The Saga of Tanya the Evil - Vol. 17 Ch. 48 - Open Sesame IV

Fed-Kun's army
Nov 7, 2018
Why would it matter if the history that Tanya's talking about isn't what actually happened in history? If a line about X made a reader interested in that topic, I'm sure that reader would read further into that topic, and not use those few lines from the LN as fact. Of course, some people would do that but if they're wrong, then when that person tries to talk about it, they may be corrected by other people or at least given further sources to read into to educate themselves more about it.




Active member
Jul 2, 2019
I like that the anime and manga flesh out different parts. This was almost an afterthought in the LN by comparison.
Feb 9, 2019
@Toriichii simply because it's too much. i do enjoy the trivia but it is still a fictional novel, not a history book itself
sometimes it feels more like padded lines to make the book thicker because the story itself probably only around 100 pages
Apr 15, 2019
@yamago I never bought that line of thinking, it's some things historians just throw to claim battles/wars don't matter in history because they're bitter that being the part everyone's interested in.

So many dying changes so many possibilities in the long stream of things, would ww2 have happened if hitler got beaned in the head first time he dove over a trench in ww1. Artillery officers for a long time bread a group of amazing mathematicians that pushed our modern understanding hundreds of years ahead collectively, how many hundreds of years of advancement were lost with a well placed shell on the wrong guys head. We're shitting the bed economically over a disease primed to kill 100-200k elderly what's the economic effect of a couple million working age 20 year olds.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 25, 2019
@PoH iirc ot was mentioned that she is a mage, and she used mage blade in this chapter. Combined with the NotMI6 gentleman survived within circular clean spot, it mean with their shield mage can survive that attack. Why there was only one survivor then? My guess is that they were in magical silence and caught off guard. The gentleman just skillful enough to barely survive.

On the other hand, I believe her spy friend is THE one who use detection spell so Tanya can noticed this and as a result, she is alerted and ready to protect herself. That is why she knew Visha involved in casting the fire too. Which mean she is the MVP of this chapter.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 6, 2018
50 pages of goodness
but that one last page hands down the most epic of it all
Aug 30, 2019
would ww2 have happened if hitler got beaned in the head first time he dove over a trench in ww1
You got the wrong person squishles, if anything the one that needed a bullet to the head would be stalin since he's better at spreading communism on earth than any of the left-wing figureheads he 'persuaded' to retire. Or even better, karl marx is the one who needed that bullet since he established the very ideology that caused pretty much every genocide and economic poverty for the past 200 years.
Jun 2, 2018
Actually Visha mentioned that she's looking for survivors, which means she's not actually in the explosion when it happened. Her mention of burned to a crisp by a classmate's spell is probably about the explosions outside instead which was relatively easier to avoid.
Jun 11, 2018
would ww2 have happened if hitler got beaned in the head first time he dove over a trench in ww
Of course, Hitler wasn't the cause of WW2 after all. The biggest cause of WW2 was end of WW1, and social and economic problems around the world thet followed. And to prevent WW1 you'll need to change a bunch of things in 18-19 centuries, so might aswell just rewrite whole history.
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
@Bentenmaru @akomni

She seems to be in chapter 41 page 36 as one of the news reporters as well. I'm guessing undercover or something? (To like, spread false information about planning to spend more reinforcements on attacking rather than retreating like they were actually planning to?) I think I want to reread the series now because of this.

(Spoiler is just the image)
Jul 16, 2018
@redpandamaniacal hmm I dont remember that character from the novels... They did not even focus much on the secret room during the raid...
I suspect the spy might have been Serebryakov's friend, the one she met once in the capital.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
Or even better, karl marx is the one who needed that bullet
Karl Marx's ideology is just a bandwagon which the likes of Stalin took advantage of.
it probably wouldn't have made a difference if Marxism didn't exist since socialist ideologies were already trendy at the time - time in which Europe has been in centuries under the oppressive rule of monarchs. it could have been anything as long as it's populist.
labeling your political party with popular or trendy ideologies wasn't exactly unique - Hitler's party did the same thing after all.

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