Tokyo Ghoul:re - Vol. 16 Ch. 179 - Song of the Goat

Jul 10, 2019
when it came to the names part... I kept looking at the wiki... and I would dare say it is a bad thing, cos once you see the "was", you know they are gonna die... and it's my fault for seeing them... but I felt like this ending was rushed...

other than that, how'd Touka manage to have the kid with all the fighting she participated in???
Aug 8, 2018
Probably the biggest let down of an ending of any manga I've ever read. Plenty of other manga have ended in ways that pissed me off, this ending just straight up bummed me out. Its just so obvious that Ishida gave up around two thirds of the way into Re and didn't end it the way even he wanted to.

The original TG and first two thirds of Re were almost perfect manga. The art was amazing, it was incredibly well written and you could tell that he was trying to build up to an amazing and unpredictable ending. Sadly, around chapters 130-140 of Re, everything takes a massive nosedive and its extremely noticeable. Art gets worse, dialogue gets worse, writing becomes contrived and weak, then we get this bullshit shonen like ending with very little meaning at all. Its a real bummer. I really believe that this isn't the ending Ishida wanted to write, but judging by his interviews and his letter to fans after the ending this was all he could muster.

You can go read the letter and interviews yourself and draw your own opinions (I think they are still somewhere on the TG subreddit), but basically what I gathered is that Ishida was so obsessed with this series for the seven years he was writing it that it eventually took over his life and made him start to lose his mind. Judging by some of the things he said, it was really affecting his mental health in a bad way and though he tried to couch it, it really seems like his obsession with the manga ended up forcing him to basically give up on it. Its pretty obvious when you reread Re, everything is so methodical until about 40 chapters from the end. Then he just gives up and we get a shonen battle manga for the last 40 chapters with mediocre art.

So who is to blame? Do you blame the manga industry for only caring about money and forcing writers of extremely popular manga to work tirelessly until they are empty enough to give up on their own beloved series? Or do you blame the mangaka, who willingly hand full control over their IP to these greedy companies without a second thought just so they can make their money? Honestly I'm not really sure. All I know is this toxic industry has ruined so many good manga, and I have real respect for mangaka and publishers that allow long hiatuses to give artists the time they need to give their story a real ending. I would rather TG be delayed for months at a time like Berserk and still be good, than get this crap ending. What I really wish is that manga were written from beginning to end and then published, like novels in the western world. We would probably get much stories that way. Probably a lost cause to hope for that though.
Double-page supporter
Jul 29, 2019
Damn near thought Kaneki died but I guess living with Touka and his kid in a world that accepts ghouls and people alike is a pretty nice way to end off.

I gave up on this because of horrible pacing around chapter 138 and picked it up again a few days ago. Got pretty juicy around the formation of the dragons but the quality dropped noticeably for me once the CCG decided to just throw way all of those years of conflict and team up with Goat because Hide moment
Dex-chan lover
Feb 25, 2020
The ending wasn't great, but here's some things I liked:
1. Shirazu's sister ended up actually making an appearance and not just being a mentioned character. Meaning we didn't forget.
2. Shinohara recovered, and that's cool
3. Kankei and Touka's kid is really cute
4. Naki is Naki
5. Mutsuki finally got over her crush like jesus fuck man
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 6, 2018
9.5/10 for me still. The entirety of this... the series is still a really good read. My initial disappointment is gone as I have come to terms with the ending.
Taking into consideration the condition of the writer/author (which I've learnt through the comments here) I think I'm pleased with the ending despite it contradicting earlier signs in the manga as @/D1stanc3 mentioned.
I actually took a break from Tokyo ghoul... As long as (maybe a few months or maybe even a year?). I always feel second-hand emotions terribly- I love reading books and mangas but I get terribly attached to certain characters and experience feelings as if I've been personally in the world (if that even makes sense).
To be honest, I'm happy that I've gotten such a calm ending because it means I will get to read over Tokyo Ghoul without too much heartache and angst again knowing that the ending is happy.
I hope the writer is okay or at least getting better. I'm so thankful he created such an amazing piece of work. If one day he writes an alternative ending (with a peace of mind) I really would be up for it.
Imagine the pressure he must've felt psychologically while trying to meet expectations of the company, fulfil his desires regarding the manga and also please the audience...
Hah anyway, yes I'm very grateful this work exists. I know the ending doesn't feel right for many due to the movement of the story initially (before the last part- but just come to terms with it I guess.
Jan 25, 2020
i really liked TG overall, even though it was hard to understand what was going on at some points and some things are still unclear to me, such as where the fuck was Rize during re for her to reappear at the end, but anyway i'm happy and quite satisfied with the ending (except for Rize, her death and how she was treated overall, and got pretty much no appearances even though she's such an important character, were all pretty disappointing to me). And I'm still kinda confused over the whole purpose behind the clown's actions, and how uta and itori pretty much just got away with it lol. Overall I can't give it a 10, because the reading experience was at times, let's say not the best, but I'd say probably 9/10 for me.

Also wtf happened with Kuzen?? Captured by aogiri at the end of TG and then nothing...
Active member
Mar 29, 2020
I read this whole story twice, and seriously fuck the clowns, this is the main villains?

Just a bunch of "lol nothing matters Kek time to kill a bunch of better characters lol"

Furuta was the best one of the clowns and his main motivation was literally just "man i want that Rize coochie so bad"

Besides them, it was pretty good
Jul 9, 2020
I kinda wanted for Kaneki to die that heroic death, similar to the original TG. In everything else I agree with the previous commenters. The manga was a mess, but I enjoyed it anyway.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2018
The last part was overwhelming and underwhelming. I ended up skipping through the chapters, not really paying attention to the art, just the dialogue boxes, because I couldn't figure out what was going on. I feel bad about it, because Ishida-sensei worked very hard on this. Seeing the comments about the his health I can totally understand why things happened the way they did and I do not feel terrible about the ending. I've been involved with some projects that just turned me into a husk by the time I finally got fed up. So I get it. I wanted everything to turn out well at the end, so at least that happened. And I think Touka's expecting again? Did I read that right? At least they get to be happy.

The whole synthetic-food thing feels like it could have been done decades prior to this story if ghouls were bad enough to warrant the CCG in the first place. Clearly the science should have been available then. Kinda ended up like a Trueblood plot lmao. But Ishida tried and he did more than I could ever do, I couldn't come up with a plot like this or draw this much, so I don't have any serious deal-breaking complaints. I definitely agree that the manga-industry is absolute SHIT to artists and it blows my mind when companies expect this much content out of people at such an unreasonable speed. Some of my favorite authors have taken sabbaticals for extended periods of time due to poor health. Some are still on them from a couple years ago or longer. It's wild. Can you imagine what it was like before computers came along to help? How it was to do a weekly series? Nope. Couldn't do it.

Anyways back to the manga. I loved the artwork, the plot was great for a very long while!, I loved the characters (though there were so many I often found myself trying so hard to remember who was who), and my overall impression is that this is a good manga series and I don't regret reading it, but like anything that's good and fun too much will make you sick. I kinda got sick of things towards the end. Sorry, Ishida-sensei. I hope he recovers from his overwork soon and gets to relax somewhere nice while not thinking about manga.
Aug 15, 2020
You know what? I actually liked this.

Also MATSURI WASHUU IS BEST GIRL. Im still fucking sad that i didn't see any romance with him and urie, like dud im not into yaoi but that man... HE WAS FYUCKING AMAZInG.
Overall: 9/10
Sep 18, 2019
There's definitely a certain bitterness here, the loose ends dangled in front of us were simply cut off rather than tied up. But in the end, I don't think this series was that bad. Most certainly, the members of the named cast that died should definitely have stayed dead, but the way in which this ending resolved the plot is good, I suppose. The hollowness of the last few chapters doesn't detract from the original plotline too much, though the conclusion to the main ghoul vs ccg plot was unfortunate.

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