Troll Uploads/Guesslation for "There's No Way I Can Have a Lover! *Or Maybe There Is!?"

Apr 12, 2018
23 <===== Uploader <======== Series in Question

Above series has been seeing uploads of fake "scanlations" where it isn't even MTL or Translation for that matter
as the uploader "xiaotiao" themselves admits, they are just copying the Light Novel translations and pasting it in the manga dialogues, which is a huge joke and insult to scanlators/translators
being a Light Novel reader i can assure you that it doesnt work that way just because a Light Novel has a Manga adaptation
as to why they still do it even while being aware of what they are doing is just a huge troll i don't know

I implore the admins or any person of authority in the site to look into the matter

Yes i've been reporting it for the past month

A lot people including myself have suggested the uploader to make a group so we can block and avoid those "Guesslations" but the uploader in question refuses to oblige and just keeps pumping out troll chapters

Better yet please update the "Block User" option to also Block their uploads and not simply their comments.
Apr 12, 2018
on what grounds do you say that then?
seeing that you are not an admin of some sort please refrain from speaking like you have any authority at all
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
Better yet please update the "Block User" option to also Block their uploads and not simply their comments.
on what grounds do you say that then?
It's literally in the Suggestions STICKY which spells out:

Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
Still not "all" though. What about the other suggestions in this thread?
What, you mean this one, which cannot possibly be REASONABLY enforced by the mods, as it would defeat the purpose of having a "no group" upload option in the first place?
A lot people including myself have suggested the uploader to make a group so we can block and avoid those "Guesslations"
but the uploader in question refuses to oblige and just keeps pumping out troll chapters
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 26, 2018
Maybe he didn't know, not of my business though.
I just want to say blackyawgdom didn't have the authority to say "all" of his suggtions had been denied.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2019
Above series has been seeing uploads of fake "scanlations" where it isn't even MTL or Translation for that matter...
just for your information.
We call it that translation type as Rewrite for scanlating with totally made-up dialog that is not even literally said in the pages. It's lower than the lowest quality of translation, far below GTrans MTL.

That term is derived from E-Hentai community.
Active member
Mar 12, 2018
See the sticky, and the topic of "troll uploaders/low quality uploaders" has been raised and denied before. MD staffs position (which I cant find the damn post, prob about that Rapeman or somebody.) has been "its not their place to tell somebody that they can or cannot release something". or whatever, brain no work today. Flargle. *coughs everywhere*

*edit* Found it sort of. (Holo is former Admin)

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