The Ride-On King - Vol. 6 Ch. 28 - The President and the Legendary Island

Dex-chan lover
Sep 27, 2020
I feel bad for the dragon turtle. He almost died even though he wasn’t going to do any bad.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
explaination for page 2 : the magician girl used the dinosaur 's horn to cast a mind-breaking / mind-controlling spell on the 3 dogs .

page 3 :
- magic girl : previously , i broke the aqua beast 's horn in half , i keep the base and give them "just the tip" .
- let me put "it" inside , just the tip , i promise .
Aggregator gang
Jun 18, 2018
Wait, what.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Aw shit, it's the Chaos Spawn again. They should probably quickly leave before it getstheasdfgagshhsnskzhsgvwbwokau*BLAM*


Active member
May 25, 2018
I don't think that what the dragon tortoise said on page 14 in the bottom right panel is mere arrogance. It's basically a green light to tell him that he's a shithead and blowing a hole in his skull. I wouldn't sacrifice potentially hundreds of lives just to attack second.
Oct 11, 2020
Honestly this MC is one of the most fair that I have ever seen, in several situations he had more than enough reason to kill his enemies, yet he have forgiven them, the tortoise in this case literally asked the president to sacrifice his comrades for a mere convenience, then there is some kind of flashback of the president with a woman face, which is likely somebody important to him and probably relevant for the plot as you can see how he change his normally calm attitude to a more aggressive instance. Either way, imagine yourself in this situation with somebody asking you to kill a person you like, this is an absurd, even if that is a joke you would be offended by that, this tortoise had it coming, the president only did the expected, you should put yourself in somebody shoes before being so judgemental.
Apr 20, 2018
@OnlyTruth The woman's face was his wife's, who assumedly died during some war, so you can definitely tell he was all made over Grandpa making light of people's lives
Aug 20, 2020
It actually says he is bluffing, as he has no idea where the MC comes from, or which is his country. Either that or the tortoise is senile. I'm not complaining that MC attacked first. A fine decision to be sure (if the tortoise was serious, which is not MC's reason). My point is that the tortoise didn't attack out of arrogance like that comment said, but because MC did something that looked like an attack first. The tortoise was arrogant for other reasons, but not that attack.

MC acts like he is morally superior while doing something with no moral standing, and while preaching about the arrogance of testing others. I'm not judging him for what he does to the tortoise, which is human and understandable, but for thinking he is morally superior to that tortoise, which he is not and is just arrogance. Exactly what he is complaining about. I'm just not interested in characters that do those things.
Oct 11, 2020
I suspect that can be the case but she could also be an important comrade of war in his past, unless what you said is a spoiler.

In no moment the president call himself morally superior nor does he ever say that he is always right, you're the person that is assuming that from his person because you want to think that, he is not arrogant at all, he is very humble for the power that he have, which he could actually use to subjugate everybody in that world, yet he use his power to help beings from different species without discrimination and make them live in harmony with each other using nothing but persuation of his good character. You're too much nitpick trying to find flaws in the MC because you expect him to be perfect, this is one of the most honest MC I ever seen in an isekai.
Apr 20, 2018
It's not spoiler, a few chapters back he asked the beast king for a perfect memory, so that he could never forget his wife's face. (Which also ended up giving him a memory based power up)
Aug 20, 2020
Nitpicking? If anything it was too many things at the same time.

I never said he calls himself superior, but that he act and thinks that.
- Morally: It's clear that MC is talking about ethics: he speaks about rights, about arrogance, about playing with lives being bad, about looking down on others, the hubris and not knowing his place.
- Superior: It's clear that the MC thinks to be better as the it isn't a discussion between peers. It's totally asymmetric: the MC said how it is, and the dragon has to admit defeat. People do this when they handle a mischievous kid, not when they talk to a coworker or a peer.

And about him being an hypocrite:
- he ask the dragon to not look down on others, while he looks down on the dragon.
- He ask the dragon to value people's life, while smashing his skull.
- He asks him to stop testing people while saying "I wonder if a dragon can still live with a hole in their head".
- He says "I don't need anyone to submit to me" When another character notes "L-Looks like he got it to obey him".
- MC asks the tortoise to be a friend while threatening his life. Such a true friend. If the positions were reversed, the MC wouldn't have accepted that behavior.
He is totally an hypocrite.

And on top of all this, and without waiting for his consent, he mounts/rides him, from the hole he pours something dense and mysterious into the dragon, making the dragon feel satisfied for the first time in his life. Obviously with the dragon brainwashed into liking the MC for he did. Disgusting.
Oct 11, 2020
You said in your previous comment this exact same words:

MC acts like he is morally superior while doing something with no moral standing, and while preaching about the arrogance of testing others.

Did you forgot that or what? Seriously, you're so persistent with your stubborness that you're denying your own argument. Either way, it's a waste of time to argue with you, so you can keep your opinion to yourself. I'm done.
Aug 20, 2020
You reply to me, so I reply to you. I'm not particularly stubborn or persistent. Not much more than you.
I reread my last comment and I didn't contradict myself. At least point out where, if you don't want to be mistaken for a troll.

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