@ProfileGuy If it was pedophilia, she wouldn't get what she wants (a baby).
A pedophile is someone attracted to a pre-pubescent child. Ones age does NOT matter at all. Some pass puberty at age of 13, some at age of 9. There was a 7 years old girl that gave birth in Africa, even. She was already past the stage of pedophilia, otherwise she couldn't get pregnant. Because...the moment you start being fertile, whether you're a man or not...you're no longer pre-pubescent, thus it's no longer pedophilia to be attracted to you.
Now, there are laws that that ban sex even for post-pubescent people. The typical age for that is...15. Most of mankind, once they reach 15, can screw and be screwed freely, legally. There are some countries where it is as low as 13 though, and then there are obviously countries where it's 18. By the way, in Japan, age of consent so happens to be 13. Though they have other laws that make it an empty number, with actual age being higher.