The Soulless Duchess - Vol. 1 Ch. 11

Jan 15, 2020
Thank you for new chapter...

Can't you let others do something that makes readers happy?
You are just a toxic spreader. Just enjoy what has been released without say somethin nonsense!
That scan group also took the time and effort to release it faster.
Apr 22, 2019
The beginning of this chapter, who knew Ivona would be such a dreamboat haha. I can’t wait until Gaspal gets what’s coming to him.

As for the grammar, it’s fine. I’ve read far worse, and I’m sure it’s the same for most long time manga readers. There are only a few minor errors this chapter anyway.
Jun 20, 2018
I've read both sides of the issue and I genuinely understand and have empathy for both sides.

The thing that makes this difficult for me to choose a side is that both parties and myself are partaking in illegal activity. We with no remorse are pirating(stealing) content that belongs to someone else. We are costing someone a huge loss is wages for their time and hard work. No one seems to care about that when it comes to illegal scans. All of us participating in reading stolen content are choosing to put our own self interests first. So for that reason I just take no sides and I'm reading whomever releases first. Because I'm in support of myself and what I want over whatever other reasons people are reading stolen content for.
Nov 30, 2019
Honestly that'd be so great if both groups could collaborate or even fuse. I love that you seem passionate about this and I'm grateful for the quick releases, but it also makes me uncomfortable knowing the efforts the first group puts into this too, finishing to translate a chapter to learn no one will read it because you did it first even they were the first group to pick up this series.
Fusing or collaborating would put an end to the unnecessary drama and hate + it always helps to have more people helping, and that could lead to even faster releases. It's really sad that you refuse to communicate between each other like mature people.
Apr 12, 2019

I used to translate from Japanese to English as well and see problems like this one too, in the past. It is indeed nothing wrong if someone wants to translate for fun and improving their grammar, but there is also nothing wrong to give a notice to the previous translator if one is going to translate the same series. It might seem as a simple matter to some, but for some others it might be a serious one. Just contact the previous translator in order not to let any misunderstanding happens. Of course, we are doing this for fun because we pirate, so there is also nothing wrong to join forces or take turns to translate if we are too far from the latest chapter, or simply release both versions.

As a fellow translator, I thank you for the translations and hope this case is solved asap so everyone can keep translating for fun.
Oct 7, 2019
Honestly this one easy to read and follow. Thank you. Will you by any chance go back and fix older chapters?
Active member
Jul 21, 2018
I like how all of you are talking about time and effort wasted from DnA working on a chapter whenever NNG releases a chapter, without ever thinking about the fact that even if the quality is a bit lower than DnA, NNG still puts as much effort and thoughts into their work too.
When i read stuff like "you're disrespecting the time and effort DnA Scans put into the chapters. It's completely disrespectful to do that, ...", it makes me chuckle how the same people who say that kind of things proceed to diss NNG's work effort and time on their own chapters.

In your petty and small mind you just can't stomach the idea of people being able to read a chapter or two ahead of you because you chose to stick to DnA's side and only read their chapters, that's what you're really upset about to be honest. But here's some news for you guys : What would happen if a third group began to scanlate this manhwa as well with high quality and faster release? I seriously cannot wait and even wish for that to happen.

This is a neutral statement about a neutral stand.
Nov 2, 2019
Thank you for the update, I don’t fully support, but I am very grateful for your updates. And I see that you are improving a lot. A word of advice is that you should try to update on a somewhat fixed schedule (that works for you) ,this is so readers are prepared for updates and don’t constantly ask for when the next update is. 😀😀😀
Jun 23, 2019
@Rolekoster2020 if you want the instant gratification a quick and dirty incomplete translation gives you, I can't stop you. But at the same time, I think I have the right to speak up about practices that discourage the people who are actually putting out decent quality translations from translating stories we are actually interested in. Sniping often leads to translating going unfinished in the long run, as the group who snipes probably wont have the dedication to finish the translation especially when they hit the raws and their readers who they got because "it came out quickly" will lose their interest. And then theres no translators and the translation goes unfinished. Its happened before and I dont want it to happen again, especially since this story seems good.

Youre going to support a group thats trying to gain quick attention by starting at chapter 5 just because you lack patience? What are you gonna do when they catch up to the raws, just give up on the series?
May 29, 2019
"Were trying cleaning and sfx now ANd iT'S so HARd."
Now you see why scan groups can take a while to release chapters. But add onto that proofreading and the rest of the process and having people from different parts of the world working on this. Now onto that add the fact that some of those people have school and have exams and hella ass projects while they juggle this hobby of theirs. And now you see why scan groups cant release projects daily. Because they care about giving out the highest quality work rather than just more work. Quality will always beat quantity but now it seems like D&A might actually drop working on this series so the amazing quality translations might just go out the door so thanks for that if it happens.
Active member
Jul 21, 2018

Then are people supposed to wait for monthly updates for ages until they reach the raw, eventually losing readers along the way because they gave up on it because the release time was too long? Or having readers reach the raw by being "patient" and either give up on it and still keep up to date with any chapter released from then on while NNG works on other projects? Because the way I see it, NNG improved really fast and their release schedule is so far fair for everyone, meanwhile DnA pulled out a flawless chapter 9 NOT EVEN 2 DAYS after they released chapter 5, totally skipping 6, 7 and 8. Why 2 days? When there was almost 3 weeks between chapter 3 and 4? I can understand people being busy with their other projects, lives, christmas and exams coming up but come on, even from a neutral stance, this is weird.

Again, a neutral statement about a neutral stand based on a neutral observation.
Jun 10, 2019
As someone who's doing translation for fun because I'm fluent in korean and japanese but not in english, the comments make me scared.

Is it cruel that some of you really here to criticize their grammars but still read every chapters they released? Now I'm scared. Maybe my readers, too, secretly think that my works are terrible because of bad grammar and perhaps it's better for me to drop the series so other group with much better translation quality can do it.

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