Tsugumomo - Vol. 25 Ch. 124 - Showdown With Dabada 2

Active member
Feb 15, 2018
You probably spend too much time on pornhub or something, so everything become porn to you.
Just because something has nudity, foreplay or even outright sex scenes, it doesn't make it hentai or porn. And there's a lot of ecchi or seinen manga that goes much further than this, yet they aren't hentai/porn no matter how much you scream about it.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
What? Now that's ironic. Perhaps you spend too much time reading porn and you're desensitized? After all, that's tend to be how things usually go when you over consume them. I'm literally complaining about there being too much sex/ecchi. What exactly do you call that tentacle shit that happened every chapter for the past 5 chapters? What do you call literal sex? Here's the definition of porn, since you seem to need it: sexually explicit videos, photographs, writings, or the like, whose purpose is to elicit sexual arousal.. Now please do try and tell me that the literal sex and tentacle shit isn't explicit and isn't meant to illicit arousal.

Fate, the visual novel, has one or two sex scenes each route, and it's labelled an eroge. The overwhelming majority of the VN is story without sex, yet it's still labelled as porn. As is the case with countless others.

Yea, and if they're like Nande Koko Ni Sensei Ga, they are fucking porn, if they're like Berserk, sensically justified within the story and not for sexual gratification, it isn't porn.
Active member
Feb 15, 2018
No, you certainly seen porn so much that anything you see become porn to you. I bet you want to push anything with even a little bit of nudity into porn, so you'd have an excuse to fap to it.
In the real world though, there's destruction between porn and erotica, at the very least. Moreso if we talk about manga, where anything that doesn't being printed in hentai magazines, isn't hentai by default, no mater how much someone screech about it. And like I said, Tsugumomo is very tame compared to many other seinen manga. Even Peter Grill, winch is in the same magazine as Tsugumomo, goes much further, yet it isn't porn at all.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Lmao. I defined the word for a reason. What have you done beyond "no u"?

Here it is again. Porn: sexually explicit videos, photographs, writings, or the like, whose purpose is to elicit sexual arousal.. Now tell me, explain to me how this, how this ecchi: such themes, imagery, or works; soft porn. manga, that consistently has sex scenes, tentacles jammed into vaginas and naked women doesn't fit that definition?

Yea, whataboutism. Other manga are other manga. I listed Fate as an example for a reason. Them having more or less does not change the fact that this manga fits the definition of porn.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 25, 2018
@Yautja You said it yourself: "There is such a thing as too much fanservice". Either it's fan service or it's porn. You can't have it both ways, and insinuating they're equal is patently false. I do agree Tsugumono doesn't qualify as "eechi", but it isn't marked as such on MangaDex. Anyone using phrases like "heavy eechi" is misappropriating the term anyway. Again, by your logic nudity and anything remotely similar to sex is porn and you haven't said a single thing to make anyone else think otherwise. Also. "fault of the manga"? Dude, it's a book... let that sink in. It didn't take a degree from Harvard to figure that out.

But you lost me the moment you started calling this eechi. First it was porn, now its eechi? Where did you take middle school?
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Lmao, they're not mutually exclusive.
Fan Service: material in a work of fiction or in a fictional series which is intentionally added to please the audience

No, by my logic, anything which fits into the definition "sexually explicit videos, photographs, writings, or the like, whose purpose is to elicit sexual arousal" is porn. And considering this manga has sex, tentacle porn, both of which appear repeatedly and clearly are meant to elicit sexual arousal, it's porn, just not labelled as such.

Hey, you're the one that used that phrase, not me, and I put quotes around it for a reason and specified that since the author is the illustrator and all of the contents of the manga come from him, it all falls on the author / manga. I hope you do realize I'm not pretending the manga is making decisions. Is English your second language?

Man, you really need to read more, the definitions are right there. And those three things, ecchi, fan service and porn aren't mutually exclusive.
ecchi: noting or pertaining to a subgenre of Japanese manga, anime, computer games, etc., characterized by light, playful sexual themes and imagery; such themes, imagery, or works; soft porn.
Porn: sexually explicit videos, photographs, writings, or the like, whose purpose is to elicit sexual arousal.

Man, the people on this website just keep getting stupider.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 25, 2018
@Yautja Linking Wikipedia isn't going to help you here. You "logic" would inlcude eechi too by this point, thus, "Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!?" I'm trying to telling you: you're still using batshit circular logic. I never used the phrase "heavy eechi"; I'm speaking of people who do since you haven't figured that out. You never once said it was the author or illustrator's fault in neither your first comment and your follow up was:

"First off, yea it is the fault of the "manga" since the manga is where the problem is."

Do you not understand what symptoms are? You don't blame a manga for bad writing or terrible illustrations: It's done. People just comment on how bad it is and move on. You just look stupid not matter how you try to justify this. "I hope you do realize I'm not pretending the manga is making decisions." Well then type like you actually understand the distinction ffs.

"Man, you really need to read more, the definitions are right there." Again, blindly throwing verbatim dictionary definitions does not make you look educated anymore than you blindingly hating on lewdness because "reasons". Just take the 'L' so I'm not here 3am in a degenerated argument by a person who exudes pointless bigotry.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
I guess I can't expect someone with the avatar you have to understand the differences or lack of between porn, ecchi and fan service and how they can all tie together. Yea, because porn is ecchi, but ecchi isn't necessarily porn. Notice how the word SOFT-PORN is in the definition of ecchi? Notice how they overlap with "sexual themes". My god.

Good lord... I can't handle this level of stupidity. Circular logic? Do you even know what means? I never said "heavy ecchi" either. Nor did I claim you did. Have you read anything I said to you?

Oh my god. Do you know how English works? When I say "the manga has too much X" and "it's the fault of the manga" I'm not saying the manga literally made the decisions. I'm saying, this manga has this problem, obviously stemming from the creators. My fucking god. You cannot blame your lack of understanding of English on me.

Educated? I gave you the definitions to prove a point. Me take the L? You're the one wrong, by the definitions of the word. Bigotry? Jesus Christ. Kronix would be jealous of your trolling prowess.

Dude, if I'm looking stupid, it's because I'm talking to you, not for my ideas.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 25, 2018
@Yautja Wow, you don't even understand the definitions you gave and are now moving goalposts.


EDIT: Also /ignored
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Hello? Are you genuinely insane? Do you speak the English? The definitions are right there, explain how I'm wrong. Explain how this manga, by those definitions, does not fit into porn or ecchi categories. Explain to me why fan service and porn are mutually exclusive. Explain to me why ecchi and porn are mutually exclusive. I'm still waiting.

Man. This website's collective IQ is plummeting.
Double-page supporter
Aug 23, 2018
Yea, you can say that all you want, but the definitions are right there and contradict what you've said.

"Shunga erotica." You wanna know what that means? The goal is to elicit sexual arousal. That's what porn was before human beings could had a word for it and could mass produce it.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
yes i know, specifically referring to people who WERE saying 'shitty arc' and are now saying 'omg so good'

I, personally, did not super enjoy most of this arc. It was almost entirely characters who we probably won't see again (with the possible exception of one or two) so it was super tedious for me. Some good shinobu tho
Active member
Sep 23, 2018
Man, you just went in and complained about tsugumomo? this thing's borderline porn but not really. Just enjoy the ride.
Nov 3, 2018
If somebody would have told me I'd ever get annoyed at fanservice I'd have hit them. maybe because I read all chapter in a row
I thought I was a full fledged weeb but it seems I still need to sharpen my spirit.
Aggregator gang
Jun 22, 2018
This was a high quality chapter. Pray that the lewd edits come back in the future.
Sep 22, 2018
Why do they care about the sacrifices, the mashroom, the little sister etc.? Let em die, it's all just a part of an amasogi they're supposed to destroy... Above all, why the hell would they even save Tilt, let the bitch die. Playing goody-two-shoes heroes? That's not what they're there for...
Btw. way too many tentacles in this arc.
May 18, 2019
there's high chance tilt was actually the girl that are asleep from the amasogi if u see her face in hospital
Active member
Jun 1, 2018
haha I read the the anime chapters and skipped to this one, what the hell is happening lol

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