). Not to mention in stories like this the whole”revenge” thing tends to consume whatever character and takes over their lives. It works out here where her gaol was already to be a swordsman, but what if she needed to spend time in another field to get revenge? She’d have wasted her talents and betrayed her younger self. Plus it would be insulting to her father (who died for her future) and complimenting to his killer (the fact that the person you want revenge on consumes you to a point that they become your only goal; that’s just flattering). And then there’s the problem of what next? This is a problem in the real and fictional world. You’ve just spent your entire life consumed by the thought of revenge on one person (and depending on how far it went to the point you forgot to live your life (blocked out other emotions, denied yourself of other relationships, missed joyful events in your and others lives), and what came of it? You killed a person or maybe got someone in jail... and that’s about it (again depending on how much the person/character lets it consume them). The likelihood of it even making you feel better is quite low. Again it doesn’t change the past or particularly fix anything. Whatever void was there is still there. Worse, in many cases characters put the grieving process on hold to focus on their irrational (well, rational for humans; illogical?) revenge, so now they have x number of years (or however long) of sorrow and grief hit them all of a sudden. I would say it’s even worse if the revenge was over a situation or event, because then you have no one else to blame but yourself (we need people to blame to make ourselves feel better... humans, right?). Ideally, people would give up on revenge and just move on. It’s the most respectful decision they could make to everyone involved. I mean, if you don’t like someone, how about NOT making them your lifelong goal? Ultimately it’s an individual choice, but it’s objectively a pointless and self harming one.

@Akera93 I hope he does say that. I would argue that as a teacher and more experienced human being he has a responsibility to get off this literal path of self destruction. I don’t know why you’re calling it idealistic bullshit, when it’s literal fact. Revenge is the least productive thing and the furtherest from a solution. Its virtually a free way to ignore the actual problem and move on from a bad situation. 1) everyone dies. Just because in this particular situation someone killed the person you care about, doesn’t change the fact that they would have died regardless. That’s something she as a person has to deal with and move past, not shove the pain onto someone else. Alternatively let’s say her father had died of an illness at the same age. Was she going to seek revenge against all diseases? 2) In this situation her father likely wouldn’t have died had she not appeared at that moment. I’m not saying it’s her fault for his death, but it did play a role in the outcome, and when she actually has gotten revenge she will HAVE to confront that, and the longer she puts that off for the sake of revenge the worse the explosion will be when the bomb finally goes off. She making herself feel worse and leading herself down a path of self destruction. 3) An actual productive solution would be for her to work through her pain and learn to move past her father’s death, and that would actually be respectful to her father (who didn’t die to see her life consumed by revenge, and that become her only/main goal), and wouldn’t be flattering her father’s killer by making him her lifelong goal.

Personally, I hate the “GRR, I NEED REVENGE” story line BS. Her character was fine without that cliché and boring trope. It isn’t even necessary in this story. She has enough motivation and reason to get stronger. In fact ever since the revenge was brought up she lost whatever character growth she had up until now (learning to be more humble, realizing she still needs to get stronger, learning that there are much more powerful people in front of her). Now she’s another idiot that can’t see past their own revenge and think they’re strong enough to beat someone capable of killing someone MUCH MUCH MUCH stronger than their current selves. Hell, she just denied having her 100000x stronger than her teacher bodyguard after (after hearing a fellow talented swordsman in her generation was killed) and wanted to fight head on with the group of people sending powerful assassins after her. I find it hard to believe her Dad died for her to get herself killed 10 years later because “VENGEANCE!!!”. I hate this revenge BS in stories like this because it makes characters less dynamic, fabricates conflict, is quite frankly cheap, logically makes no sense, is literally not a solution, makes characters brain dead, and creates most of the problems in a plot that could have been otherwise avoided.

@Nep He’s a temporary teacher hired as a front to be a bodyguard, does he have that much authority?
Active member
Oct 16, 2018
Pshh. Stupid sword gang.


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