But i also don't say that faster "meant" better?
I already said i also thought that death and angel scans quality is better, and honestly speaking, i read both if available. If i'm late and dnas already posted then i would actually read theirs. Since i also think translating sfx is important.
And if i have to choose, no probably anyone, work with more quality and work with less, i'll choose the former.
But i am saying that what right do they have, or any illegal translator group to be entitled saying shits like "must ask our permission" *shaking head*..
That's my problem actually.
I repeat, never say faster meant better.
But i chose faster if i can only choose one.
Because if i follow the story it meant the plot is good for me and so the cliffhanger is killing me '_'
That's why i said people should just mind their own business.
Read whatever their brain want and let others do the same '_'
My other problem is sniping thing, it's "rude" to translate what is currently already translated?
It's not rude to illegally translating the author's work which, the author probably never even know or can even imagine?
I would have also been able to see your point had this dnas group don't got all so entitled.