Tokidoki Bosotto Roshia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - Yuri Sisters, I Don't Dislike That. (6)

Apr 5, 2023
Holy, Kuse what a Gigachad.
I wish most MLs would have half the confidence he has.
If only that were the case. He is actually only able to motivate himself to act on behalf of someone he finds worth supporting at a point where that support is absolutely necessary (reverting to being a useless lump the rest of the time). One of the series' main themes is the exploration of how that happened and whether or not it can be fixed.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
So this is how Kuze was able to call her Alya while the entire student body does not.... He definitely earned that right, tho. Good for him.

Plus the escape + getting to dance (while Alya coincidentally seems fine with it)?

Bro. I'm stepping aside. Rizze Masachika coming through.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2019
man ok i know nobody cares but ive read so many of these fuckin manga where the FMC is just better than everyone else, like shes more beautiful, more athletic, has a better family, has support, and then they say "oh well ive put in the hard work so i deserve to be rewarded." fuck that man its so fucking stupid, what if you are born with shitty parents and an ugly face but you put in just as much if not more work then the person who is blessed, its not comparable, people work hard every day just to get the bare minimum cuz they might not have the mental acuity of someone with blessed family circumstances, are we diminishing their hard work by saying that it this beautiful girl can get anything by working just as hard? its unfair and i know its a manga and i should just ignore it but to me it just doesn't seem right that someone who is clearly blessed and clearly has a +100 to all stats at birth should be compared to normies who may only have +10 or even +0 in some cases. The MC for instance doesn't say anything and doesnt put in hard work because he doesn't want to but should he be judged for that? absolutely not its the choices he made in life because he recongnizes that hard work is not necessary. and yet in all of these types of stories the FMC always portays it at first as a bad thing until they understand that "oh maybe i am valued for the work ive put in" despite LITERALLY BEING BORN BETTER THAN OTHER PEOPLE. to me its just bullshit.

with that being said i still like this manga and think its cute i just really hate the fact that manga potray naturally gifted people solely as hard workers when everyone works hard in their own way whether they show it outwardly or not. also i know its manga and they dont wanna potray anyone except the most evil people as jealous but fuck if i were there i would be so jealous regardless of "how much work" she put in.

rant over
Dex-chan lover
Nov 17, 2018
Oooook. So a bit of a russia-thing trivia. Nicknames are a thing in russia, but they are mostly (yong) male (who try to be hip) thing or of criminal background and most of the time is an improper thing to call each other. When russian first names (even those loaned from other cultures like greek-roman or norse) they have meaning and like about 12 different forms either as slight alteration of name, shorter version or diminutive form. (Like name Vladimir has froms of Vovka, Vova, Volodya, Vovochka, Volodyuka among others, same with Alisa as Alechka, Alya, Aliska, Ala and ect.) They are the thing for close relations, i.e. friends, family, lovers. Usually (well most of the time) consent goes from the person itself and it's extremely impolite to impose it on someone who is not your friend or closer. Now russian is extremely polite when it comes to names. Calling someone by surname is impolite, a good way to offend and get into trouble, in formal speech to call someone by just name or surname is to purposely insult the person, you should use the first name with a patronim instead. Only people on equal footing and in non formal situation and being at the very least acquaintances can call each other by first names.

So the whole thing in the chapter is our MC being a bit of an ass toward person of other culture.
How is he being an ass when she gave him an ultimatum request/reward he could not refuse to accept? She also didn't refuse him doing so, and it's not like the Japanese don't have their own specifics around diminutives and not using honorifics amongst friends and family.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2020
gimme permission to call you by your informal name
Gigachad Kuze:chad:
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2023
Oooook. So a bit of a russia-thing trivia. Nicknames are a thing in russia, but they are mostly (yong) male (who try to be hip) thing or of criminal background and most of the time is an improper thing to call each other. When russian first names (even those loaned from other cultures like greek-roman or norse) they have meaning and like about 12 different forms either as slight alteration of name, shorter version or diminutive form. (Like name Vladimir has froms of Vovka, Vova, Volodya, Vovochka, Volodyuka among others, same with Alisa as Alechka, Alya, Aliska, Ala and ect.) They are the thing for close relations, i.e. friends, family, lovers. Usually (well most of the time) consent goes from the person itself and it's extremely impolite to impose it on someone who is not your friend or closer. Now russian is extremely polite when it comes to names. Calling someone by surname is impolite, a good way to offend and get into trouble, in formal speech to call someone by just name or surname is to purposely insult the person, you should use the first name with a patronim instead. Only people on equal footing and in non formal situation and being at the very least acquaintances can call each other by first names.

So the whole thing in the chapter is our MC being a bit of an ass toward person of other culture.
I mean, his entire view of Russian culture is based off of movies. So it checks out that he'd have misconceptions

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