@Kidawesome55 We're talking about a guy from a country that allows the marriage of people to body pillows and waifus on Nintendo 3DS's. Him wanting to marry something that has a physical shape-changing form, passes the Harkness test, and actually cares for him is almost abnormal.
Next chapter... and because the Yandere Golem got jealous 😁
The next spoiler is a bit stronger, read at your own risk!
From what I saw from the raws, his golem also seems to have some "old memories"... they talk about the "Barbarian Queen" in the first chapter of the manga...
So I don't think her "Yandere" personality is the MC's fault.
@ac1d1c you think far to small, its a golem, he could create a hole anywhere on the body.
not wanting to be held tight against the golem while it applies the hand hole to you...
what the hell has the world become with such stunning lack of imagination.