This is fucking pointless. And horrible.
So.. she ghosted him? Why? What kind of bullshit reason is Hata going to use?
She disappeared because she wanted to see if he would chase her? That would be FUCKING retarded, a true psychotic behaviour, and a complete no go for me. Better alone than with a psycho. If you have a problem and/or want to be chased, how about talking like adults instead?
She disappeared because she's fleeeing the fans? She surely could have spent 5 fucking minutes to phone him and tell him
She disappeared because she's preparing a surpise? Yeah no thanks. That's just something you don't do, not with something like this. If you are in a relationship, you don't ghost the other for futile reasons.
She disappeared because her family is against it? Same as above, the five fucking minute phone call seems a given.
There is NO logical reason for her to ghost him like this while they are in a relationship, unless she's a complete psycho. Or she was not interested from the beginning. I really want to see how fucking Hata tries to end this manga. Considering how shitty the ending of Hayate no Gotoku was, I'm not hopeful.