This Villainess Wants a Divorce! - Vol. 1 Ch. 33

Active member
May 11, 2018
Caesar didnt react at all to his fiance's bodyguard showing up claiming to have received word that Caesar needed him.

i get that he trusts the men under him and the bodyguard did say the red retard took over, but its just odd that he didnt find it strange that an order was sent in his name that seperated the princess and her bodyguard?
Aggregator gang
Mar 15, 2019
For people who were confused why he would misunderstood such context, remember that the knight was a dumb muscle brain with loyalty pass through the roof...
Jul 12, 2018
I just think Canaria needs more awareness in general. In her surroundings and the logic/words she applies to situations xD. She seems to not think things through very much.
Jan 30, 2018
the misunderstandings are so stupid but I’ll preserve bc main couple r both such cuties I just want to see them happy u guys :(
Group Leader
Jun 12, 2019
Gracious, thieves should know better than to think they can best dynamite in a uniform. TTvTT
Dec 3, 2018
Waaah Canaria pleaaase oh please be careful of what you say if you're with other people.

Misunderstandings are wack, simple or complex people get trapped. Then it escalates and escalates, then surprise surprise the entire kingdom is in on that misunderstanding...
Aggregator gang
Mar 11, 2019

can't this stupid soldier understand the context?

Ethan's the one who didn't realize Cesar was talking about himself during the whole "I know this guy whose wife started talking about divorce when he got back from the campaign - do you think she might have been cheating on him?" conversation and helpfully volunteered that yeah, that's probably what she did and it's so common soldiers have a phrase for it ("putting her shoes on backward") before he realized Cesar was talking about his own situation, and he only picked up on that fact when Cesar broke a pen and ordered Ethan out of his office in a rage.

So Ethan's already primed to be on the lookout for signs Canaria is having an affair, he's predisposed to think that's likely, and he thinks Cesar suspects it as well.

Given that context, Canaria's reminiscing about younger days sounds awful to Ethan. It's not like he can talk things out with anybody to determine the truth: if Canaria was actually having an affair with the second prince, of course she'd lie about it. Ethan can't confront the second prince on a mere suspicion, and if the second prince really was having an affair with Canaria, he'd lie about it too. All telling Cesar will do is fuel Cesar's paranoia, or lead to a confrontation with Canaria and/or the second prince, instead of helping either of these guys reach the truth.

Basically, Canaria said something incredibly dumb in front of someone who was going to take it in the worst way possible. Then he took it in the worst way possible.

@CivilSky's just odd that he didn't find it strange that an order was sent in his name that seperated the princess and her bodyguard?

From what we've seen of Cesar, he probably found it odd, but since Ethan got press-ganged into guarding Canaria, she still has an escort, so Cesar's not too worried at that moment. He (or his smart aide) are probably going to have that maid watched from now on, though, unless they're idiots.
Active member
Sep 1, 2018
@Miriha Summer time rendering. It might not be what you expect it to be but it's pretty fun to read, I'd give it a shot. This pannel specifically is on chapter 39 I believe.
@Keansor I have to agree that the drama coming from this specifically is pretty dumb.
On another note the "is she on a relationship with my brother?" drama actually makes a lot of sense and is very concerning, specially when you consider how close they've always been and this "strange" request that Noah asked for during his childhood could be interpreted as his buried feelings that were able to blossom thanks to his borther's departure to the war. Still pretty dumb and frustrating but I'd much rather see this than the protagonist being dense towards Cesar 24/7. Those misunderstandings are unbearable.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Cesar's men are loyal to a fault. Cesar already trusts Canaria, but yet they still doubt her. I think that's the main problem there.
Active member
Jun 5, 2018
the art is gorgeous, but guys, let's be honest
the story is pure shit

the only parts I enjoyed were the Gracie parts, the fashion, Ceaser being a hot drawing, and the fluff, the rest simply sucks. We literally have to find excuses for the characters stupid behaviors and dumb plots. We are rationalizing stupidity for the sake of our sanity and to keep us reading, which is ridiculous.
Double-page supporter
May 18, 2018
It's sad to see Canaria so dumb now because she was quite interesting when she was smaller, being way more cunning and perceptive.

Also, ch7 pg 22 : Ethan was so cute when he was a child !


Dex-chan lover
May 28, 2019
Why is Canaria so careless? I mean forget Ethan for a moment...suspicious glass guy (whose name I forgot) is there. Royalty should not joke about this type of thing.

I don't even think you can blame Cesar for his insecurities since she has in no way really reassured him. Yes, they hugged (more supportive/comforting than romantic) but Gracie's princess carry probably trumps any romantic gestures.
Group Leader
Jul 9, 2018
Why is she so careless? Because she's an absolute brainlet. She has been living for how many years in the royal palace, she should know that saying stuff like that is bound to hurt her, her husband and her husband's brother. This is just plain stupidity from her part, every single misunderstanding in this series is because of her. At this point is like the story is canaria fucking up in some way or another and then people juggling around to fix the mess she she did.
Sep 28, 2018
@Meo @Flyingpantsu I don't really see her as being dumb, a bit careless(when she gets comfortable), but not dumb. She's basically grown up with this kid so of course she feels comfortable joking with him. If she was on edge and closemouthed all the time I doubt she would have forged bonds as organically as she has been able to do...especially with the first 2 guards. It's understandable that Cesars (red headed)guard doesn't trust her yet, but he should be smart enough to discern a simple joke.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I really wish she and ml's bro would just talk to the male lead instead of this forced misunderstanding ....
Jun 9, 2019
Well way to go canaria X'D at this point she's chasing trouble with her own hands lmao... But honestly I love her relationship with the second prince she sees him as a little brother & treats him as such & there is nothing wrong with that even if I feel that from his side it's not or was not the same at some point?? I know that a lot r saying she's dumb but she's just honest & keeps being true to herself with ppl she can trust, after all she knows how to act when she needs to... & I wouldn't bother much about Cesar, he's an intelligent dude plus he loves her very much so he'll try digging deeper than what's said & canaria will just fix everything as she always does frankly & fearlessly so...

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