Tobioriyou to Shiteiru Joshikousei wo Tasuketara Dou Naru no Ka? - Vol. 3 Ch. 19 - My Precious Daughter

Dex-chan lover
Feb 10, 2023
Kinda a bullshit excuse, you dont abuse your daughter for years then say "My wife's death and my job issues are at fault!!"

Would have been more realistic if it didnt happened so long ago so the wounds were still fresh or that he instead distanced from his daughter like Tomoya did in Clannad with his daughter (and he had his own father do the same when his mother died) due to being unable to cope with Nagisa's death since Ushio constantly reminded him of her, leaving her to be raised by her grandparents who really loved her (Not like he didnt love his daughter but took years for him to let Nagisa go and start becoming a proper father)
People grieve in different ways and for varying times, olus i think your forgetting he used to a be a pro athlete and his wife died, his entire life crumbled sround him and he felt as if he was nothing the only thing he could control was his daughter and this scumbag did
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2023
Foolish sighs not withstanding, anyone who understands statistics (in or out of the behavioral sciences) knows that they can only find correlations, not causation. What that study actually showed at best is what's called “Granger-causation”. Clive Granger himself (from whom I took some courses) would have told you that they couldn't have shown actual causation, and if the researchers claimed to have done so then they failed grossly, full stop.

While depression is often associated with disorders that lead to externalized violence and in that way depression is often associated with externalized violence depression is not causal of externalized violence and cannot be so causal because of the very nature of depression.
You're right.
Explains why those with depressions from, say, bullying tend to practice shooting in schools.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2023
Yeah but it wasnt trying to, understnading why someone does something isnt the same as justifying their actions
I get that it was just showing why he did it and can see your point of argument, but it still presented it in a sympathetic form to me. This is what I mainly meant, maybe my original comment didn't articulate it the best. Just seemed weird to me to present this abuser in this way right after he assualted both his daughter and Yuuki. He would have kept up the abuse and likely caused her to die. If he showed any regret before being told off by Kotori, I wouldn't care if the story painted him as a tragic character.

Personally, it seems like he is realizing his mistakes when he rightly lost his daughter, maybe he dies and pays for his sins. If he survives maybe he can apologize, but that's it, just my opinion.
Jul 24, 2020
You're right.
Explains why those with depressions from, say, bullying tend to practice shooting in schools.
The depression is correlated to seclusion and withdrawal which can lead to violent revenge fantasies and murderous impulses which lead to shooting in schools. It is a correlation, but the depression, while being at the root of the violence, did not directly cause the violence.

But if we're being genuine, it's splitting hairs. An argument for the sake of argument. Absent the depression, perhaps the individual then has a better balanced emotional state and none of the after-effects materialize and violence never occurs. But there are also plenty of violent people who go through all this without depression.

My feelings on this chapter is less redemption arc and more internal monologue and exposition. Explaining his mental pathway from depression of losing his career, to his wife, to his followup job, the ensuing isolation and regret, and then ultimately venting his frustrations on someone vulnerable and not in a place to defend themselves. It doesn't feel hamhanded or overly simplified to me. The author just doesn't have endless chapters to burn on the fall of a once pro baseball player. He'll get what's coming to him.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018
You're right.
Explains why those with depressions from, say, bullying tend to practice shooting in schools.
Again, the depression is not the cause; depression can share a cause with something that causes violence, but a lack of desire to do X is not a desire to do Y nor a cause of doing Y.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018
the depression, while being at the root of the violence
Depression is not at the root of the violence, though it may be rooted in the same causes as the psychologic conditions that are at the root of the violence. A causing B and C and C causing D is of course not B causing D.
there are also plenty of violent people who go through all this without depression
And far more depressed people who have experiences common to those of violent people without becoming violent.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
why all knife attacks in manga are like the dude charging as if he was a cavalry unit? I mean, it's impractical to say the least. Perhaps because I'm from spain and here you see quite a bit of knife action in certain areas of the big cities, but man, that looks slow as hell, a typical street shitstain from here can do 6 stab wounds in the time that punk form the manga rams the old fucker
Usually if you do that you are looking for a killing blow since a charging stab will pierce very deep usualy up to the hilt, while most knife atacks, unless the person is a pro or get very un/lucky, wont deal serious damage due to clothes or even bone at worst stopping the brunt of the cut. 1 critical stab, specially if you twist the knife is far more dangerous than 6 light knife atacks and you can bleed out real fast plus is real hard to stop the bleeding there unlike a limb where you can use a tourniquet

The only atack that can be as deadly with less force is atacking the neck, but people tend to protect their neck, plus some clothes can give protection against it
Dex-chan lover
Apr 25, 2019
Dad spoilers iirc:

He doesn't die here but kills one of these guys and goes to jail for it. Like excessive self-defense or something.

He doesn't go to jail for the domestic abuse at all
Yeah, that's fucked up. He deserves to go to jail, but not for defending himself. That's a vile thing to imprison someone for, I wouldn't expect that shit from even the most barbaric of countries. But that's Japan's legal system for you. For all its veneer of civilization.

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