The Weakest Occupation "Blacksmith," but It's Actually the Strongest - Vol. 11 Ch. 163 - A Blacksmith's Determination

Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
Oh well, there's nothing I can complain about. At least there's an ending than no ending at all. Good reading with y'all folks. Time to go back to the dreaded reality.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
This feels like the author either lost interest or lost his editorial approval to continue the Series since the WN is Discontinued and the LN finished with 3 Volumes it got the typical everything can happen ending. It's not the worst but it isn't very impressive at best. The Story did have potential.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 17, 2018
... the story itself was basically junk food, bad for you ...
Honestly high-caloric-content food gets way too bad a rap. It's not that it's "bad for you", like that thought-terminating shorthand that was drilled into us as kids is meant to make you think, but rather that it doesn't provide satiation due to being highly energy-dense to its bulk, and often has too many easily digested calories in the form of sugar or other simple carbohydrates, eg. starch, for the needs of the average person today. Vegetables on the other hand generally have little caloric content compared to their bulk (potatoes and other tubers being some of the sole exceptions), so fill you up easily enough without overloading your body with excess calories that your body primarily turns into fat for longer term energy storage. Proteins have a bit of a middle position, being calorie-dense but also taking a lot of time to digest, so they provide a much greater feeling of satiety than "junk food", and since the release of calories is slower, it doesn't trend towards fat generation like simple carbohydrates does. So, in the end, what is "bad for you" is not high-caloric "junk food", but the excessive consumption of such, especially with today's more sedentary lifestyles.

Sorry, I know this is entirely a non-sequitur here, but when I saw "...the story was basically junk food, bad for you..." I just had to address it.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2018
I read the light novel like a year ago, and this manga and the novel have pretty much nothing in common apart from the characters and the magic system. There are completely different arcs and MC is a deeper character than manga MC. Also the main love interest is always the childhood friend as he spends most of the tome thinking about her. The novel is really really good, but the pace is kind of slow, however the plot is really interesting, the first chapters of the manga are what I enjoyed most and that is the only thing based on the novel.
well, I'll definitely enjoy getting back into reading it then
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2023
I read the light novel like a year ago, and this manga and the novel have pretty much nothing in common apart from the characters and the magic system. There are completely different arcs and MC is a more deeper character than manga MC. Also the main love interest is always the childhood friend as he spends most of the time thinking about her. The novel is really really good, but the pace is kind of slow, however the plot is really interesting, the first chapters of the manga are what I enjoyed most and that is the only thing based on the novel.
I read the novel like a year ago, so my memory is a bit fuzzy; however, the novel and the manga are very different, the first 2 or 3 arcs from the manga are kind of based on the novel but still with differences and then at some point the manga just goes a whole other direction that has 0 relation to the novel. For example the last 2 or 3 arcs of the manga iirc dont exist on the novel. Another big difference is that Philia doesnt move with MC she stays at her mansion. Theres actually more romantic development with the merchant lady, cause she and MC become bussiness partners with lots of planning and alot of shared time. Actress charater appears for a short time and then leaves, the part were MC saves her is the same tho, but the arc was totally different from the manga's. Also MC at some point reaches his max lvl, and the blacksmith system allows him to "reset" his lvl in order to become more powerful but leveling up from that point becomes harder so he accepts and starts from 1 again, also yes theres a leveling system in the novel with numbers for lvls and stats for each lvl, also skill trees and the like. So MC is not as powerful as the manga MC, but his skills have depth, making him smarter and more hardworking. This also reflect in the fights he gets, he ends up being closer ends up resembling Naofumi (Shield Hero) in the way they approach problems. Novel's MC main interest is Lynn, he spends most of his time thinking about her and trying to catch up to her. In the novel they still havent met, but it was foreshadowed that they were going to very soon, but at that point I had already caught up. Novel is really good imo, just a bit slow, but you get all the perks of better characters, plot, context and world building.
This pretty much read like you are confusing WN with LN and misleading everyone, which is pretty common, ignoring the fact that LN Volume 3 is completely new content that isn't available in the WN because author stopped updating it after Vol.3 was published and didn't update WN back, manga followed through the LN until the end of Volume 3, which is WHY you don't see alot of these stuff from the last "2 or 3 arcs" as they don't exist in the WN, because they are LN only

LN improved alot of the original work and made the "ending" of Volume 3 less lame, so props to that
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Dex-chan lover
Nov 21, 2018
Should've just accept best girl Phila at least, yeesh. Pretty obviously axed series, a shame since I was enjoying how cheesy it was. Thanks for TL'ing it.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Well first of all thanks a lot for all the translations ! It's really surprising to see it ended so quickly just like that oO too bad it had some good moments.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2018
This sounds like the WN maybe have been changed during the editing period: Changing the MC from crafty, cunning type to typical OP type. Change the love interests from one girl to multiple girls. Perhaps in the effort to reach wider audiences.
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2023
It ended up a quite disjointed series! First the childhoods friends one becoming the hero,needs to leave and the "useless" blacksmith boy vowing to catch up and help her! Then everything slowed down with him working at the home Inn and later the opening of the shop with the merchant lady..with some fighting here and there and visual power ups that never get any explanation, some flirting, obviously very vague because no girl can get a definite answer! Even if his childhood friend had feelings for him, he repeatedly said he saw her as a sister! So the last scene make no sense! Philla on the other hand was more then clear about her feelings more then once! She left a noble lifestyle to support him and never asked anything in return! She definitely deserve more then "I'll thing about it" from this indecisive man-child! :pepehmm:
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2018
so a 6 wives harem...
do you remember that it started with him fighting next to all of them?

The Light novel? are you sure you aren't confusing it with the webnovel?
I read the light novel ...

mangas doesn't adapt web novels, they always go with the light novels.
Figured it would be axed since the manga totally deviated midway from the webnovel.
It deviated heavily from the novel after a certain point so it probably got cancelled.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2023
mangas doesn't adapt web novels, they always go with the light novels.
Not always and that depend, if there is no LN they do adapt from the WN, if the adaptation happen to ran out of LN material but there is a WN and they are going to continue, they do the switch with the respective plot changes ("Chillin' in My 30s" is one of them, finished off the 3 LN Volumes at ch31 and is going along with the WN which is completed), in this case there is a LN so it goes with that since it had more content than the WN

Few examples of adaptations that i remember that are based off WN are
Shangri-la Frontier
My One-Hit Kill Sister
The Case In Which Streaming In Another World Led To The Creation Of A Massive Yandere Following
I Was Reincarnated As The Scumbag From a Netorare Manga, But The Heroine is Coming On To Me
The Hero Took Everything from Me, So I Partied with the Hero’s Mother!
Another World's Highest Guild Leader
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