But why is she going out with another guy if she wants MC? How is her dating someone else fall into the plot of getting MC to like her. Any normal guy would just give up after finding out that the person they love is already going out with someone else. Someone please explain this to me.
Oh you poor bastards who don't even know that Shirokusa is the good one in all this mess. Just wait until the Confession Festival happens and a certain someone ends up being responsible for a
3 -way heart-break
Maru's public reveal (and humiliation) across all of Japan
, and his
second wave of PTSD
. Then that certain someone has the gall to
feign amnesia after all they've done and without even considering how it would impact their family
pff she can eat a whole dick, set up the whole thing to raise his spirit, make him perform then screw him over publicly, haha bitch, how is everyone in this manga trash? the only decent person is the mc male friend
This shit is so corny and on-the-nose. It reads like a parody but clearly isn't one by now (I did think it was for several chapters). I genuinely feel second-hand embarrassment for the author.
Just a guess but it's probably to make it so she is the only person he can rely on.
But when it didnt work out as she wanted it to she faked amnesia so he can pity her and focus on helping her so he spends less time with Shirokusa.
Never read the novel but that's probably why.
I don't see why people are still hating on Shirokusa. Sure she was pretty bad at first but it was do to a misunderstanding that has finally been cleared up for her so she is now changing for the better.
its more so that she wanted revenge because she felt that he wronged her. And just like he played with her heart she was going to mess with his do to a misunderstanding on her part. Which started from MCs mothers death and how it wasn't public knowledge so she didnt know that the reason he never came back to see her was because he was grieving and not because he hated her.