The Twin Siblings' New Life

Dec 28, 2020
It's pretty good if you stick with it for long enough, but it does take a while to warm up.

For all the negative comments, I'd just like to remind you 1) abuse (physical, mental, and emotional) works in ways that counter sane logic. Everyone is acting so shocked that they start distrusting their already proven to be untrustworthy family (a few weeks of being nice does not erase 5 years of memories) and cling to strangers, as if thats not what abuse victims DO. We invented therapy for a reason.

2) of course there are more negative comments vs positive ones. People who dislike something, will bitch about it. People who like things (not love, just like) will give it a rating and move along. We know this about literally every review system in the modern era. Don't act like this is botted just because you cant grasp the concept that people who are ok with the manga are not commenting at the same rate as disgruntled people.
Jan 31, 2021
Okay, I am a little confused as to what everyone is saying about how them being reincarnated is unnecessary and that they should be more mature because yes they are older but let's get this straight they were high school seniors in their past life, that's 17-18 years old. They were barely adults before they were murdered (!!) and then reborn, and then had to live everyday being neglected and abused. The reincarnation was necessary because without that mentality they would have NEVER been able to survive, do you think a 5 year old or younger knows how to make tunnels and hiding spots? Or they know how to learn and climb a tree for fruit to eat? With the amount of scars and trauma they received even with a little more wisdom, it would've been near impossible for a non-reincarnated baby to survive. Our human instinct doesn't mean we are natural survival geniuses. And the decisions they make? Yeah they were immature, because they died when they were 18 and forced to live as literal infant-toddlers for 5 years. There can be a huge difference in our mental age compared to our physical age, especially in the environment we were raised in. It's only natural for our mind to stop "maturing" in certain aspects that our brain naturally deems as unnecessary and grow in aspects that our brain seems necessary for survival. For example, their brain may not know how to express their emotions well (communication) but they sure do know how to climb a tree to get food when they aren't fed and they know when to hide at what moment to not get hit. If you see them as 18+5=23 year olds then maybe, but in the story to me they basically stopped growing at 18. In fact they're probably so traumatized they might act more immature because they cannot healthily express themselves, I see them as a pair of teenagers that are confused, hurt, and scared for their lives every single day. It's a wonder they are still smiling.
But I have to admit, yes this book is a little weird because of the manifestation part but actually it's not too uncommon. I found it really similar to the coming of age ceremony for the dragons in the manga "I was born as the Demon Lord’s daughter" where they transform from a child to an adult in a matter of moments (except the “age” part I guess lol). I cannot get used to a bunch of 10 year olds looking like that in the manga (as old as their father 😂) but I can kind of see where the author was getting at. Human bodies are weak as a kid, so since they are "blessed" they can skip that part and have a stronger body from young. For example babies and toddler have small and prone bodies and don't really strengthen until they're in their teens so they royals have the ability to skip that part I guess. It's to make them "stronger". The stop growing after you're 30 is similar to not getting weak, since around the age after 30 is when we start getting more physical health problems. I'm not too sure how this story is going to play out but since these stories usually have hundreds of episodes I'm sure it's going to play out alright. They'll explain it to us sooner or later (...right?) 😂
If you don't like it okay I respect that and you can go right ahead and move on with your life. But me, I think it's a pretty good story so fat. I am actually really curious how this will play out. I wonder how the writer will bring this character development into play, will they become powerful and strong? Or maybe a bit like their brothers? Cold and cunning? Badass? Or still sweet and innocent? and how they will deal with their traumas? I'm all for it! Especially with how the twins will end up forming a relationship with their father, I know the brothers will be easier but I wonder how it'll work out with the father. I'm also curious about
(***SPOILER***) I read in the comments they were half witches or something and are actually really powerful. I am too curious about how that would play out and then how the nobles are going to react and so on. (***SPOILER***)
Oct 21, 2019
I wish the pacing was a little faster, and the kids a little smarter, but, y'know, Its aight
Aug 30, 2020
despite the negative criticism, i still love this one. and I agree with danni4 and fucking_loner. the abuse is not to be taken lightly.
May 13, 2019
The story's pacing is a bit slow but I'm going to have to wait 20 more chapters before I pick this back up.

Also, for some of you saying that the twins should be mature since they reincarnated ... Hmm.. you give adults too much credit. Even people in their 30s given specific environmental factors won't have the brain capacity of what's considered mature in social standards. Also, trauma survivors can't trust people easily. It's not as well-written in this story but the twins' reaction is understandable. They make dumb decisions based on information that they understand and are tangible. Besides, how would they know a lot about the world they were born into if they've been sheltered and abused since they could remember? I doubt they had any education or they were given books to read either.
Aug 23, 2019
All the father had to do was say they were his chidrens? I also like kids mentality about how someone who has been opressed equals good person.
May 7, 2020
Okay, long rant ahead, I just feel like I need to say my piece.

I personally very much like this story.

I agree that abuse is something that takes years to treat, being an "adult" doesn't magically exclude them from any of that. Not that I am taking this personally, but I have experienced emotional abuse for years myself (no where near as bad as the twins have experienced, and I have never been through physical abuse, thank goodness) and I can say for sure that even years later, as an "adult", I still struggle to change my mindset. Sometimes its hard to even realise what needs to change in your mindset. To even get to this (semi)stable point in my life took a lot of therapy. Such traumatic things never go away, they stick with you forever, the only thing you can do is learn to manage it better. And no one ever knows how to manage it at the beginning, it's just like grasping in the dark, and its doubly hard to even realize you need to manage it in the first place. Because their mindset was helpful to them growing up, in order to survive, so it would be hard for them to realize it needs changing! They need a lot of encouragement, and love, A LOT. And yes, LOTS of therapy(from a good therapist).

I think these kids are pretty justified in how they feel. Is it frustrating to watch them run from a loving family? Yeah, for sure, it sucks to watch, and I wish they didn't, just like how being abused sucks and I wish it didn't happen. It's not like they delight in not being able to trust their own family.

Another thing, with abuse, people can get comfortable with being uncomfortable, because they have grown to be used to feeling a bad way. They have grown to expect bad things, so they believe bad things more easily, even if there is little evidence! Its a defense mechanism.

Anyway, that's my piece, just got a bit frustrated with all the comments that were basically saying "you're an adult, you should be immune to trauma" or "you're an adult, you should know better".IMO, these comments are basically the equivalent of saying to depressed people "just stop feeling sad". If you don't like the story, that's fine.

I agree that it could be conveyed a lot better in some parts, however. But thats more of an issue in storytelling, not the characters being "stupid". Overall I rather like that its such a struggle for them to change their mindset, so many other stories have them recover almost instantly, which I find insanely unrealistic.

Anywho, forgive me for my passionate spur-of-the-moment post. I am not trying to offend anyone or pick fights, and we are all allowed to have our own opinion, which is why I thought I'd show mine. I for one want to see more updates from this. :) :) :)
May 28, 2020
@lulubello I support everything you said 1000%!!!

I've struggled the same with emotional abuse, and it takes years to even be conscious of its effects, much less address and actively work on them. When the very people who should be protecting and loving you are the ones who are constantly putting you through pain, your mind naturally learns to distrust the rest of the world because that is its only way to protect itself.

It's one thing to be ignorant when you've been privileged enough not to have this type of life experience, but it's another to invalidate and deny others' experiences and actions. I know this is just a story, but I encourage everyone to learn how to be more compassionate when understanding these characters, because you will undoubtedly meet similar people in real life.
May 7, 2020
@PinkPetal I completely agree, I think everyone can benefit from trying to be a bit more understanding.

I know that it can be easy to write off a character's struggles as being a "badly written story", but I can say this is not the case here .Every decision the twins have made so far makes sense for people like them who have gone through such horrible things.

Thanks as well, I was so worried when I posted, that I was doing something unnecessary, something I still struggle with due to the emotional abuse I went through. I am sorry you had to go through emotional abuse, I know how terrible it can be, it's hard. I hope things are going better for you now and that you are surrounded with good people. :)
Oct 22, 2019
Yall act like we saying theyre overreacting. We are just saying that their mindset and way of thinking is so childish compared to a normal adult. And all it took for all that years of trauma to disappear was the king saying "they are my children". Accurate portrayal of truama my ass. I was liking where it was going, the children not trusting the people who they believed abandoned them, and then the epic reveal after some tear jerking moments and heart moving words, yet all this that happened the past few chapters just ruined it. After I felt good about it, I waited 3 months to binge some chapters together, yet it just was so fast paced and not well written. It needed more development, and I was able to wait for 3 months worth of chapters, yet this is all it is? Hahh...
Nov 29, 2020
i'm wondering if i should drop this or not. I'm at ch 3 n i dont really like the art. So, will they be any interesting plot in the future?
May 7, 2020
@EnaLikesThis well I don't think the trauma has fully disappeared after he said "They are my children", IMO. The story hasn't showed that, all it has shown is that they were touched by their father saying that, which I think is fair, especially after all the recent events - where they thought their father was sending them away. Now if the story truly acts like their trauma is all gone after this chapter, then I would also say that this is not realistic as well. I can agree that this story is fast paced in some parts, and that it can be written better in those parts, but that isn't a deal breaker for me personally. I can understand if it is for others though.

Anyway, I enjoyed this chapter, can't wait for more :) :) :)
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Oct 24, 2020
the 2 kids are technically adults mentally but they make childish decisions that shit pisses me off.
Mar 7, 2020
Omg I cried with them thank god the misunderstandings finally cleared up a bit I love this series
Sep 3, 2020
The isekai part of this doesn't effect the dtory and actually makes it worse and their decisions make less sense.

I would just ignore the isekai at the beginning and pretend their just actually kids because thats what the story deems to be doing

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