The targeting / amount of times and the "loss of staff" is completely irrelevant to "my point". They don't own this series, and they didn't lose the series because it's physically and legally impossible to lose a digital thing you do not own. Oh, look, those two things are irrelevant to being getting sniped and losing staff because *insert bullshit justification here about how getting sniped hurt their feelings and scared them*. Whatta ya know, I guess I do have a point.
People throwing a fit and ditching a project over what someone else did on the internet is on them and their problem. If these goofs can't handle that, they're not long for this world. The "It's like crying about the fact that someone else remixed a song you also remixed prior, or did fan-art of a series you did fan-art of." analogy is standing pretty strong. They don't own this stuff, they don't have a monopoly on translations.
And since they seem to be money grubbing, they got no sympathy from me. One of those threads you linked called these guys out for sniping, uploading troll uploads and even
ripping, and stealing licensed shit, uploading it as their own. And the comment section on the other link are shit talking this group's awful behaviour (for raiding and sniping other group's discord channels... hmm, that sounds familiar), and it's the top comment. Not only did you do an awful job defending them,
you actually hurt their position and put a bunch of evidence that they deserved this. You should probably go read them.
This is like SSSSS or whatever bitching about getting sniped. Pure irony. What goes around comes around. Notice how groups that put out good translations, don't engage in BS drama and don't beg for donations never get sniped....