This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 100 Days - Ch. 23 - Day 23

Apr 17, 2019
Lol get fucked eidetic. Noticed they removed the giant "donate to our patreon" banner on their group profile to act like theyre not totally just in it for the money even though every chapter posted had a bigass discord message saying to donate attached to it. Group "leader" is a huge douche so I'll be glad to see that group die, hope they continue to get sniped to death.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
She's got the buns and he's got the meat

Together, they're a perfect duo.

Also, a girl wanting to work with you is probably a sign of wanting to go out with you...? I don't know, it's a sign that she at least tolerates you.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Lots of you hate the previous translator but they picked up many series that were dying/dropped and were polite to the previous groups, asking them for permission before working on those projects. Lots of groups do not even post on MD and use ad ridden websites while asking for donations. Yet this one is fostering good habits and you attack them. Their leader is pretty emotional for sure but I believe that flaming them for the lulz will only result in a net loss for fans of the manga being translated.
Double-page supporter
Aug 17, 2019
@Yourself I agree. Yeah, the leader did seem a little immature, but I don’t think there was any bad intent, unless there was something I missed. I normally don’t have a problem with “sniping,” but this just seems really unnecessary.
Oct 24, 2019
People sniping to push the TL team away won't commit to translating it in their stead. It's a net loss for everyone over petty squabbling. If the previous TL leader hasn't done anything wrong then I don't see any reason for this kind of sniping.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@LionRoy do you know that feeling where you've been working hard for a long time on something but suddenly someone just steals it from you?

I really got a good laugh out of this comment. Of the 8,985 groups currently listed on mangadex, how many of them are not stealing something that someone has been working hard on, but actually have permission from the original author to translate their work? Offhand, I can think of only 1, TheElusiveTaco. The rest of the groups, be it that they were the first to begin scanlating a series or a group that swoops in and "snipes" (oh, how I hate that term) are stealing content from the original author.
Group Leader
Mar 11, 2018

It's more than that. @_FFFF was created a month ago and did nothing for a month other than post a low quality snipe of Akutsu-san, until today when it posted 3 garbage tier Sokuochi Mayuri-chan chapters.

@pippo311lp was created 2 months ago just to post a snipe of Fechippuru right after Eidetic Memoscans uploaded one, and then @sinonschampion was created yesterday just to upload another snipe of the same thing.

And now today @gyaruuniverse is another fresh account created just to snipe Gyaru100. So that's 5 accounts for the soul purpose of harassment.

And here's someone on reddit organizing this harassment and bragging about it:

And another /r/manga thread talking about it
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
@LionRoy +1 from me.

People don't own the shit they translate. And acting all butthurt that someone else is translating it, and like you "lost" it is pretty sad. Yea it's douchey when it's targeted like this, but no one stole your dog or some shit. It's also super ironic (and less douchey by consequence) considering the apparent hypocrisy. It's like crying about the fact that someone else remixed a song you also remixed prior, or did fan-art of a series you did fan-art of.

What is this weeb turf war wannabe shit? Scanlation drama is so damn cringe. I always thought it was super fucking pathetic them repeatedly advertising their discord / patreon shit, good thing someone called it out. They just want money so that's why they're throwing a fit. I'm getting Deja Vu.
Group Leader
Mar 11, 2018

And you'd have a point if not for it being 5 times in the past month or so, and that it's causing his team to lose staff. At this point it's pretty obvious that someone's doing it to screw with him because they have a hateboner for him.

So what we end up in this situation is a group putting out half-assed translations just to screw with a team that's actually putting out stuff regularly, who will eventually break up the existing team and then stop releasing their own translation cause they're only in it for spite.

It sucks for everyone else, but hey, the people doing it sure got some luls on 4ch and some upvotes on reddit, so woo, go team forum troll.

Best advice I can give @MrOGZ is to not react to them. Don't acknowledge it publicly, don't worry about them putting out their troll translations ahead of you, just keep putting out good content and ignore them. They'll get bored and go back to translating crap for sadpanda sooner or later.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
The targeting / amount of times and the "loss of staff" is completely irrelevant to "my point". They don't own this series, and they didn't lose the series because it's physically and legally impossible to lose a digital thing you do not own. Oh, look, those two things are irrelevant to being getting sniped and losing staff because *insert bullshit justification here about how getting sniped hurt their feelings and scared them*. Whatta ya know, I guess I do have a point.

People throwing a fit and ditching a project over what someone else did on the internet is on them and their problem. If these goofs can't handle that, they're not long for this world. The "It's like crying about the fact that someone else remixed a song you also remixed prior, or did fan-art of a series you did fan-art of." analogy is standing pretty strong. They don't own this stuff, they don't have a monopoly on translations.

And since they seem to be money grubbing, they got no sympathy from me. One of those threads you linked called these guys out for sniping, uploading troll uploads and even ripping, and stealing licensed shit, uploading it as their own. And the comment section on the other link are shit talking this group's awful behaviour (for raiding and sniping other group's discord channels... hmm, that sounds familiar), and it's the top comment. Not only did you do an awful job defending them, you actually hurt their position and put a bunch of evidence that they deserved this. You should probably go read them.

This is like SSSSS or whatever bitching about getting sniped. Pure irony. What goes around comes around. Notice how groups that put out good translations, don't engage in BS drama and don't beg for donations never get sniped....
Aug 28, 2019
boi, im not gonna read all of that but chill guys, u can just ignore the drama or sumthin

anyways, the translation got a bit better. Keep it up!

edit: some spelling mistakes
Feb 11, 2018
The Shogunate answers only to quality, not claim. The greatest translation will reign. Thank you for correcting the various spelling errors present in previous scanlations.
Feb 18, 2019
OGZ complaining about sniping when he's guilty of it in the past:

This is why I don't care about sniping. And the co owner and TLs leaving OGZ were smart because it's a sinking ship at this point. OGZ escalating in the comment section and that Reddit thread have solidified his poor reputation in the community. Good riddance.
Apr 13, 2020
So here's to all the dip shits out there Raging at eidetic memoscans scans: they take the time out of their day to translate these mangas. Away from their normal jobs and free time. So why shouldn't they get something out of it? I don't see you guys doing the work for this. And about the quality of their work: I don't really see a problem with it, they translate really well, and the typesetting and all that is alright. Especially considering the fact that they're a fairly small group. And the little NEETs out there sitting in their basement sniping at eidetic can piss right off. Take your bullshit somewhere else. They don't do their work to take bullshit from you.
Feb 11, 2018
Enough of these leaves in the wind. Update the manga or the Shogun’s wrath will rise like the Sun.
Apr 2, 2020
I did not read all the messages, because i got just few minutes of freetime, so it's has been dropped by scanlating group again?
May 27, 2019
I don't know for others, but what you said about me is False.
My account haven't 2 months and I DON'T post just for doing it.
Fecchippuru cap 30 was uploaded with jump scares by idiots, so i cleaned it and re-upload for the good of community.

READ the comments of that chapter before pointing the finger. I'm a reader not a translator, I have nothing to do with group. If someone upload that chapter I will remove it, I have no problems at all.

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