The Witches of Adamas - Vol. 4 Ch. 19 - Judo Grappler

Apr 1, 2020

Do you have a fetish for bringing up and 'debating' irrelevant, "serious" topics everywhere you appear? If so, stop: it makes you appear insecure.

Because I swear, I've seen you pulling this pretentious "i am the smart" stunt in several other lighthearted series threads, like yofukashi no uta for example. You either bring up 'issues' which are only tangentially related to what's happening in a comic completely ignoring its meta context, or try to intellectualize works which don't hold any aspirations to be high brow, "engaged" literature (again, Kotoyama).

Save that attitude for you local mensa chapter kay? This is porn.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@Tamerlane that's not even the right metaphor at all. If you're drunk and you kill someone, you're a murderer. If you're drunk and have sex with another drunk person, you're not a sexual offender. Or at the very least, both you and your fuck buddy are both simultaneously sex offenders. But no court would ever make that ruling unless external damages were involved.

Which is irrelevant because, as you keep skipping around, these people are restrained and tortured against their will. How long you gonna keep beating around the bush?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Well, for starters, I am not beating around the bush. The fact that they're both in circumstances that is torture is irrelevant, though. Yes, they're being held against their will, but that has no bearing on the fact that one took advantage of the other. We both agree the person who put them in there is culpable for their actions, but that does not mean that it removes them from any agency or responsiblity once they are in that situation, which was what I ultimately was trying to get at.

You keep going back to the drunk metaphor, but it's made clear that the only one who's judgement is clouded or is on any kind of drug or is any significantly altered state of mind is MC. Miyoshi is not intoxicated or has her mind clouded on any other level besides being in the heat. Sure, being too hot can make you do things that you normally wouldn't, but you are still culpable for your actions. She was not in the heat as long as MC was and she knowingly took advantage of a man who was hallucinating.

My response to @nonameanonymous82435 was essentially because his argument was all ad hominem. There wasn't anything to engage with on a meaningful level so I basically just ignored it. Hell, I don't just start arguments for the sake of it and I don't really analyze very many mangas unless I think there's something it's trying to say with the writing. (I still have no idea what he's talking about in terms of Yofukashi No Uta, though there is some interesting character interactions and development there.) Most of what I post is either memes or shitposts, but I will chime in if I think there's an interesting thing to point out or comment on within the chapter.

Besides, this is all irrelevant because my main point was that Miyoshi was not being honest about being pregnant, or that she wasn't pregnant, despite what she thought. I'm willing to drop the topic if you are, and the only reason I'm still commenting on this is because you keep mentioning me. I was going to ignore this, but the last comment you made had me thrown for a loop, and I felt that I needed to defend myself.

Whatever, if you feel we're at an impasse, we can drop the topic and move on.
Apr 1, 2020
My point is, you're a wanabee intellectual intent on spoiling everyone's fun: go be smart in your local mensa gatherings. Haven't seen in you in threads of manga like Purple Qualia for example, yet you keep popping up in all kind of sols, comedies, and now porn, with your oop musings about oot stuff.

"Most of what I post is either memes or shitposts,"
Now thas a lie mister and you know it ; if they'll ever roll in the option to view people posting history you'll be extremely embarrassed, with all that pretentiousness on full display.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
First point, your grammar is absolutely terrible. (This is why I'm 50/50 on whether you're a troll or not.)

Second point, I have no clue how I'm spoiling anyone's fun. I just post my responses, or rare an analysis or insight and engage with people as they respond, or I comment on the posts of others. Usually, most of my posts on manga are meme-y or jokes. The super-analytic posts are reserved for chapters or series I feel deserve it, or which those I think those insights are relevant to the conversation.

Third point, the reason you won't see me in certain series is either because I have nothing to say or I don't read said work. I haven't read "Purple Qualia," so not commenting on it isn't going against my point. (I should also note whilst I do read smut as I think that they can have interesting sources of conflict or can cover heavy topics if handled right, I don't read the hentai on the site as I don't think those will have any of the investment I am looking for and are just pure pornography. I also don't read Shoujo Ai or Yuri/Yaoi. Personal taste kinda thing.)

Now thas a lie mister, and holly shit, if they'll even roll in the option to view people posting history you'll be embarrassed, with all that pretentiousness on full display.
Nope, I feel no shame in what I post. And if you go on the forums or if you look at most of the manga I post on like Jahy-sama, you'll see more joking answers.

I am not a pseudo-intellectual or anything of the sort. I am merely sharing my honest thoughts and insights and you're free to disagree with them, but I'm not claiming to be anything more or anything less.
Apr 1, 2020

First point, your grammar is absolutely terrible.
I'm starting to think you don't know the meaning behind 90% of the words you're using. Provide examples. You might've meant "syntax", in which case it just showcases your poor reading level. Just because you can't follow a sentence doesn't mean it is structurally (or 'grammatically') incorrect.

(Btw, you're doing it again. That thing you claim you haven't been doing all along and definitely are not doing on a regular basis.)

Second point, I have no clue how I'm spoiling anyone's fun.
I have explained it two times already, in very simple terms. If you still haven't got it, we'll just have to accept that you won't and move on.

I just post my responses, or rare an analysis or insight and engage with people as they respond, or I comment on the posts of others.
Usually, most of my posts on manga are meme-y or jokes.
The super-analytic posts are reserved for chapters or series I feel deserve it, or which those I think those insights are relevant to the conversation.
Lie. You're doing it on a regular basis.

And wow, you really do like to toot your horn: "insights" not "thoughts", ey? Nice slip. So in your eyes you're "adding value".

Third point, the reason you won't see me in certain series is either because I have nothing to say or I don't read said work. I haven't read "Purple Qualia," so not commenting on it isn't going against my point. (I should also note whilst I do read smut as I think that they can have interesting sources of conflict or can cover heavy topics if handled right, I don't read the hentai on the site as I don't think those will have any of the investment I am looking for and are just pure pornography. I also don't read Shoujo Ai or Yuri/Yaoi. Personal taste kinda thing.)

You're being intentionally stupid on purpose, which again, implies how much smarter you consider yourself to be in comparison to average mob here ("no one will catch up"). It was meant to serve as an example of certain type of fiction.

Combine this attitude with the weird compulsion to appear "unorthodox" and provide "original perspective" in all sort of weird places and we are.

That said, if you really were that intelligent (or had lesser ego), you wouldn't had written the next paragraph, because it kinda kills your whole "rhetoric": by your own admission you don't read titles which interpretation or understanding would presumably require critical thinking, (and if you do, you don't have any "insights" to offer) ; in exchange you consume whole lot of unsophisticated stuff which lets you project freely and vomit all sort of very loosely associated "overthought" musings (for lack of a better words), which have nothing to do with either the work's in question themes, context of its genre, or the author's intent to address the issues in serious manner ("meta-context").

Nope, I feel no shame in what I post. And if you go on the forums or if you look at most of the manga I post on like Jahy-sama, you'll see more joking answers.
Maybe you really think that rest of us are peasants, but it'd be really nice if you had stopped assuming that. Just because you get lost midway through a sentence doesn't mean that all people have that same problem. "Ashamed" was used in the context of denying "offering your insights on a regular basis", ie, lying, obviously.

Things that are neither here nor there:
" I don't really care about smut, but this is best read as a horror manga with the ever-present paranoia of existential terror"
"That said, she's not nearly as bad as Shirouzu, who I utterly despise with all of my being and I hope he gets fucking"
"Let's not forget what Miyoshi did could be considered sexual assault or rape because MC wasn't in a clear state of mind in which he could give clear consent."

You're so pretentious dude. Which is a trait at least one other person in this thread had caught on to:

"Stop overanalyzing every single thing about a freaking ecchi manga where a magical disease can make you ejaculate diamonds and there's a secret culture of women who target guys with it."
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
If you're going to respond to this, please take it to DMs, as this is moving away from discussion of the chapter itself. @nonameanonymous82435
1) First off, in regards to grammar/syntax...
My point is, you're a wanabee intellectual intent on spoiling everyone's fun: go be smart in your local mensa gatherings. Haven't seen in you in threads of manga like Purple Qualia for example, yet you keep popping up in all kind of sols, comedies, and now porn, with your oop musings about oot stuff.
Now thas a lie mister and you know it ; if they'll ever roll in the option to view people posting history you'll be extremely embarrassed, with all that pretentiousness on full display.
Should be
My point is [that] you're a wannabee intellectual, intent on spoiling everyone's fun. Go be smart in your local Mensa gatherings. Haven't seen in you in threads of manga like Purple Qualia for example, yet you keep popping up in all kind of SoLs, comedies, and now porn with your oop musings about oot stuff.

I have no idea what "oop" or "oot" is meant to be, but the first issue is that indirect statements don't need a comma, where as relative clauses do. You misspelled several words
Now thas a lie mister and you know it ; if they'll ever roll in the option to view people posting history you'll be extremely embarrassed, with all that pretentiousness on full display.
Should be
Now that's a lie mister, and you know it; if they'll ever roll in the option to view peoples' posting history, you'd be extremely embarrassed with all that pretentiousness on full display.
"Thas" might be a meme, ("Thas rite" is) but you forgot that you there's two independent clauses here, to make "people" possessive, that your clause is subjunctive, and you had commas randomly everywhere.

I hate to criticize grammar and syntax, as they're kind knit-picky, but these are basics and would impede comprehension to some extent.
You haven't really pointed to how I'm making it so people can't have fun when reading manga. It's not like I'm forcing people to read my comments, and even if they did, I seriously doubt that would somehow "ruin" a manga for them. You're simply being hyperbolic to the point of ridiculousness.

The page you linked is from 5 months ago, which is hardly what I would call "regular." Even then, that's not very much analysis of the work itself but by using context clues within the story to speculate that someone may have a condition. (To be fair, I have divided deeper into much more serious works before, and have interesting discussions based on them, but that's irrelevant because you're focusing on things like SoLs in particular. Even then, it doesn't prove frequency in the slightest) In no way is the statement I provided a lie, nor am I making an argument in bad faith as you seem to be implying.

Using "insights" instead of "thoughts" (even though I've used both) is not some kind of Freudian slip. It's a common expression for adding in my two cents and for me to say that I'm sharing a prospective that you may not have thought of before, not to say necessarily that the perspective I propose is the correct one, more that it's my own. You're trying to make these things in "gotchas" when they're completely begin in order to paint me as some kind of insidious, egomaniac gatekeeper. Stop with the character assassination, as it impedes our ability to have a productive conversation.

You're being intentionally stupid on purpose, which again, implies how much smarter you consider yourself to be in comparison to average mob here ("no one will catch up"). It was meant to serve as an example of certain type of fiction.
I don't follow. I was saying I just had particular tastes and wasn't necessarily diminishing genres for what they are. I'm almost confident that there are extremely well-written Yuri or Yaoi love stories, but they're just not for me. (Also, I find it hypocritical for you to say that I shouldn't share my two cents into this series because it's supposed to be some "silly story," yet you criticize me because I said that I don't read the hentai because I just want to read some interesting and well-written stories.)

I see in no way how I am being intentionally "stupid" here, or how I see myself as smarter or better than anyone else. (Which is just trying to paint me in a negative light rather than have a productive conversation.)
That said, if you really were that intelligent (or had lesser ego), you wouldn't had written the next paragraph, because it kinda kills your whole "rhetoric": by your own admission you don't read titles which interpretation or understanding would presumably require critical thinking
I just said that I don't read Yuri/Yaoi because it's personally not my thing, dude. I can acknowledge that there are probably some really competent and well-written works in those series, whilst still saying it's just not for me. It doesn't mean I don't read titles whose "interpretation or understanding would presumably require critical thinking," which is outright dishonest given I just included two fairly large genres that don't appeal to me, specifically, whilst not degrading them in any form. It also ignores how I have talked about complex works I like on places like the site's forums, but if you're commenting specifically on manga, it's easy to ignore those.

"in exchange you consume whole lot of unsophisticated stuff which lets you project freely and vomit all sort of very loosely associated 'overthought' musings (for lack of a better words), which have nothing to do with either the work's in question themes, context of its genre, or the author's intent to address the issues in serious manner ('meta-context')."
Cite me an example in which I do not try to provide evidence, or cannot provide evidence, from the work itself to support my point. I'm not projecting anything, as I try my best to support my claims with examples and cite events, dialogue, and other factors to help formulate my argument. I also don't care about the "meta-context" because I am a firm believer in death of the author, and just because the creator has one interpretation of the work, it doesn't mean that is the only valid perspective of that work, and whilst knowing the genre and the context of other works within it may help you to better understand a work, (Like how Konosuba parodies the Isekai genre) it does not invalidate my argument about the work, and is pretty much irrelevant if the work, itself, supports the points I'm making or I can pull evidence to support my perspective.

Maybe you really think that rest of us are peasants, but it'd be really nice if you had stopped assuming that.
Lol nope, never claimed that. I never said anything even remotely similar to that, nor have I implied that through tone or diction. It's a wild mischaracterization based on practically nothing other than I have tried to propose possible interpretations of a work.
Just because you get lost midway through a sentence doesn't mean that all people have that same problem.
I said that you had terrible grammar. I could mostly understand the point you were making. (Though I am fallible and I had to go through and fix some parts mentally, which I feel is natural and everyone is prone to do at some point or another.) I find it interesting how you project this onto me, whilst criticize me for projecting things onto others, and how you took me saying that you had made some grammatical mistakes and somehow interpreted to mean that I have have issues reading all sentences in general. It appears to me that you take your own flaws, and then push them onto others, rather than trying to understand what the person talking to you had to say. I think you ought to invest in a mirror.

None of what I said in the "things that are neither here nor there" section is damning evidence against me. I don't think any of the words I used in those sections really speak to any level of pretentiousness, or that I have some grandiose ego. Most of those words are used in common parlance. "Whilst" is not some pompous expression, nor is a word like "existential." It's silly to just point at these banal statements and think they speak to some deeper underlying egoism, when I don't think they really do. (Whilst this is personal, I'll even go as far as to say that I have been to therapists for self-esteem issues most of my life around depression. Narcissistic behavior is one the other end of that particular spectrum.)

"You're so pretentious dude. Which is a trait at least one other person in this thread had caught on to:"
I really don't care. I've already addressed his argument, and just because other people believe in a claim, that does not make that claim true. It's just an appeal to popularity, but it doesn't actually make your argument any stronger.

If you have any other issues, please send me them in a private message. This is straying off-topic from this chapter, which is better sorted there than here, as per the site's rules.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 10, 2019
And now I'll forever wonder if they continued this in private or if their argument stopped here...

Mar 3, 2020
Look, I get people feel icky when ntr and fat bastard tropes show up, I'm not going to sit here and judge what people like in their pervy manga but.....

...God Damn that Dio joke was fucking hilarious!
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 1, 2020
Goddammit. In every porn manga, there's always gotta be Ugly Bastard and NTR. I hope the twins get to him first and drain his life span.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 1, 2020
Whats with the time stopping bullsh*it by the way?
Did his Syndrome also give him a Stando Power?

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