@LysandersTreason ah.. so he kissed her home gently.
Come on now. You can't just kiss someone on the neck, chest, tummy, and fucking thigh and that's it. Mind you this is shounen. Explicit sex scene is forbidden. Just like in Horimiya, it's implied they're doing it all the time, but it's all off-screen.
I'm calling it. There is gonna be a Hinagiku cameo and one of the characters is going to say something along the lines of "Only a retard would reject her" and "Imagine if he preferred blonde twin tail lolis instead!" and Hata will finally acknowledge his poor CHOICES!
Jeez 67 chapters in they're married and they're not even remotely in the Do Chokkyuu Kareshi x Kanojo ballpark. In many countries their marriage could be annulled due to the lack of consummation.