TBH I really love this MC. She feels like a real person. When she was first summoned here she was pissed off, like, she fucking grabbed a guy by the collar and demanded an explanation, visibly scaring the dude. She didn't accept it immediately but let her anger subside once she realized it wouldn't help her situation. She also is not afraid to take charge of a situation and could move forward even when confronted with something terrifying. She is not insanely smart or dumb, it always kinda weirded me out in other isekai manga because the MC's were wayyyy more than smart. Despite being "average workers" who would never see even relatively similar situations, they magically know the perfect solutions. They were nothing more than scarily perceptive geniuses instead of normal people. She is intelligent, and she speaks her mind when necessary, but she also knows to mind her manners (and unlike the common isekai trope) respects the social order(in terms of nobility not gender)and culture of the time. She doesn't want to be recognized as the saintess so she purposely avoids large achievements and does her best to avoid standing out because she knows being the saintess would not only be a huge pain in the ass, it would mean she would be at the forefront of a fucking war. Which she understandably hates the idea of, as she comes from a completely peaceful society. She is definitely the most relatable MC I have come across so far.