The Soulless Duchess

May 9, 2019
Thank you to DnA for picking up this series, such a shame that you got sniped but then again I’m not exactly supporting neither group. I just want to sincerely thanks both groups. It would be good for NNG to learn etiquette in the translators’ world so they won’t snipe again after they finish their... ‘training’.

Hopefully, NNG won’t drop this after successfully making DnA drop the series. Then again... if they both drop it I’ll just wait for the official one haha cheers to both groups!<3
May 14, 2019
I completely agree that this was impressively childish. And to the readers, we are being provided free translations to an otherwise unavailable source (whether we don't have the funds or there are no other english versions). They are risking their neck by ILLEGALLY translating for us. :( be more grateful to any group.
May 6, 2019
I kinda get it why DnA wanted to dropped this webtoon because someone is already translating the other chapters. I know that what the other scanlations did was rude for them but I just hope people would just be appreciative on what the both scanlations do because in the end, both of them translate the webtoon. Though yeah, its kinda rude to get the webtoon while theres already a group doing it. I just dont hate both groups. Thats all. I hope that the current wont drop this.
May 4, 2019
Lol I thought it was a really big spolier and didn't want to read the uploads- it isn't lol. It's fine 🤣🙄

Thank you to DnA for all your work! Really appreciate all your work!

Thank you to both groups for introducing such an interesting story 😊

Excited to see how it progresses!
Oct 24, 2019
Thank you DNA for the translations! The story was so much more easier to follow with yalls work!!
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
I've read both translations just to see if the snipers were any good and if they get better since they do that for "practice".
What I've read was weird at times and I didn't know what they meant. Then I read the DnA translation and the meaning of some conversations just turned around or changed meaning.
I haven't supported the snipers and after DnA dropped this series I am not going to read it anymore.
Forcing myself to read something and think of what the hell is the original meaning is pointless. Once I've read machine translated volume of mahouka koukou no rettousei (novel) and I've made it to another one, but the quality was so bad that I realized at times I just accepted that some parts I just won't understand and tries to forget about them, which is not the point of reading for pleasure, which is why I'm fine with waiting for the good translation even if I'd need to wait for the official one and buy it one day.

If anyone wants to translate anything for practice, sure. But be aware of other people too and don't forget we all equally deserve some respect, especially since on the Internet you can't really see, who the other person is.
In my opinion, stealing fame of translating some series not only brings about bad fame, is bad for the quality of translation, but also is terribly disrespectful for the people that worked on it before for free for the readers that apparently think nothing of the work of other people.

Edit: So it's better to avoid sniping and just try to seek some series that have fans waiting for somebody to pick it up and probably even more willing to help and support even weak/beginner translator just to have their favorite series being translated than just be the source of drama by being rude and disrespectful to others.
Mar 5, 2019
Thank you for the mass release DNA. I’m sad your dropping the series but I’ll definitely keep reading your other translations!
Jan 24, 2020
Thankyou dna for your hard work. Im waiting for another translation from you guys.
And for no name group, its better for you to catch up to the raw. Since you said it was all for practice ;))))) and i wish that if you have another translation in the future, your work doesnt get sniped by other team :)
Jun 14, 2018
Sad to see your translation of this series ending D&A, seeing as the other groups translations were so nonsensical and generally of such horrid linguistic quality that I had to block that groups translations. Hopefully sometime in the future someone else picks up were you left off that isn't that group as I severely doubt they have improved to the point of being legible. Or something changes and you can start translation this series once again.
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2020
Thanks D&A for the mass release and all the hardwork you've put into TDES (and the end spoiler 😄)!! Sad to see you guys leave and sorry you guys had to have that kind of drama happen to you.

As for the spoiler... it wasn't really a spoiler since its obvious the ML and FL will get together.
Aggregator gang
Feb 14, 2019
@tonie I doubt it was actually for practice, I'd say it was very deliberate. I would have waited patiently for D&A to release their scans. I was already waiting on chapter 6 but you know, this is why we can't have nice things.
Apr 14, 2018
Reminder to all users: Blocking a scanlation group will prevent you from having to see their chapters, both on a story's page and in your Follows feed. So feel free to click that yellow button on whatever the page of whatever groups you dislike to save yourself any future heartache. Just be careful when tempted to apply it to the "anonymous" or "no group" catch-all groups...
Active member
Apr 2, 2018
Whelp, time to hope that this gets an official release soon. Really like where this story was going.

That "spoiler" at the end was so obvious, I can't fathom how anyone thought it wouldn't end that way. lol

Regardless, thank you so much for what you've translated so far D&A. It's a testament to your group's ability that the chapters were very well done. I really hope you all reconsider not dropping this series. You were all doing a wonderful job, and I would have loved to see how the story get to the point you all showed.
Oct 12, 2019
I think that D&A's decision to drop the project at their own discretion is fine. On the other hand, saying that "the snipers win" and that "people deserve to be punished for supporting the other translation group" is dumb because the squabbling over who releases first is stupid and just basically trying to gain clout. Unless D&A has sole distribution rights to the series, any attempt to get other groups to stop translating is just plain bullying. If people want to wait for quality translations, they'll wait for it. If they want speed scans, then they'll go to speed scans. This has been going on for years - you have people releasing barely coherent scans for hot popular manga, sometimes not even properly scanned and they're just phone snaps from the latest shonen jump magazine, because they want to know what happens asap. That doesn't stop high quality scanlators from releasing their own version a day or so later, and people go to read that too.

I'm not saying that D&A did the right or wrong thing in dropping the project. This is entirely up to them if they want to continue and no one should force them to providing a free service. On the other hand, if they're picking up a project because no one else is doing so and they're upset that they're no longer the sole distributor... this is extremely petty.

I'm also going to just finish it off that this is also kind of hypocritical for them to get upset about being sniped when they're also scanlating another series with an official ongoing translation.
Jan 19, 2020
Since they released notes on chapter 9, I know that D&A is really petty, but i thought it wasn't this low 😂.
I will always remember their group as D&Apetty from now on 😂😂😂

And for all the people who claimed they will drop or not gonna read NNG release, the numbers on NNG release don't lie, i know you've all reading it too (like me 😂)

And i agree with @Freija about D&A in this part
"..kind of hypocritical for them to get upset about being sniped when they're also scanlating another series with an official ongoing translation."

Also, can someone snipe another D&A projects so they can mass release another "high quality"releases, pretty please 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Jun 6, 2018
Well it happened. The actual decent tl group dropped it. Yall got what you wanted right? Welp thanks for your hard work D&A. Off to read the raws now I guess.

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