The Exiled Heavy Knight Knows How to Game the System

Jan 27, 2023
many things actually make sense in this manga, like how important that spell book is to a heavy knight. And i can see how useless heavy knight is without it, they will simply be big sand bag cause no dmg threat. Enjoyable manga, thank you for picking it up
Double-page supporter
Sep 17, 2023
As far as the 'trash isekai with OP MC' genre goes this is one of the better ones I've seen recently. I get the disbelief people have of 'obvious thing is obvious why would MC be the only person to try this' but consider that real life is filled with examples where people really do disregard things because it's not the current set of traditions. Or where people learned the wrong lessons in the past and specifically have bad traditions as a result. (The pushback on surgeons washing their hands or sterilizing equipment comes to mind).

For a video game example, I think WoW classic may also showcase this effect - people had quite a long time back in the original game to figure out the best meta, and yet years later the players of WoW classic completely trounced the best they had. Lack of perspective, innovation, creativity are genuine hindrances to trying what in hindsight was the obvious choice.

Anyway, the plot itself is still barely underway and so far I'm looking forward to what it may offer. It seems like we're going the 'begrudging respect' route for the family disinheriting him so I'll be curious what their future interactions look like. Though I hope the female heir doesn't make things super weird with having been secretly in love with MC the whole time.
Feb 5, 2018
Re: the TL comments at the end of Chapter 65...
"Zerg" is appropriate for the instance here but its history goes back even farther than MMOs. The term came from an old Blizzard game, "StarCraft" - Blizzard's follow-up to the original "WarCraft". A Zerg was a unit in the game that was very cheap to create yet also weak, and its value lie in sending large waves of them to overwhelm the target. From Wikipedia:
The term "Zerg Rush", or "zerging", is now commonly used to describe sacrificing economic development in favor of using many cheap, yet weak units to overwhelm an enemy by attrition or sheer numbers. The tactic is infamous; most experienced real-time strategy players are familiar with the tactic in one form or another.
Active member
Jan 20, 2021
I've read up to chapter 65 and I'm going to say with honesty the good quality of these isekai manga,
1. Art is top tier in conveying character emotion, even the monster looks impressively cool, the fight actually had weight, not just scream->slash->win type of cheat isekai manga.
2. The main characters are top tier among isekai MCs, Kind but not so much to get stepped upon, start equal with only game knowledge as a cheat which still causes him to struggle like other normal people, and most importantly, he is so dang Cool.
3. side characters aren't just regular side characters, authors make them like actual civilized human beings, they have bad personalities but also good sides in them like actual humans and not just being bad for plot convenience, reacting to death & life scenarios like they only have only 1 life which it is (duh), but you would be surprised lot of isekai fail to accomplish at least this much, which making me as the reader rooting for them to survive the encounter.
4. lastly the plot, is packed with so much action it forces you to marathon to the end In a single day, I can prove it would because I was the victim:v
Active member
Jan 20, 2021
Remember reading this a year and a half ago and instantly dropped after reading chapter 1 because how it it pained me after finishing it.

The art isn't bad and kind of "so good it's bad" with how goofy the faces can be, but that wasn't the reason for the drop, it was the face palming reason for the plot to happen. Despite the isekai world being from an MMO game, how can a "joke/trash class" (aka heavy knight) still be considered trash if MC somehow knows how to make it the "strongest class" without it still being called the joke/trash class and other people not knowing it as well? In terms of realism that plot point the is the most fiction in this series because other people will find out what makes the heavy knight class so op eventually. Whether it's because people are weridos who like to waste their time min-maxing dumb builds or testers doing it to get info for that games wiki. The power scaling also seems pretty dumb since MC was able to kill a small group of monsters just by standing still, meanwhile a more experienced adventurer was running for his life from said small group of monsters. MC stats aren't even in the double digits and are considered "so low" even in-verse of the isekai world

But because I'm a masochist I'm going read this again to see why this series has a rating higher than 7 (currently 8.08) to see if it actually does get better later on or if this isekai is better trash to read compared to others. Also really hoping for interesting or actually good ways that author will prove why the apparent "joke/trash class" should be considered the "strongest" (but god I hope it doesn't go to the loli naofumi route of throwing BS to say why its op)
and that is why the title included "unrivaled in-game knowledge" which is his actual isekai cheat power lol, also before thinking why other people call that class trashy was already explained in the early chapter but first remember this. there is no death penalty in this world, it's not a game, if they died they DIED, so having the class that lowest in attack prowest and defend-oriented only for other easier classes to do the same shows how worthless the class is without game knowledge (which the mc has) even if they know to makes it op by using books of madness, the book would be too expensive for the average joe in that world, so yeah that explains everything pretty much, its funny you didn't realize at least that much while reading the manga, thinks critical for yourself for once would you?, it a world with only 1 life to spare ffs.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2023
I really like the premise of the MC being strong because of game knowledge rather than an OP cheat skill.
Oct 18, 2023
Now this is a very interesting one! Nekoko clearly had quite a lot of experience with RPG´s in general, because their interpretation of one sounds a lot of fun! I can definitely see how Elma would end up obsessed with it! But I´m getting ahead of myself, from the beggining.​
Let´s talk about the obvious. Brocco Lee´s art is fantastic! Really expressive and fun when it needs to be, and their carreer as a serialized manga artist doesn´t even seem to be that long, with only 3 series to their name. A very strong artstyle that fits the story and characters very nicely! Of course, some of the backgrounds do come of a little bland from time to time, but that´s a worthy trade off in my honest opnion.​
Now, onto the meaty, and somewhat controversial talk. The plot. Indeed, for now at least, Elma is doing nothing but walk around, get stronger and walk around some more. I think that´s hilarious! Elma is doing exacly what a old MMO player does when he creates a new character after a long time offline, he is making his favorite build yet again as fast as he can! The griding for money, griding for skill books, griding for level, it´s all there! Elma just wants to play as his dear glass cannon build, and he wants to do it NOW!​
The MMO in question, Magic World, is also very interesting, the concept of dream dungeons, roaming bosses, random spawning dungeons, I can see exacly what type of game this was and, far more importantly, why Elma was (and still is) so gosh darn obsessed with it, something that even the heavy weights like Overlord couldn´t do at all.​
TL;DR: a must read for any MMO fans, even if the pacing is a little bad!
Dex-chan lover
Oct 6, 2018
Story 6.5/10 - I like the premise that dungeon are just dream from some supreme God, but other than that story feel so flat, i wish there more politic with territory and real presence of charming antagonist.
Art 7.8/10 - Fresh monster design, background is unique, character looking good but not mindblowing like Berserk and etc.
Character 6.6/10 - MC is kind but not pushover, others serve their purposes but nothing stick with me except..
Party Member Clown 10/10 - Unique face every chapter and funny heroine really, reason i stick around

Its not bad per se, i seen worse.. there some thing that doesnt make sense like Level Up stuff, Number Stat, and Dungeon Despawning. MC also not that godly broken Class its just Normal Broken aka achived by MinMaxing his class with correct book skill no bug/cheat/fate defying skill, just experience from his past life which i wanted from Isekai genre

8/10 - Clown save the manga for me everything else is just extra

Read for killing time, stay for the clown
(feel free to correct me if i wrong)
Nov 18, 2023
lot of complainers here.

if you like like isekai, romance and a good adventure rpg, you're going to love this. plain and simple. its great.

if you're someone that over analyzes everything looking for perfection and generally has problems with everything, you'll dislike it.
Jul 24, 2020
when will these people doing all kinds of medieval content realize that high defense does not equal low attack power or even low attack speed lmao
It really hurts people just to do a quick research in weapony and armor for their stories...just look how many mangakas and weebs put katanas as the MCs main weapon when it was proven the only time katanas were used was against enemies who didn't have on armor...yet every manga the mc get a regular katana and it can cut through medival heavy armor unless it's magic armor 🙄.

That's another thing, they think the sword just beats every other weapon...
Jul 24, 2020
Finished reading volume 2 and man everything up to near the end of second volume most of the writing is just flat out bad and there's even some retconning and reconning the retcons too. But at least near the end of volume 2 some level of danger finally appears

Edit: forgot to mention that the skill descriptions are also so poorly written they're hard to understand unless you see how that are used or if they are flat out explained by the characters themselves, which should've been what the skill descriptions are in the first place. There's also the fact that skills honestly act more like a plot convince in giving what the MC want's now to make things easier for him. Example would be a skill that's like a damage reflection as being the first skill on a skill tree and shield bash being the forth skill after a damage reflection skill, literally shoving someone with a shield as a skill is harder to get than a damage reflection. Not to mention for a class focused on defense the very same skill tree as a 20% attack reduction skill that stacks named disarm (which the effects last for 1 minute but that effect time is super long in terms of actual combat) as it's second skill and a parry that says in it's description forces the enemy to become open to be attacked, meaning MC should literally never struggle against enemies since he can just spam parry and disarm about 10 times and the enemy would literally never hurt him. Mind you, those skills are from a defense-oriented class and MC has been shown to spam them in a fight before the writers started trying to soft retconning it by having MC not spam it. Another terribly written thing about skills and skill trees is that your skill tree is literally locked behind your adventure rank which is super dumb and that when MC was talking about how to get skills he mentions that you can get skills base on your class skill tree and 2 "random" (because you can do that and why the lot makes those skill trees convent for him and his party members) but then later there's as ass pull of skill books existing and you can even combined other class skills to your own which is why MC is apparently the only one who knows you can do it and not like anyone has every tried combining an offensive skill with a defensive class to make the "strongest class", nope only MC and MC alone has tried it. But the worse part about ass pulling skills is that MC also gets another broken skill from an ass pull after beating after beating the boss in a raid (although he didn't exactly beat it, some other guy one shotted the boss, the story literally has everyone saying he beated the boss by himself) and that broken skill just so happens to be a stun skill with works just like Shadow Possessions Jutsu, and it was from the raid boss who never once used any other skills apart from healing from eating corpses and creating minions from corpses and it was never stated it could be possible to gain skills from beating enemies until the plot wanted MC to have a broken stun skill. There's also the retarded level of thinking everyone has in the mangas world, be it pre isekai (aka the "real world") or in the isekai world is that defense-oriented classes are very looked down upon and a girl with a skill to increase luck but 500% is considered worthless, MC even offhandedly mention "oh she has high luck stats" even though there is no other stats than hp and mp shown and in the status windows and it's even shown like 2 chapters later that if your "lucky" enough you can even get duplicates drops, so when MC goes farming for a mob that drops an item worth 17 million gold with a drop rate of 50% and that 500% luck makes it so that they grunted always gets it, but immediately retcons the duplication drops that happened 3 chapters ago. I should also add in the fact that the number stats for hp and mp and levels and such are super terribly written, like an evolved boss monster (which was the raid boss mention earlier) at level 40 only had an hp of 97 and going back to what I said before the guy who was able to one shot this boss was also the same level as the boss, level 40.
Thank God I came to the comments before going past chapter 1. The second i read it's about their class being shitty but then their is ways to make it OP and only the MC knows. That shit gets annoying really fast cause the amount of MMOs I played and could Google for class builds were everywhere
Double-page supporter
Sep 17, 2023
Thank God I came to the comments before going past chapter 1. The second i read it's about their class being shitty but then their is ways to make it OP and only the MC knows. That shit gets annoying really fast cause the amount of MMOs I played and could Google for class builds were everywhere
It makes more sense in this case - his build was probably well documented in terms of the game on Earth but as an isekai the 'natives' were never willing to risk dying even once. Removing the ability to revive after death changes the dynamic for creating and testing builds which may have risky or unreliable results.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2023
So i clicked on this thinking it’ll be one chapter, since thats the norm with oneshots.

It was not one chapter
Mar 2, 2024
feels pretty meh, the only interesting plot was some type of revenge on his family who betrayed him and that kinda comes to an end at chapter 29, everything is just very mediocre isekai stuff, dungeon fights giga boring as always ye not much else happens after

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