The Story of the Hated Mule

Nov 3, 2020
people love characters with traumatic backstories until they display symptoms of trauma. there i said it.
Mar 18, 2020
Thank you for the translations!

Guys this isn't the translators fault and it's not MTL. They are doing pretty good considering.

Read their note on the last chapter. It's the author trying to cram sentences in and not explaining things correctly that is the fault. The translators are staying true to the original.
Jul 10, 2019
Nothing against the translation team at all. I’m sure y’all are very competent and I’m grateful for the worn out it.

Personally I need to drop the story. Her abuse is relatable, but
her excessive need to cry is difficult for me personally to relate to.

I’m not trying to shame. I personally just cannot relate and feel uncomfortable seeing her cry every single chapter. I feel like it would make more sense if she closed her self off entirely, slowly opening up when treated kindly over a prolonged period of time, and only when she finally feels safe to drop her guard does she let her emotions that have been built up inside of her out. She’s been in a situation *for years* that should have put her in survival mode. Why is she out of survival mode so quickly? Why does she feel comfortable enough with these strangers to display “weakness?” (Not saying crying is for the weak, but for in a fair few societies crying is considered weak and discouraged. I can’t imagine her abusers encouraging it, if anything they likely would have scolded her further to prevent her from being disruptive)

I get that everyone handles trauma differently, but the writing - not translating - feels like the author did no research and just gave her a tragic background for the sake of tragic background. It rubs me the wrong way.
Oct 3, 2019
I feel bad for the's true that the author isn't explaining the lore of the world in a way that's easy to understand lol
Apr 28, 2019
Hey TL I can help with QC English if you need an extra pair of hands, I could tell that the confusion in the first chapters was from the author from how the subject of the sentences jumped around
Jun 3, 2019
It’s quite an interesting story, even more with this last event... I’m looking forward to the next chapter and personally it don’t bother me so far that there is a lot of things we don’t know now because it will take place in the development.
Thanks for your hard work !
Apr 25, 2020
Dear Bored Corona Kids, thank you very much for working so hard and giving us these translations. Please ignore people complaining and do what you feel is right. It’s your choice to do this at all, and you should be able to do it however you choose.

In my opinion, to translate something does not simply mean changing it to another language word-for-word. It means to convey the same meaning in another language. Due to differences in grammar, syntax and connotations, that may mean altering the wording slightly so that it communicates the same basic idea. Regardless of how you choose to go about it, please know that your efforts are greatly appreciated by most of us. Even though some people complain, they are a minority. It’s just that the ones who are most likely to complain are usually also the most vocal ones, whereas others are more reserved and quiet.

Again, thank you! It’s refreshing to see a story that depicts trauma in all its ugly, horrifying truth, rather than glamourising it as just another way to make a main character likeable (“boohoo look at this poor victim! she struggles so much but she stays strong and humble and most importantly, pretty!”). Trauma isn’t just a backdrop. It’s painful and messes a person up and has long-lasting effects and some people never truly recover. Whatever flaws it may have, this story is a gem and I’m so glad you picked it up.
Nov 9, 2020
I don't understand why people have the guts to shame translators for whatever "wrong" they saw in the translations. Whether it be something they couldn't understand or it didn't make sense, please don't step on the translator's hardwork and badmouth them.
Everyone here is reading for FREE and they're translating for FREE. Being grateful for them trying to share with us translated work should be enough and its not like you can't decipher things on your own if it is not clear AND there's literally only 11 chaps so far. What are they supposed to do about it
Oct 28, 2019
I usually don't leave comments here but after reading the note at the end of the latest chapter I really felt inclined to do so. First of all, I just want to say thank you to all of you translators for making this story available for readers outside of Korea. With the quality we're getting, you must be putting in an unbelievably high amount of effort into translating these chapters, and you're doing it all voluntarily as well. I'm really grateful to get to experience this story which I otherwise would not have been able to and I'm so sorry some people just can't be appreciative of your hard work!

Criticism is valid, but I also think it should come from a good place of understanding and from honestly wanting to help the person improve their work. This critique you've gotten clearly wasn't that. I think it shows a lack of understanding of your work and everything that goes on behind the scenes so to speak. Now, I myself don't know everything that goes into your work but I can understand from reading your translations that you put in a lot of effort. Therefore, I think it's wise to be careful and think before you type down some comment full of "critique" just because you felt dissatisfied with a chapter. Why are you really dissatisfied and is it really the fault of the translators?
Double-page supporter
Mar 8, 2020
Thank you, Bored Corona Kids, for your hard work. I think you done a great job, too bad the author was throwing a lot of random things out so the story pretty confusing.

And the first couple chapter by the Spooky scan group doesn’t help, I only got a catch on with What is it scan one.

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