I've read both translations just to see if the snipers were any good and if they get better since they do that for "practice".
What I've read was weird at times and I didn't know what they meant. Then I read the DnA translation and the meaning of some conversations just turned around or changed meaning.
I haven't supported the snipers and after DnA dropped this series I am not going to read it anymore.
Forcing myself to read something and think of what the hell is the original meaning is pointless. Once I've read machine translated volume of mahouka koukou no rettousei (novel) and I've made it to another one, but the quality was so bad that I realized at times I just accepted that some parts I just won't understand and tries to forget about them, which is not the point of reading for pleasure, which is why I'm fine with waiting for the good translation even if I'd need to wait for the official one and buy it one day.
If anyone wants to translate anything for practice, sure. But be aware of other people too and don't forget we all equally deserve some respect, especially since on the Internet you can't really see, who the other person is.
In my opinion, stealing fame of translating some series not only brings about bad fame, is bad for the quality of translation, but also is terribly disrespectful for the people that worked on it before for free for the readers that apparently think nothing of the work of other people.
Edit: So it's better to avoid sniping and just try to seek some series that have fans waiting for somebody to pick it up and probably even more willing to help and support even weak/beginner translator just to have their favorite series being translated than just be the source of drama by being rude and disrespectful to others.