This is so nice and I'm glad for Asuna that she is accepted by her friend. BUT! What's the point of setting up this drama if it's going to be resolved after one chapter...
Might be redundant since ch40 also released but the drama is NOT solved in this chapter.
The drama was about Natsuki letting go of her honor student facade to befriend Kyoko so easily and most importantly keeping denying that they are friends when clearly they are incredibly close (from Asuna's pov). Asuna being incredibly jealous and ircked by Natsuki pretty much playing her (even if not on purpose) just happened with it and is secondary.
Also, I liked what happened this chapter and it was wholesome nice BUT
Kyoko knew about her being lesbian + their relationship and Natsuki knew that Kyoko knew- and nobody bothered to fill Asuna in. That is pretty harsh and unfair to me still. I know the manga will ignore it but it opens up some whole new drama.