Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games Is Tough for Mobs - Vol. 3 Ch. 16 - The Queen

Aggregator gang
Sep 15, 2018
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!
It's funny how awkward and shocked Milaine is over Leon being bullied when she had similar, albeit much lighter (was going to settle for making him remake the tea 3 times,) thoughts of making him uncomfortable. Glad to see someone female with high authority who's human, knows restraint, and isn't full of themselves. That Earl's daughter is a real piece of work blaming Leon for others' bad gambling and judgement. Has the same bad trait of the other academy women of complaining about the quality of something and insisting the person should pay more while completely ignoring whether the item in question was expensive or not in the first place, probably has no idea how to tell quality or price in the first place and sees only the inherited value of someone's family rather than their personal value or achievements.
Oh dear, Leon finally got a good excuse to lay into those girls and their servants. LN explains better but way back when when Angie was young and foolish, before Milaine straightened her out, she had similar views as the other girls and commoners were just somebody she heard or read a report about as she never had a chance to meet or befriend any of them back then hence the superior attitude and foolish words which she is now aware of how those foolish words indicated how insensitive and immature she'd been. Also, Leon had seen the queen during the Knighting ceremony so recognized her once he got a good look and being one of the few to pay attention to Angie's reaction, (not like formally introduced or talked with but he had noticed her standing beside the King.)

Btw, in case anyone wondering how slaves, ranked as property and not as citizens, can get away with laying hands, beating up, and being rude to nobility in the school is due to one of those unwritten rules Livia wasn't aware of. Basically, they're the favored lovers of the girls they're 'escorting', so they're like paper tigers using the position and authority of their owners to get away with things. If a boy who isn't the Crown Prince beat up one of the slaves, no matter how justified the reason or even if in self-defense, that boy would be black listed by ALL the girls in terms of being a marriage partner and the girls would go out of their way to make his life even more of a living hell. So if that boy even tried to complain it'd just get him in trouble with the girls. Thus the slaves are real cocky knowing the boys can't defend themselves properly and that their masters will cover for them as long as they don't go too far or are just following orders. Hence why Leon and co were laughed out of the party after being physically thrown away instead of outrage towards the slaves for assaulting nobility.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
"I can beat the crap out of them under the pretext that I'm doing it to protect the queen, 100% justified"
Is probably what went through his mind there.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Tfw you get royal authority to beat the shit out of your enemies
Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2018
Is that the queen? o_O
Is she also Julius' mother?
Ex Prince Julius?
Oh my god, what does she eat to stay young that?
Seems to be 16 years old. D:
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 30, 2018
didn't i mention Stifflers mom earlier? LOL..
I guess im the only one old enough to remember the movie american pie?

But its halarious:

Cuz the Queen really thought she could punk leon, instead ends up being a tool used by him to beat to shit the entire earl's family servants.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
I wonder how screwed that earl girl will be once Olivia is revealed to have ability to be saintess, on top of this lese majeste she just committed.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 1, 2019
Oh my god I love Leon so much. Christ.

The author must have been going through an amazing period of catharsis writing this.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
That was amazing. It pays to be someone who can catch on quickly. They can't complain about being attacked without outing themselves for insulting royalty.

I thought the queen would be a problem, but it seems she's actually...quite reasonable? Rather, she came to cause a ruckus, but her weaksauce "normal bullying" is nothing compared to daily life as mob.
In this academy, you're a good person just by having standards.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
I came for the tea, I did not even need to drink it because now mi stomach is full with justice.

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