please let this be an accidental upload from tooches’s side account and not the start of unnecessary sniping drama. I love this series too much for it to be dropped.
Hope this will not keep going tbh. The best scenario is that it will appears two times for each chapters and that's already pretty annoying so I don't really want to think of the worst scenario. And it's not like there is a reason to snipe in the first place. Last chapter was uploaded 11 days ago and just this month they uploaded 7 chapters already...
I don't think he (@sakuchu) was saying the translation was dropped but that sometime when there is drama like people trying to snipe, the group just stop translating it so he was worried that it might be dropped since someone else than the group that usually post the chapters just uploaded one. Even though I thinks it's unlikely they will abandon this particular manhwa.
Please discuss taking over a series with the original group if you really want it... Saving Your Tooches does very high quality work (which takes time) and may have already been working on this chapter.