The Soulless Duchess - Vol. 1 Ch. 9

Dec 2, 2019
claude forever! <3 Its not like other groups got permission from the author to translate this, unless they are the official transalation i don't see why this petty discussion goes on. This platform should be a place where great work can be shared rather than groups hoarding the tranlations. why not cooperate then? and at the end of the day people don't care who tranlates but who does it faster...
Aug 4, 2019
Claude forever! Even if this is just practice, it's not like you are preventing them from releasing chapters. They shouldnt have the right to hoarde multiple series if they arent going to be efficient at it. They care about sniping, but honestly none of the readers do. No one is telling them to not upload their chapters in favor of yours. They are just complaining for the sake of complaining. People who actually snipe are not as courteous as you are about it, giving the option to the reader, so thank you for asking!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2019
This whole sniping thing is so stupid and essentially boils down to "I did it first, so you can't do it too. And if you do, then you're hurting my feelings." Nobody really cares who does it as long as we get the chapters. Nobody has the "right" or not to translate and post because at the end of the day this is the same as pirating.
Jul 30, 2019
Here is the 4 option Empty Soul: Drop it. Or talk to the group and stop being childish.

That's my option.
Sep 26, 2019
Honestly, in the end, us readers just wanna read peacefully and this matter of TL is not for us to decide. It's your time being spent scanlating after all.

I think you and the other team should have a convo and decide who continues the project itself. The other team had already contacted you already, you only need to reply.

Everyone is just scared that this sniping drama ends up with both groups dropping the translation. It has happend a number of times before so it's a legitimate worry for everyone.
Oct 27, 2018
Ohhhh what a dick move! Well, you can continue "practicing" all you want, but I really hope you seriously improve your translations and don't drop the project once you are bored with it, specially since the other scanlator is likely to drop the series

The problem with sniping is that nobody wants to work in vain, and often when this happens both the original scanlator and the snipper end up dropping the series

Why didn't you pick a dropped series to practice instead? Why haven't you answered the DMs the other grup sent you?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
Just going to throw in my 2 cents if the new group is just doing this on a whim as they say they will drop it at random. If during the time the original group just gave up and said screw it, everyone here supporting the new group would be sol. The same people here would just bitch and whine that it got dropped and no one wants to pick it back up. It's happened before and will happen again in the future and the same pattern always happens where the people that support the new guys get all pissy and annoying for someone to pick it back up and then it gets left behind and forgotten.

It's not as if the original group didn't try and talk it out they did reach out according to them and were ignored so it's not like they are not some what justified in them being annoyed.
Group Leader
Jul 12, 2018
sniping is kind of a big deal if the group spent money on the raws/translator feels discouraged because they translated for nothing. it means literally nothing to the readers, but it's really easy to get discouraged from continuing a series as a scanlator. it's shameless to say, but views and appreciation means a lot to us LMAO. if it was me, what's the point if someone else is taking this series and churning out shitty tl's and redraws? readers care about reading the story first and foremost, then quality second. sure you see a shitty scanned chapter and then eventually a high qual days/months later. obviously the high qual is more appreciated, but the shit scan is still gonna get more views most of the time.

edit: in this case, i'm very much on DnA's side. sure, fan translations aren't legal and are rude to the author, but you're also shameless for sniping. that's lower than the low.
Mar 26, 2019
Y'all feel bad when it's done unto you, but y'all are gonna keep doing it to other people. Make it make sense, Circus Squad. 🤡

Why did you even bother mentioning that the other group is "doing the exact same thing as they accuse us :(" if y'all are so convinced that you "don't understand why (you) need to ask permission". Why did you use all the sad emojis if what you're doing (i.e. sniping) is totally fine and not upsetting at all? Unless ... it is upsetting BUT you're choosing to be a bag of **cks on purpose even after you found out what sniping meant (you know, from some people who DM-ed you) and how it feels to get (rightfully) sniped. It's wrong because it's disrespectful and upsetting, not because it's illegal. (Duh.)

I mean, I get that your shtick is being a No Named Group but y'all are lowkey giving No Brained Vibes right now. Like ... what's not clicking?

P.S. If I want to practice pitching, for baseball reasons, can I throw tomatoes at your bedroom wall? Like, duh, doing something for practice doesn't take away from it affecting other people negatively. Why can't you practice somewhere else where you wouldn't earn the (well-deserved) ire of others? 🙄
Nov 16, 2019
I am a new cleaner to the webtoon circle. That being said, I have been in the manga circle for a while now and I will say that the rules are the same. As a person who has to be involved in this sort of thing, I can offer two perspectives.

1. Readers: I love all the new chapters and quick updates. I would not really care which group is translating the series as long as it gets translated. I can be selfish in asking for more and quicker updates when not involved in the process. Therefore, Claude forever~!

2. Member of the webtoon circle: I am not very happy with this development. Yes, I understand that your group is practicing but, I feel that it is not good to have been snipping other group's works. Perhaps you could have reached out to DnA for a small collaboration on this series before posting your chapters. Every group has proof readers among other staffs who could have offered some advice on how to improve. You could have discussed with the leader about possible schedules, collabs, or something. But, my point is that you did not discuss anything with the group already translating the series! Please in order to not bump into more drama in the future, just ask and open a discussion.

If this keeps up and DnA decides to drop this series, you cannot continue to say that you are practicing and then just one day drop it after getting enough practice and got bored of it. Have some respect for the readers, fans of this series and the scanlation group!
Dec 4, 2018
Always funny to see when pirates trying to protect their ego and self-importance.
You DON'T have ANY right on the manga when you decided to translate something. You don't have the monopoly on that.
As a reader, I will decide what translators to choose and what is more convenient and good enough. What people to read your scan? Make it better and faster. You do not have the rights to indicate what to do and what is bad for me or the "community"
Claude forever

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