That haircut was hyped up but I can't tell the difference.
Jaxs got his ass whooped, his knighthood stripped, and lost his home all on the same day. I'd almost feel bad for him if he hadn't been stirring up so much shit. But of course, Canaria is too nice. However, it's kind of weird for Ceasar to have never introduced them all before now. The knights are his greatest allies, so it'd make sense for him to want them to have a good relationship with Canaria. I feel like this could've been avoided if he'd been a better leader, friend and husband.
& I hope the thing with Mr. White Hair doesn't turn into some dumb love triangle or something like that, since he's now taking an interest in Canaria. 🤮 I agree with
@Ushiokaze that he was hiding behind that corner so he could recruit Jaxs. I thought that was going to be the next story beat until Canaria swooped in.
And I forget her name but Purple Hair Girl's looking fashionable as hell.