This Villainess Wants a Divorce!

Apr 3, 2019
Thank you so much for your hard work to translating this😍 it became my favorite manga. Waiting for the next chapters. Hehe~
Apr 4, 2019
When can this be updated? Been waiting and patiently waiting for it... please do not drop this one😢😢
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
@Sunflowerboy does it have any actual military elements?
Just a bit that probably one wouldn't notice it.
If you're looking for the more military focus one like "GATE" or something like that, I would say this is not for you.
Apr 23, 2019
After looking through the latest chapter's comments it looks like the LLS scanners took back their apology for the multiple fake releases and are keeping the releases private as a punishment?

The latest raws are at about chapter 30 something. Can another group pick it up now or will that start another wave of drama?

edit: ah, just found the screenshot of the discord convo. So it was planned.
Apr 23, 2019
@saelkie Which part? The apology page is gone. I found a summary of the drama on reddit and a screenshot of the discord chat about starving and punishing everyone. Raws are up to chapter 35. They previously released chapters like twice a week, which is actually really fast, but they haven't released in almost a month. This means they're either on pause, they're releasing privately, or they dropped it.

No independent translator's gonna want to release new chapters here until something is stated because they just showed that last guy if you release their claimed series, they can go as far as taking it out on everyone and punishing readers from their other series by threatening to keep all releases private.

edit: oh yeah, I see it now. I jumped the gun on the private releases part. I'll fix that.
Apr 26, 2018
@chickendinner they taking a break bc most of them are busy with real life stuff on the moment. Also, if you want updates that happen on a certain schedule, you should just go ask Tappytoon to get the rights for this series and then you can buy the chapters every week or maybe you can try to learn Korean and buy on kakao to support the author. As you can see, there are many options to you besides bad mouth a group for being rightfully tired after some of their readers got pissed over an April's fool joke that everyone was doing on the day (a clever two-part joke since the third was posted by someone else) and posting a private conversation on discord to trash the group.
Apr 23, 2019
@irmaars21 Sounds like you took my observation of LLS's fast releases as a negative? Sure, take it however you want. Message Tappytoon? I'll actually do that. Buy the chapters? I've tried. Unless you never tried this yourself you'll know that attempting to buy said manhwa on kakao isn't possible without a Korean mobile carrier, so saying "buy on kakao" doesn't really work. It looked like there was one guy willing to scanlate the manhwa, but after he posted he was probably rightfully tired after some scanlators got pissed over one translated chapter. Calling two joke posts in a row "clever" is laughable, but let's agree to disagree. I never cared about the joke, I was irritated at LLS's behavior after. And show me, where did I post this private conversation on discord, which trashes everyone outside of that discussion, in order to trash the group? I found and referenced words from the screenshot conversation because a Discord isn't the most private place to bash people. Repeating the words written in the post isn't trashing them.

Aside from the crossed-out portion, which was my assumption of what had happened, I didn't post anything that wasn't true or of my opinion.
Apr 26, 2018
@chickendinner I didn't take offense at LLS fast releases as negative. I have even told you that they were happen was because they were on break and also I never said that YOU posted their private convo on discord - I said the group was sad/disappointed because of that and people's reaction for the April's Fool joke. Like can you imagine how awful would feel when you're in a place venting your feelings to people and then someone posted on mangadex to flame people up against you? I think any person wouldn't like and get mad/frustrate at that.

Also, did you read the note that the person that translated posted? And you know that he used the raws that LLS bought with their own money on Kakao to make his translation? (Which was the thing that they were most mad about it?) Also, did you saw all the awful things people were saying for the group?? Also, did you saw that the person who posted the chapters and LLS talked and the parted in good ways and that he had no idea/expected that people would make such havoc in comments? Like I can understand them being pissed after working for months on the series and updating with certain regularity as you noticed to have people raging over for having fun on the one day that all groups do it (I found the joke funny bc you first got the bunny and them the "original chapter" that was original bc was in Korean. I saw it, found funny and then move over with my life which apparently a lot of people on this site couldn't do it).
Apr 23, 2019
@irmaars21 Look dude, I'm tired of this. Take it however you want. You thought I wanted regular updates, when I asked if another group could release in the absence without starting more drama. You literally wrote "there are many options to [me] besides bad mouth a group [...] and posting a private conversation on discord to trash the group," but let's call that a misunderstanding. Yes vent, cool, but translators are in the spotlight for better or worse, and although both sides were doing this, pushing the Us vs. Them thing as a translator has more weight (great power/great responsibility, yadda yadda). Different words could've been used when venting that wouldn't have resulted in outrage even if they were screencapped and publicly posted.

I read @kepki's note, what of it? The guy made a snarky comment, said chapter 30 was spoiled, made an attempt at translating, and said he'd take it down when someone did a better job. Judging by comments it looks like he didn't know using LLS's raws was bad and apologized. It was a bad move with good intentions, and the chapter was later deleted. The purchased part is also a thing I'm not gonna get into because it's too big a hole. If he apologized after the retaliation, then there was no initial communication, just a reaction. Your comments show bias toward LLS, so without legit evidence that they actually left on good terms, I'm not taking your word for it. I looked for kepki, and the guy is gone. His account's deleted, so I'll try to assume they left on neutral terms.

I didn't even want to get into the joke, but you keep referencing it, so yeah I saw the comments. It sucks. We're all choosing beggars. But teasing people with fake treats like animals can cause distrust, and doing the same with a mob of people is bound to give you mixed responses. Even with the negativity, there are more than 40,000 views on this chapter alone. Let's assume every commenter for chapter 17 left a mean comment/threat, instead of the reality being like 50/50 and mainly 4 or 5 people raging from both ends. Adding this thread nets us 500. 500 out of 40,000 means less than 1.25% of the readers here were pissed enough to comment, and that's against LLS's favor. And yeah, the words were hurtful, but I'm sure they got words of support on their discord after every release and on chapter 1-16's comment pages, and I'm sure they're getting supportive comments even now. The fury only started after the april fools joke. No spikes in crazy any time before that. Maybe it's hinting at something.

As for my original question, forget it. After seeing the apology page removed, getting no word from LLS, and then hearing about the break from a follower in the comments section, it's not worth investing more time into this.

@Jellodsf @irmaars21 says they're on a break.
Jan 18, 2018
Can i assume the series got picked up again? I truly enjoyed it and it’s a shame seeing it dropped so suddenly
Mar 6, 2019
Things will go really bad if she didn't attend the celebration so I think she will force her self to go
Apr 26, 2018
@chickendinner I won't discuss this anymore since it's clear we are both biased in the subject and clearly we won't change our opinions about it. It's simply not worthy to continue with this since LLS just updated again.

I just want to notice that I know that they parted in good ways bc I was here when everything happened and saw that they have reached common ground and he even asked people to stop fighting. If you don't believe me, is okay. I can't prove it since I didn't take any screenshot - I was more preoccupied in the moment that another of my favorite group would drop the project or close down because of entitled readers and didn't take the time to screenshot the conversation.
Group Leader
Jan 20, 2018
Can we just forget about this guys? Both sides were in the wrong. This is the past and doesn't need to be brought up anymore.
Secondly im really sorry for the long hiatus, don't worry... I will try to continue this manhwa on a constant release. Most likely 1-2 chapters a week however depends on the work ethic of the staff ^.^ If you want to complain or remind me to release just keep @ me.

@Chickendinner its been pretty hectic in the staff section, I only just came back last week so I don't know any full details. But we will try to make it up to you guys who got angered/ offended by this :/

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