The Soulless Duchess

Jan 15, 2019
@happee I totally agree with you, too much drama, in the end each person can decide from which group to read the translation, both groups are free to do whatever they want.
Btw, I'm not insulting any of the groups, I've already read both translations, so I'm grateful, thank you guys!
Nov 21, 2018
okay, as much as i hate the English in no group's translation, i think they should be left alone. yeah, the grammar sucks, so what? they're doing this for attention, so what? if people want fast releases, no name supplies them. and if people want quality releases, DnA provides. I don't think both parties should compete in this. you guys do your own thing. what have DnA got to lose, readers? if they like it, they should do what they were always doing. also, i dont want to read chapter 6 if it's not from DnA or other competent scans
Oct 30, 2019
I'm still grateful to both the groups and I am thankful for both the translations. I support both hardworks.
I hope the arguments get discussed and talked over with each other.

Once again, Thank you for the fast updates. :D :)) Loving the story and the characters.
Feb 28, 2019
I don't really care if you fight for who has to translate this anyway it's illegal EITHER WAY, so why should you fight for something that's not yours from the start? But that's not my problem as long as you update I'm fine with anything so...

I don't understand your big deal with this sniping thing. readers don't care about all this drama they care only about who releases faster.
Actually I'm not protecting anyone that's my opinion but since they didn't steal or anything I don't see the problem. either way the both of you are translating without the permission of the author so it's not like you can even have any say in this?
Nov 20, 2019
THANK YOU FOR THE UPDATE!! I am super excited for more!! I'm addicted to this story!! thank you for the hard work! Can't wait for the next whenever that may be!
Feb 10, 2019
All these fools in the comments talking about how we get DnA's quality while we get the other groups speed fails to realize DnA has already skipped chapters now and we are now stuck with the engrish translations. Hell at this rate I wouldn't be surprised if DnA drops this comic and all we get are the machine translated ones. In which case I also won't be reading this because the grammar is straight terrible.
Group Leader
May 6, 2019
Did D&A remove chapter 7 or did I remember wrongly? Please ignore No Named Group and translate at your own pace! I'm on the camp that will wait for your group's translations.
Active member
Jan 27, 2018
It's disappointing to see DnA skip some chapters just to send a message, to be honest.

About the new group's behaviour, rallying people up with those chants is also concerning, if you want to host some voting, provide a link to some poll site or request them to make the comments on your profile instead of cluttering space here.
Group Leader
Mar 19, 2019

Usually when sniping happens it becomes a race but a lot of times the group that wins out goes back and translates the missing chapters. But you right, it’s not a guarantee.
Jan 19, 2018
The "No Named Group" translations are utterly terrible. They're pretty much the same as a shitty google translate.
Jul 20, 2018
Hoping for DnA to release the other chapters tbh. I'd take the quality over those super fast release that are pretty hard to read.
Mar 14, 2019
I've blocked "no named group" and will wait for DAA scanlations. Waiting for a good translation is ten times better than reading something faster which doesn't make any sense.
Apr 18, 2019
I don't understand what all the fuss is about. If DnA makes an official complaint then I will understand, but this current situation is a win-win-win for everybody. The new group gets translation practice, patient readers will wait for DnA translations(DnA doesn't gain or lose anything in this scenario), and readers who want to see this story actually make some progress get so many chapters to enjoy!

They uploaded 3! Not 1, not 2, but 3 new chapters within 10 hours. And that's incredible for someone like me who's really interested in the story. Eventually once the story has progressed enough I will go back and reread with DnA's translations to refresh my memory so it's not like they're being abandoned.

The new group is readable and understandable for me even with some grammatical errors that haters have been saying as if it's complete gibberish.
And I doubt DnA will be demoralized from uploading future chapters because they know that they have higher quality translations which is what some people were afraid of.

So everyone calm down and enjoy some good manhwa? However you like it, there's no need to put anyone down.

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