The Skeleton Soldier Failed to Defend the Dungeon - Vol. 1 Ch. 59

Double-page supporter
Jan 15, 2019
@Qelix All your point are valid, but considering that death just means he will revive at a previous point, I think being reckless when there's no one for him to protect is a valid strategy for gathering information and gaining levels. Unless there's some sort of limit to how many times he can revive.
Double-page supporter
Oct 10, 2018
why are you always showing up at worst time STEVE !?

ooh wait different series
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
HOW CAN THIS MC BE SO FUCKING STUPID. What the fuck is the point of all this shit if he doesnt even fucking understand simple shit like this? Jesus fucking Christ, this Author is becoming fucking atrocious.

I am sorry for the language but this is f* atrocious.
Mar 5, 2019
The book was intriguing, I wonder if the MC is that Kevin Ashton guy and was a psycho in his former life. Btw I really don't blame him for not taking the dog seriously if he can usually detect intruders (and the book was distracting him). Also the mithril armor shouldn't have been a problem since he immediately ran into the wilderness, he probably intended to cover it with a cloak when he returned to a town.

Honestly I think the quality has been going up again since the last two chapters.


Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
I can't believe they offed the dog like that.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 28, 2018
Well, that was a thing. Also he must have leveled up quite a bit if he could block a strike from a knight. He certainly couldn't do that before. Especially not this knight. I am wondering why he completely ignored the dog. He has to know that his skills are level one. He has already failed at doing several things because his skills were not at the proper level. Why would he think that his detect skill alone was above reproach? He deserves this death.
Double-page supporter
Jan 24, 2018
@TarotXIII Thing about that unique armour set is that it was probably one of the few that wasn't just royal guard issue, which would make it even easier to identify and ask questions about. The unique one just happened to have a really comprehensive tracking set lol.
Double-page supporter
Jan 24, 2018
@retnemmoc He was just checking the control mechanic and the dog was barking at him, not at the door, as would be normal for a dog warning someone. Then you have him usually being able to detect people which would make him not consider someone being there if he can't sense them.
He acted reasonably given his situation, you just have too much information as the reader.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@nfzeta You can also add the fact that as a undead abomination he might be quite unfamiliar with dog behaviour.
Active member
Nov 11, 2018
a) The armor was the first legendary drop skelly got. As someone said before.

b) skelly was going into the forest, lookin for an abandoned place so he could stay, hence no one would really suspect of him being on that armor too much (even IF he finds someone). I mean he is in the middle of nowhere, in a time where there is no fkin internet, odds are most of ppl wouldn't even recognize that armor or if someone does, they wouldn't bother him too much.

c) that track GPS is just too op, that girl life was basicaly big brother lel

d) Would you fkin expect a weak lv 0 dog to have better stealth detection than you? Even after absoving a shit ton of skills?
Dec 3, 2018
What's the matter with people? The wolf pup was all ready long dead, he just brought it back and depending on how the magic works in this world if he lives through the attack he could just raise it again.

And if he get's killed he can just go back and find it again and raise it.

The knight was clearly very close to the female knight, so he's out for vengeance an undead puppy isn't going to get mercy against that.
Feb 16, 2019
some ppl in the comments -> manga is going downhill, author is dumb, mc is dumb, reasoning ? things a normal person would do in those situations, about the armor ? its his first legendary drop on a game setting world, who the f%$% dosent pick up a free legendary item, absorption power, its a reasonable and balanced power, he dosent get anything out of gate and has to learn it/use it, not giving shyte about the dog, dog barked first to show him the book and the troll, so he was looking at those, and also didnt think anyone worth a damn would show up in a remote place, let alone someone who could wipe him, what if he followed the dog ? he would die anyways, now for the second and first dumbest thing ive seen so far, ''where did that necromancy showed up'''' thats plot convenience'', necromancer was foreshadowed on the earliest chapters as well as the blue armor guy who was searching for her, the reason why skeleton mc died once as well, now that he got out like he should he found her as a event that is suppose to happen, keep in mind, this is a game there is a correct path to follow, and the first dumbest thing, WhY Is hE nOt DyInG 4hEad, well that should be self explanatory, he dosent know how many lifes he has, and no one plays a game to lose, that should be basic knowledge FacePalms.
Active member
Apr 29, 2018
Wow, people, calm down. MC the skelly is dumb and we all know it. He got no brain after all, give him a break and let him do dumb things.
Mar 20, 2019
@nfzeta @CinderKin

(d) If the dog was barking at him when a dog barks at the door, than that is yet an other error of the author as the dog is depicted to behave as if it was alive. Moreover he should remember that the dog found a corpse when he didn't even notice. That time the dog barked and he followed, he didn't think that it was just a stupid dog (that is actually more intelligent than him). Apparently the dog still has the sense of smell to find the corpse and probably the other senses too. If he uses other means to detect things rather than magic, than there is the possibility that MC's skill may fail when the dog won't. particularly because magic to block magic is usually not that uncommon. He was full of himself when he just mentioned that he was extremely weak.

(b) what's the point of taking an armor if you are sure that you'll meet no one? And does he plan to throw the armor away when he stop hiding? It's not like they'll stop searching for that armor any time soon. heck even after years people keep on remembering an iconic armor or searching for the killer of the previews king.

I'm not saying this manga is trash or similar things. the fact that the knight followed immediately because he saw the necromancer corpse and thought that the attacking force was weak may make sense (but I personally doubt that that was the reason), and same can be said for the encounter between the MC and her or how he tries to stay alive as much as possible. Nontheless the initial and trashy thing to hype her by showing how stupid he is when he tries to control something knowing to have exhausted all control is beyond bad writing. And thinking that no one has a magic to see people around or to follow traces and thus being sure that no one, not even the one that created a spatial rift, will be able to follow him is pretty stupid.

@LadyLyn You said no one. I'm not that intelligent, but if I was idekai'd in a world with magic and found an overpowered item and I had no way to do a full check on it, I wouldn't use it. It may be cursed in case anyone but his owner tries to wear it. The light that it emits from time to time should be an obvious signal of that, it doesn't matter if it's a GPS, a curse or just a light to show that it was stolen, it makes the armor unusable except for the time he is sure he won't meet anyone. the danger is way above the gains.

@unk0damnation or just drop it, like I will.
Double-page supporter
Jan 24, 2018
(d) Already off to a bad start with that. You're assuming you're right with something that has little evidence and trying to overwrite the author's story with it. The dog barked at him, possibly because after trying to raise the troll he ran out of control and therefore the dog was no longer under his control. The dog was clearly barking at him and was meant to be barking at him. Whether that was to warn him or just show aggression at him is up to interpretation but don't say the dog should have been barking at the door.
He also ran for days at top speed using a skill, it was realistically unlikely for him to be followed.

(b) "what's the point of taking an armor if you are sure that you'll meet no one?" Really? Are you seriously asking that? He had no defences and while he wasn't intending to meet anyone leaving such a powerful armour behind is objectively the more foolish choice. He'd deal with hiding it if he really wanted to move to populated areas, doesn't mean he should leave himself defenceless.

"Nontheless the initial and trashy thing to hype her by showing how stupid he is when he tries to control something knowing to have exhausted all control is beyond bad writing"
Again, you're making bad assumptions because of knowledge that was never confirmed. In fact its heavily hinted that he didn't know what 'control' was and how to check it before trying to resurrect the troll. Its happened many times before, he's literally learning the system as he goes and necromancy was a new addition.

"And thinking that no one has a magic to see people around or to follow traces and thus being sure that no one, not even the one that created a spatial rift, will be able to follow him is pretty stupid."
He took what precautions he could and thinking someone is always able to and will get you is also a stupid way to go about living. If the creature that created the spatial rift is after him for example, he's dead, no point in worrying about it, because that could possibly just follow him anywhere, regardless of what he thinks or tries. Its not like he meant to fully set up shop in that shack, it was just an area to pause after believing he gave himself enough distance between the battle and himself. Even if he continued to run the knight would still catch up to him because his 'dash' ability ran out.

"if I was idekai'd in a world with magic and found an overpowered item and I had no way to do a full check on it, I wouldn't use it. It may be cursed in case anyone but his owner tries to wear it."
That's how you'd die. You can never be totally sure of anything in a world where you don't know the rules but if you let that stop you then you get nowhere and eventually still run up against a situation where your life is in danger and then you'd wish you took the smaller risks from before to prepare yourself.

"The light that it emits from time to time should be an obvious signal of that, it doesn't matter if it's a GPS, a curse or just a light to show that it was stolen, it makes the armor unusable except for the time he is sure he won't meet anyone. the danger is way above the gains."
Again, another assumption only in hindsight. A light emitting on a magical armour can be for A LOT of reasons and it only shone once and he wasn't even sure about it. If it was a light that showed it was unusable he would have known because earlier in this very story he came across things like that already. The armour is also pretty much always usable unless he has a non-combatant mission to do. After all as long as he's careful anyone he meets would be someone he could kill if they recognise it, a unique armour of a royal knight not many would see, also after he finished absorbing all of those abilities from that fight few people would qualify as people he can't kill if exposed, so there would be no reason to leave armour that good.

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