TBH, and while I would not discard Skellebro being Ashton, I do not think that is the case ... because Ashton has been writing timeline-exclusive stuff, specifically the newspaper blurb about the Marquis "suicide" ( and we know that the Marquis did not "suicide" in all timelines ). So , either Asthon is a crazy prepared guy and thought in all contigencies with atleast a decade in advance ( not mentioning that Ashton predates Isaac, by Isaac own words ... even Skellebro points out that Ashton would have 400+ years if that was true ... so crazy prepared 400+ years before the events ) or ... something else between Skellebro and Ashton. There is definitely a relationship, though ...
What I am more ... uncertain of is a) the fact that Rubia has the blue window and b) she never mentioning it before this timeline. In fact , even Skellebro blue window is fishy because it is unclear when he started seeing it ( in the first chapters he is surprised by it after coming back from his first life , but in the more recent ones he hints that he could see it when with Succubus ... might be the author forgetting stuff , though ... or me misunderstanding his memory ). I wonder if the previous timelines Rubia had it or not ... and we still don't have a clue about what the blue ( and now the red ) window actually mean, besides Isaac musings , that came directly from ... Ashton books . Sigh, all leads to whatever Ashton is ( or was ).
That said, Skellebro was going all bossy when he was ... deactivated, wasn't he?